{neCiuic. Dc1JI.11·'•l AdMo&~ym!.nn.h~.l. Comment. in 1lteg. Cap 4. THE 0 R D E R 0 F PR EDES TINA~ TION lN THE MINDE OF GOD, . AS NEERE A~ the Author could collect it out of the Scripture•. RedeGination isthe counfell A like manner Gr~gorJwrh: l• hufeHete isdge- E r. of God touching tbc l~(l c:nd ment_hee /~tf{eret1J et~ilffo b~ dotu,hut rrith.a!Jhee lk~~~~:p.4, or ellate of man our of this dothmmercJ Jare-c~ft, whatg"od 1hings humay remporall ornaruralllife,For hring to pajJe bythe{"uils,which he d"hordaln< :ts touching naturalI Hfc wee hJ he-J i«dgnmnt. 'Forwh4tgrcaur {inne i4thert . . . arc all alike: and this kindc of tbrnthat bJ which 'IJie doe 11Udie? 'fndwh4tgreA'" life11 Ill tl>e counfell of God onely a prepaurgotdneffnhmthat hywhich weare ./ebu"''d ration and !!epvnro the fpirituoll and heafromdwh! And dotJhtle{[t burrhac Adaru!i•- uenly life. Thcfupremcendeof PredeOina · ned, oHr Redemurp;ou!dnDt hau~tAkf,ourfiefo uon 1st he manifc(tauon ofGodsglory,partvpon him. -~·1Yhilcs G~d r&IUto het bome ml4»> ly inhismercy,and partly in his iutlice. And the Almighty didfort[u thAt lmwo~ldm•k• rhis harh beene the doCtrineof the Fathers. of that cm!/, for wlucb the) al'tre to die, A Saint Aaflen(aithltbatonrofthefetw~ (ocirtics good which fogu/d b!e greater thm th11t ofmen> 1Phich n•c mlfhc;,!IJcalillN cztics. is th~Jt B will. The grtattkJ1t r;f whzcb .r.ood what (Aith· rrbit:h is pyfdefti.,ated to reignc eternally with fl,tJ man is ihtre irho doth not jee how wonderGod: ~wd the otbtr to {tJjf.·r ucrnaf/ pum{hmeiJt jufly lt doth tXcdl! SurtiJ grc.tt ~rrc th~ c11i!J with t/11 dme/1. Flll_(<ntiU& f•ith alfo, Th.r in which ri>cfuffer hJ the de{m ofthrfirj/f•ult: hut tjods predej}ination there is prepared either a whtit J~tithf.u/1 manW6uld nfJl ratbcrmdHre worfc merciJHII remijfiort of (imra, or a m~ pttni{hing. thcnto6e wit bout fo great aRedemur 1 And in AndGngme[aith,Th•t Godhcing aiuf/ Creathis refpe<'l dfewhcre he calleth the fa! ofAtor 7.mttJ aOafter anadr.:ir~ble m.1rmcr,hAthfore dam, ftE!iccm culpam, a happy fault. That InBenedefied (cm~, atJd for/ak.en Dthtrt i;c,theircorrupwhich I haue faid of thcpermiliionoftbe fal, rlifr.Cerd ti.mt.Aod the more Jearnd School-men vfe I do alfofay ofthe fall permitted;fau;ngthar Pofc, to fay,thatGod forrhe moreful mamfdlatio the permdlion is a meanesof the decree by of lus pcrfedion,hath predeGmated Come m 1t (elfe, but the fall i• a meanes(of •ccompliman>fcl!mg hJS goodnes by the tuleof merO>ing the decree) onely by the ordination of cie; and damned othero, in reprefenunghis C God,who drawe•good out of cud(. - perfection by the rule of iuU1ce. This fall permittcdcommethnot to pa!Tc The common meanes o( accomplilhirig but God willrng it, neither doth it come to I \r:H:hit.C.'Z? thiscounfell rstwo-foi·J ; thecreation,~rhe paife conrrariwi(e or orherwifc then God pcrmdlion of the fall. Creation, is that by pcrrnitterh, neither can it any furrher he wh1chGod made rhewhole man ofnothing thenhee dorh permit. Yet the •ill of G<ld accordingtoh!Sowneimage; but yetchanis not the cau(c of the fall, but the will o( ·•eable,and en.Jned •·ith a n'aturalllife. The man left vntoit felfe by God, and mooued ' ~ennitlion of the fall is, whereby God did by the fuggellion of Sarhan; whichwill apfuftly fuffer A.J•mand his poGerity to fall apeare by this fimilitude : I build a hou(e 11·ay,in that he did not hinder them when bee (ubiect to change and falling, wbich notll'a< ablc 1 as becing indeed bound to none to withllanding would continue many yeares, hmder. And God isfaid nottohiod<r euiU, ifit might bee free from the annoyance of •,·ben heccafeth afcer afort from hisopewi- D windcs: yea, if I would but vndcrproppe ir, on,not iliumin2ring themindc,and not1ncliwhen the flormecom[neth, it would contl· ::ingthc will ro obey bis v01cc. This permifnuc Oable. Butasfoone asthc windes begin rton ofthe cui! offoult IS byGodoforeknowto rage, I doe not vnderproppe >t, and u ledge and will, but yet onely fortheg~acer is my will not tovndc:rproppclr,becau(Cit is g0od of all :which would behmdred ifGod my pleafure fa ro doe; thereupon the houfc Jidr.crfuffcr euill, Forif the,. were not fin, beeing weatherbeaten falleth downc. I (ce there Jlwuld bee no ploce for:be patience of the fall ,and in parr I wil it,becau(enow when Mntyro, and forrhefacr>Bce of Ch11G offeI could very car.Jy haue hindered tbe fall,r rc.tvpoi.Jtbc cro!fc,which d0th infinitely exyet I would not. And alrhoug.h thusfarrc I ..:ecdeall th!!finnc ofthe whole world. .Am!U· doewiJI rhc fall, in fo much as 1t IS my w11l flj;u faitII wd!: Gwl h~th ir-tdgrdit {uturto'do~ nor to hinder ir : yet thecaufcof the _fall is ~ood l"llilh uri!t, tben ropcrmit noeuilltobt. In . not ro bee imputed vnto mee, that d1d not\ · vnder- ..