Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ \' ' I l I 602 The 'Demm~ration of the Prob/cme. A Dommarioos, Puncipalirics, and Powers,] - I I let them tell that can, that they ptooue • hat Additions \ they fay;l confctfe plamly,that lam altogc· • ther Ignorant. Hence may rhc Aot~qUityo \ the: bookes vndcr DitJn]fi«~ Artop«guR his 1 THe modernc Paptfls holdc. thefc name,bec gathered,rhat teach nmc orders o poGuons: fir!I, lawlulucs ot cqlll· ll.ngchfo vudoubtcdly. uocation on oathe,or tofwcarc cquiuocally 3 The Fathers holdcgcnerally, that the tlut hee dtd not that wh1ch !1~ ~~d, tl~ough firU precept of the tenneconuuandcmcnrs, he bad •· thatco pray lorthCil' cnc· concerncth the houong or choolin!?of God; mics in fpecrall, ts noconunand, but acoun- B the fccondis uf tdols- the trnthotccncuplffell. 3· T hatonalatl, ins la.viull to drinke ce~oce: fo .-achtthp),.to !ud<t<J, De dec.log. often, and to ~akc med1c1~es. 4· tb~t many I Io[tphm Anttq,lib.'l.cttp.6.&8. Origen,tnExathciUical thoughts,and filthy unag1nauons od,bomi/,8. Athant~fiU4, JnSynopf. N 11~i111R.(nr~ • .arc nofinncs. 5. tharroukeawayanyfmall invt'l'(.d(Decal. Am/,rofeand Hurome, in£- rhing whof-= lolfc brings ll~ great damtllag~ phef.c~tp.6.1'rocopiu.sand RNpertUJ,mEJ.·od,cap. to the ownc:r, is no morrail £inne. But 1o,withothers,vi:c.. ANthorop(ristmp(rfe[/., 111 arc llrangers to the Fathers cares, yea vnull M11tth. homd. 49· Auguftine ~~ vanablc, one of lm,vnto all Chrillians. whole affirming ot, and another whole deny. z Not a Father of the fir[! 4oo. yeares ingit,vilie0!fl.vrt. &nou.T{lqu. 7 0!_.{1. taught mne quires of Angel.: butconttarifi•per E•·od.t.b.•.cap.]t.Ep•fl.r•9· «potevndfwifc fomcdocouettbrowtl11s dlflmction. I C cimo. think< ((aithTh,dow,in 1.adColo/J.) th>t he 4 The Fathers generally eirher drnic,or callcth tbeCherubimthe thrones: (for the fuppretfe in lilcnco, that the loules of the Prophet E<-t£hit![aw thethroneofthe dcoty dead can rerornevnro the liumg. {h'J[•Jhme placed vpon rhcm,) and by domin.:uior!~, Del.a:t.aro,hr.m:vltim.TtrmlliA,,hb.deAnima. principalities, and powcrs,hcc 01eancs rho{e I(tdore, Ety11W! 8. cap. 9. Th(ophflaft, In 1hatgouerncd rhe natiQJls• .At.Jguf/inecallcth Mattb.S.and others,vi~...A,thor qu.t/l.ttd A~t· ehem all by the generall namc of'Angels,entioch.qu<~.It.& lJ.•pud A thana(. doe all dechir.cap. sS. Whether the Archangel• becal· !1Y this, Augu}hn•feemes to be ofanNheroled vertues(f1ith hc)--or what thedot!i:- pinion,in his booke oftbccarcforthe dead, rcnce IS bctweenethcfe4· words, [Thrones, J<i, The Confequent. J\(_o Apojlle ,no holy Fatber,no found Catholike,for noo. ,yeareJ after Chrijl,did euer holde or projejfe that doE!rine of all the Principles and grounds of :R.,eligion~ that iJ now taught by the Church of ~'!le, and authorized by the Councell of 'Trent. • I . SOLI DEO GLORIA.