-vf Treatife of Prt:dejlinaiior,; vndcrpr-;;f,?oir,buttorhewindeswhieh ea(! rA many would) rhe forcknowled;;eorfo"ic•· 1t tlowoc. So GoJ leaumg A lam vntoh1m- ~ngofluturefaJth, htts manlfdUy deceiued. felle,rhor he might be prooucd by rcnrarion, For whom God foreknew, them hedrd prP.- and rhac" might oppeare wha! the cre>rure dellmate that they lhould beeh~e to Cllflll; i1 ahle to doe, rheCrea.torcca!IOgfor a rune tharis,thar th~y fhould bc:madeiuU,and the to hdpe and gnide,,. nor to boaceouqtcd rhe fonnesofGod:for Pa11/3ddcrh, Rom.8.t9, cau(cofthlst'.lll. For he did not end10c rhe Th:lth~mightbetb:JirPb,,nJe .tm~ng tmlr.JbnmrnJ ro linne,hee did notinfufe •ny corruprbren.Bur t11ofe whrch at••: pred,,llmared to be rion, neither d1d hce: withdraw any gtfrJ tuUJamJroberhe!onnc~ofGod,arealfoprtwhich hee dtd beUow mthecrC!Ition: ondy delluwcd ro bdccue,becaufe i\doprion•nd tt pleafed him ro deny or not ro confccre Righr~oufi>elfe•rc reccrucd by fairh. Now co1 firming grace. The prop~!r cau(e ofrhe wee cannot righrly fay, thatGoddo 1 !h fir!l f•ll wasrho dJUeiJ attempting our ouerrhm1v, foreknow rhat men will belct:ue, and afrrr- ~Lld A1~mt will, whtch wheu it begi1n to bee wards predcClin:ate thcro tobclceue;bcca.ufe prooucd hyceoratioos, dtd not delire Gods rhar God hatb therefore forekiwwne that atlilhocc,but voluntarily bent it fclfe '" fal a· B thofe !hall bcleeue, whomc he did foreknow way. wouldbeleeue, becaufebeedid decreerbar Prcue!linarion bath t1m parrs, rhe decree they Owuld bcleeuc.So Iuj/in Martycallcth Cont. of dcClion, and the decree of reprobatiOn. tho(eelect,wl.iowcrt"fonk.mm=neo thlltthcyfooHid Triph. Dcfummo So ljidorefatrh: Thtu is.adoublrpr:dif/inA!irm, hduueo, And Lum64rd. fPJ,ome bee bathfou· Comment. bo.!.t.c. 6. r,tfn•rof t/}1! rft"{f vnNJ rr{l~crofrht: rrprobateo vn.. ~ntnllnt", thtm he hnthpredrftinA.ttd, that is, 61 ~0~~:·8.::.d tod~,~:h:a,,d botiJ Are done by God, th.'lt hemight gr"'ce CPnfnr~dhe bathprtp4redr/;~t tiHJfhgHfd Co oo(co. m.z{e tJg et~fl alwaio to jo(/(}rr after h·at$enll bt'/u.r.-ttJJewordpuREht'd,Morcouer,theword fcjo~ ••d[porir~•ilthings, •ndrh,rt honight{ufFr tlu (k.n•w)when it is giuen vnro God (peakingof rqrob.-ae. 67forf,,k,nsthem . to6ede!ighttd afthe creature, dorh very often ligmfie ro 1111~ ruli.:..«.cs. waitt with earthfJ .•wd outward things. And brace or approoue.Pfal.r.6.TheLord k(l(}Wetb clp. s. A1gt'iom~ faith : Chri{l by h~J fecret d1(pen(ari.rm t lu way ofthe ri~htt'OJU,bt~tthe WAJ tj'therPick.fd ! IJAth 1mt of a1J V:4f.. irhfr~ll people predcjhn~ted (haliper~jh,Marth.7.Z3,Dep4rtfrcmmeJnvgr~ I (ome to tH,riaft"iiJg lsberl] 1 qt$ick._ning them of hi1 k.!rs ojinhpm1e,lnet-ter}zn~wJOU, Furthermore, fne m!rC1: and d:r.m•z:d others in tH!'rlaf/itJg rncpre[clcnce&purpofe ofGodareby the . J,41h,inl<auinz thrm b; hishidd,niudg:mcnun C holy GhoU pur for one and the fame rhin.:l1 ~b:irU'ick_ednej[e. z.Tim.1.19. Thef~und~tlio,;ofGodrem~inttb · Tne dc.;rcc of cleCl:ion is that whereby (url',TbeLordk._nowetbwho;~rebis. Rom. n.z. Eph.r.r. GJJ bath ord.1ined certaine men ro his glaTh(}fe whom Godforelz.~e~· are (llid to 6e clelled nou;gracc,in the obtainmg of thdr faluari- -fCcording to thee/t[llonofgr.tce, verf. 5. And on and he•ueoly life by ChrHl. rhercforerheforeknowledge mentioned by There ,£h Io rile deer« of ele&on according ro Paul dorh nor fignific the foreknowledge of a1t: vliully Gods dctcrmintrion1 chereis(a~ we concciut) faith, or of :myothervertuein rhofcwhich o iled the adouble ad. Thcformcrconcernesrhe end, arero be cledeJ. It isal(o rheiurlgc;uenr of De p:rfcu. ~~~~~:~~~t~ the latter c~ncecnes the meancs tending eo AugHjlin~, that prcdell:inatkm is[ome~imes ~~~~·11 ,:., on ofchc thecad. Th1sthe holy Gholl [eemerh ro me vndcrll:ood by prcfcicnce J cuen in the fore- Rom, u·J·'· decree. to hau~ caught very euidently, Rom. 9· 11. [aidplace. Ht~thfjodctift .twayhiJpeoplewbich That rlu ptt"P'f~ which i1 t~ecording to cleflio:1 he knew6rforr?Andhe faith that,Thtij"ethat nre De: corr~pt. mi,{,)trmuuu, Herewee feetbac Pardd1Gin- (onnuin GodJfore~no~'fl/cdg~, Trhofo name1arc &. gr•f.c. 9. gmtheth Gods ctemaiJ purpofc and clctl10n 1 written in thtirfAther I rcgif/cr,[r; 1u thcl foA'Ilne- 1, & placet!t in hisdecree a cerraine eledton 111 u<rbee r.[td out, Cri/ faithalfo that Chrij/ rhefirfl pl•ce befoFcthe pJrpofe ofdamning D k•Dinth-hi;<{h~tp.<, ri<Fiing And {ore(eeing rh"" ExpoUn or fauing.And ill Rom.8 1.9,30. Thofewhich vntuuer/ll{linjJif~.A(jthc Apoltlefaith,Rom. loh,7.c:~,r.. h~ k,_l1t1Pfl't/9re, heealfoprtdf{/mated to hemtule 11.1.1. GcdhathtJotc:rfl arvaJ his peoplewhich !i~e to theim~tge ofhi!{tmm-. Whom hepredche kgeJ'# lufore. For M theLord isjAidnot tfiknow f/inAttd, themalfo he ,;t/!ed. In which wordi th•f'-"H'hDmfhedothrei({f: asr,hmbeanfwercd {Jdrddilt1nguifl1eth bctwcenethe decree, and th(fooli.fh'l.·irgins[a]ing, Matth.~s.lz. P~ri!y 1 cbeexecution thereof, which hee rnakcthro (A)tJntoy(}u,Ik!'oll' 1ounot: (ohqisrighrly( 11 id to be in rhefethree,Vo.:at:on,lu{h.fication,and knoiP thcfe;whomt hedothpredefiin;~te Andfare~ GlorHica:ion. Mvreouerheedillmguifheth appoint vnto (Aitlldio;,, And Th()mJt.J expcnnIdcooHu· the decree inro rwo acb, foreknowledge, derh rhar place in rhe 8. ro the RomanClaf- godeCJnll. ~~~,~~~t:~~~~ht~:~.~:~.~r~~~:::fi::::~~~: ;;~~;~:r~:~.~~;;:;.7t~.~;~i::::}:;:::,:~;, i:~~:;~_ whereby heharh dcrermmed from eternitie And hewillalfoh4uean ~!feauallwill if conf~r- achim,in ro make them l1k 1 evnt'J Churl.In l1ke maner rintgr,tceto/Jc incfuti(d m the ftttowledgc of ap~ Rcu.par.I, Pttcr !cachetb. J.Per.r,z..wherc he[alth,that probatton *,.Pet: 91 th:!~'airhf'~/Jarecld1(daccordint{tothefior(1·nowlotlle,decrce f J n.· h fi (! ..a. p,..ople·. , • 1• ~ " o e ••dOn t e r a,ds a w.h•d• Go.! bdg~ ~f Gt-·d the {4rhtr untof~nUi(icf~tion of the p~IC_pofctor rather a parr &beginning of rhe chollen. l'pwir.Ifany man 01a\l fay tlm by foreknowdtutnc purpofc,wherby God durb 'takecer- ge<l,mo I« __,1 g,_e_i•_H_h_cl_-e..cp_la_c_c._,v_c_e_n_>u_fl_v_,_Jd_c_rl_la_n_d_,_(-"as'---'--'-'":c.'.::"e:..•:::u..:.cn:.:..::w.::h.::ic.::h~a:re ro be created , vr.ro his him fdfC"• M:r,lrmt:· j .E c~-4_·_ _ c~edalllilb ~-- \