, I G HT Worfll.ipfull,amongllthcmanifoldepolntsof Chriflian Reli– g1oo,rhe truth et rhc:DotltJneconcc:rning p,cJeHJnarion,is worrhy{en· ouund fober fludy, for the found vnderftandmg thereof, For fir fl, it is fomethingJiftic~ltandobfcure. Secondly, becauf~ it 1s by j()mecagerly 1mpugncd,asa fnuolous and f,)rgrd inucntionof mans t.rainco Thirdly, d10usoptmons hauepaffed f•O dJUcrs mend1ucrfly,about till, one poinr. whereas notwlthUand.ing rfic:re 1s bur one rrurh, and oneddin1rc& con~ flant fentenceto be found io holy writconccrmng 1t. FPurthly, thisone dothincd.orh giucvcry good euidencc,andan'ampleDemonOrationof Gods in6mtem(rcic, and exact 1ulhce. Flftly,ltalford'lh fometaCie ofhis profound and uupcnetrable counfel. SJxt– ly,it doth notablymamfcrt his admirablewi(edome•nd policie,and the incorruptible purity of hist\atutc,whoull(elydifpof<thal thmgs,and vftth euen eUils without iniu(bce;lnd the leaft re– cetp< or infulion of corruption; and all for the mamfcilarion ofthe glory of llts Name, and of the fplendour of hu renowned propwics. Seauenrhly, it confoundtth the comrnoncautll of many defperate and infatuated Atheifls, who would make Gods Preddltna ton the p.llar of their f~nfuall fecurity,and fecurc fen(uality. LanJy,it miniflreth exceedwg comforr vnto thof,, whO renouncing the kingdome ofSinncldoc IIUCltkcS.tinrsin the kmgdomc of L,.laCe.Fu ll,bc– caufc it is nor poriiblc for any fuch to Unne wirh full confcnr ofheart, Sccondly,brcaufc no per– (cmall meritsare r<quired of thtm. Tbirdly,becaufe the Spiut ot God almicthm rhcm,1• bo is bufiewithin the hiueoftheir hearts as a s~e,& workerl1 rhemltke \.\-<&XC. Fourthiy)becaufeGod bath eternally prcdcllinated tbcm ro ercrnaiJ ioyes;and thu(e al[o mcvmpr~hcntibl( & lfl{i.}il– ble. Ftftly, bccauleGod bathmabundance vouchfa(ed that tr• them beetng but'" hanotull, which he bath denied to whole heap<• beGdes. S.xtly,for rhatrhey bemg eletled,can tn no " ''e periOJ.Fortbecounfcll ofthe Lord fhall Uand for euer,P(•f.s3· 1 1.And beloueth t!,cmwuhan euerlaLlingloue, fcrtm·3·4· Though a M orherfhouJd forget herChtldr ,vet he will norforger rhern,for heharh grauen them Vpon thepalme of h1s hand,l/"·49·• s, a6. Therforehe wtll con 6rmerhcmvntotheend,J.(w.J,18. And byhis powerkccperhem vwo faluarioll, I.Prt. 1.5. Hew1IIIouechern conllanrJy,rhough he vifirrbeirtranfgreaions wrrh rod~) PJ<li,89.)Z,33· He w11J nc:uer rurncaway from them, though herike them by tbe necke(as Job (peaKdh)iiindbear ler,4t, 4o, chctn,rhough he cur their H~tnes and breakcthcm, and though he pc,wrcrh their gall vpon the lob 16 · 1 :. ground,and runneth vpan them hke a Gyant. /of•phdtd alfct\ his brcrhren entitcly ,though he tpake roughlv to them. He mayalfofometimcs letthcm faU,as alouing Nurfemay hcrch.Jde, 1 Piprein: hot he wtllltftthem vp agaioe; therefore howfoeuer they may fall,yet they 01011 notfalla•ay. 1 Etptptc,n !ndecdcthey may leaue their firCIIoue,asthe Churchof Epb</HI rud; butthey fi1all neuerleau< Rcu. 1 •4 , 10 loue at all,iftuer they loucd truly. For(as Pn~f[aith)L••edOih •••" f•tf•w•y,llmay oc ietfc- t.C6M3.8. ncd, butlt cannot be lofl. In ltke man'OCr,rheir faith may beecouercd,as the Sunne wtth adufkiccloud 10 ;a gloomy day: or as rhcrreesare~~r~Ihow fornctimcs if! ow·wu:rJ but yet itcominu· <th firrnely fixed (though n?wandthenecliplcd) in thefpha:reof the heart, and keepeth fap , 0 the roore. Forthe righteous man is os a treeplanted by theriuersofwaters,Pfal.q. And i• · ouilt by that great bllllder,of_~e-i'uen and earth vponarocke) Mar.16.18. l'hefe comtorrs will this one doClnne olfoord,bem~ tl1_roughly pondered and vnderCioud. And no doubr tt.ele and . the hkeconliderations mooued that holy and learned man ot blclfed memory, to publtntthis • , ptefcnt trratifefor the bcnefitofthe Churcb,and the fame hau• alfoinmcd vsto turoeirout of the rongue wherein he wrote ir,intorhe Engli£h,for rhear profit whoare igouranr in rbe other; · and the rather, bccaufe it iscontriued and penned very plaincly,foundly,and (uccintlly,as the fubietl will permit, The which (RtghtWotfhipfull)a!Turmgour[duesofyour vnfa~gncd loue vnto rherrurh,we do prefent and dedicarevriroyou,m token ofdcferuedgrarirude,for vndefcr– ued kiodnelfe, not doubting of your courteous and kinde acceptance. And thuswee humbly rake our leaues, recommendingyou, and all youn to the protetlion of I•h•••· Ro>he(ler, this 19.of Febru•r;. 1 6o6• ., ' , , • , 1 ·.,, YoQtW<(,i!hip 1,n'alldutl•• • FJt.AN(Ii.CAcorr ,and THoMAS TvKE, vnder