-==============A:;;===========··- CHRJSTIAN AND PLAINE TREATISE OF THE MANNER AND ORDER. OF PREDESTINATION, 1\ ND OF THE LIIRGENE S OF GODS GR II CE. Firft written in Latine by chat Reuerend and faitbfu0 feruant of qoa,M'. "\IV.PERKINs, late Preacher CJf rile Word in Cambridge. ~· :JX.V Carefu!ly tranflatedintoEngli/h hy Francis Cacot ' and Thamas T uke. Ro M. 8. vcrf.19,30. Fortho(e,.hichhek!J•woifort, h• •I/o prtd<flinatc,. 6:mad:lik;totb: Jmag"f his Sonne, that hu mightJ,e theJirfl6~nua1JII)ng 111a".J 6rethrm. Momuer,whorm hepred•flin•t:,thmoalfo h:caO<d,and'IPhom• h:caU•d, th•malfoh•iuflified, and wkoiNf h•iuflifi•d,th:m h:alfoglorifwl. , I f. Printed at Londan by loHN LEaA·TT: Printer to the Vniuerfitie ofCambridge. x6q. Ee e :z. / . ., ... nl1 ! '