rv'l treati/e of Predeflination. --,-----,----:--cc– y(!atcnouily ro w1JI eo belccue,is in very deed A. it in mans power,that hee may; 1f heewtll,reJ to belecue. The publ1cansand harlots, and ceiueit: and that he may alfo; if·lic will·ndr;' rhofcwhich arc held captlucatthe diuelsw1l, refufeanddefp1fcir:and tof:iy, thatGod hiuh do repent and arc conuerted: and therefore giuen \o"nto men no other gracr, then thar athey doe hot oncly rccciue power if they wil, gain!l which the fle01 or penierfc will may but ofnillcrs and Uubborne repugnerothcy preuailc in all mcn,and aga101l which it·dotb are made aclually will10g. 1 preuaile indeedc in the greare!l p~rr of manThirdly, there arcand haue bcenc many kinde, becaufcGod willnorrcfiraine it. 'r o narrons, which haue had no kno 1 vledge of concludc,lervsalfo hcarethetdlimoniesof thefaltb, or which haue not kept (r, &with· the Fathere. The author ofth'ecallingof the outthts knowledge, there is r;oc any faumg Gentiles,faith thus: if (i 6ethatih~ f,miMr1 graceJ Anfwcr is wont robe made, that maLl gr.tce do paffrbJ jPmr('" 'We~e it Joth)Jt is tobt recciuing natural! hghr is not ro b.:e excufed referred tD the biddmis1dgments of dtuiruiuPice: for the want of fupernaturall knowledgc:bcAugu[line: Nothiwg ddiue.-eth v1 J'om tht1 caufe1f he would do by Gods affillancc that '"athwhmb) we •r-.11 vnder jinne,f••mg tht wh1ch lieth in him,God would inlighten him grace •(Cjodb] le(m Chri~.WhJ thi1grace comlib.dcpec, ment.c.·u. with fupernaturalgrace.Forthusthefchool~ B meth ID tb.ttinfant,~tndnotvnto this,rheciiu[e · Greg de men doe vfuallyfpcakc: Although ,oman W maybevnk._m;wneJ,utn6t'llniuJ1. Againe/tw..u InExod VJ.l. ~b!e61 dummiflene of mento~"ow the mllureof 6] diui11e dt,'jun(ation, thllt Phataohdidnot tra· qu:rfi,18, f"a1th, if beene~frbeard any thing of it; JBI hu fla6!J con[ent, hut objlinattl] re{is7, lucauferh,u m!lJ hyq4dshelpe, if heeliNemorn!IJ According there 'IPMnot Dnel] n iuft pHnifommt, 6ut4 i~:jl to Gods law (" mHch 1tJ in himlitrh todae. For punijhmenteuidently prep11rt'dfqy fuch aht'Art, thm Godwill[uccourhim 'either 6] hun(elfe, or '"heu61 tboft whichftare GDdtnA} becorreflcd. 6y fomc other, towit,eirher man orA "[d.~J prD~ Againe: The iJtdgmunts .1re ·:m{(llrchable, pefmd111g offaith vnt~ him. For lf4 in nat#r(IJ/1 whereforeoftwowick,edmrn6ein_'{ofJMres4ged, thivgs,.foin{t,pernatur4/lGod d~:b mini{1ergract onefoould brcall~d [o,(r4 that hu{bDuld follow rh~ when man is not wantmg to hrmf~lfe. 1 an[wt:r, caller, and the Dlher fhou/d eith~r tW 6te called that tlmis falfc. Font grace be giuen tohim atal/..ornot cAlled (o.u thot bee foou/d follow hm, which doth that which lieth in him to doe thAtcAltbi., :Andagaine; Hegitmhtor<hom by the Jtreogthof nacure; it is giuen either he wil/,6~cA11/~beis m~rcifu/1, whichrh011gh bee by merit of prom1fe. Not by merit, becauf< (Qou/Jnutgi•e·J'' heiJiufl. Againe, bee doth there is no merit before faith; and we do no. notgiuero them to whon,e hee will nor,tb~tr thrng acceptable vnto God beforewee haue C he mtght "'"~'k.••,.nttbericht~ of hi1 glorievpCont.Iul, faith. AHguf1ine: Thou 6ri1fgeff in akj11de of on th~ vejfelsofmN'CJ; for6y g111ingvnto fome, men, which &~n ple11(~ God withom the f4ith of who de{er11~111JI, hn'Pitl ht~ue ino 6e his fru, omd Chrift, by the law ofnRtUre. This is the caufe 6]thisai(D, histruegrAcumdjaHollr. AgalnC 1 wh; the Chrif/t•• Church doth efPeci•IIJ detefl Who(oeuer arc{et apart from original/ d•mnart JoH. And it is notgiuen by promife, becau{e onthrou!hthe69rtntieofGodsgrau,irisnodoHbt, rhereiano promifeor:diuineJawtobefound butthatst fn~U ·be~ pr9cur~d for thrmlo beare in the Scnpturcs,that grace 010uld by •nd by the q•JPell,andto bel.e•e when thq heartit. A · begiuen vnto him thatdothtbatwhichJierb gaine; We k.,_n()WtharGodsgrauuhot.giuen vn· in him to doe. It is alfo (alf~ to fay,thatGod ID allmen, And ag.aine: Wliy Du~ man is fo txdoth mim(ler all things thar make for rhe horud that h.eit perfw•ded, and rrhJit itnot fo felicity of nature, or this prefem life. For with 11nother,O tb~depth oftheriches?Thor:nas, fome arc borne lepro(e, blinde, foolifl1, very As beedo:h nut Jpentb~eJnof.-llthntare biim./e, po?re,vnmeete for thia temporarie f~licJtic; norc~re tt/1thAt nr~ cra~ie; that i11l tho[e his pfJrvnetthcr doe they eucr attainevnto it. This . errmgbt 11ppea,, .ttndrht~t in the other theordtr opimon alfo is againfi experience ; becauf~ ofRaturemight 6epr~fcrtud:menfohe doth not many die in the1r infancie,and manyarefoo- D by hishelppr~uent afltbt~t hind~rgrace, but (Mu h01 and madde .11l rheir life long,vpon whom mwhotJJ( hu wi!luh thnt bu mercu (bQJJ!d o~pu:ecannot fay rhac this vniuerfall grace is bepeare : foalfo th4t tbeDtderofiHflicefoo:-~ld ba fiowed.lt tsalfo conrrary to moll plainepla· m•nifef/ed in othm. I lidore, Spiritual/ groce ')Rom. 9 • 1 g, ce_s o~ Scripture. SA/u•tian isnot inhim that IS nor ditlribur~d toaiJ,hut ; 1 0nt:!y ginentNhe · wllleth, norm him that ru;meth, /Jut in God that eletl. Againc, llis giuen tu him, 6ecau(e bee l Mat. I ;.J 1, foewerh mercie. And,he h11th merqtJn whom b1 it euiO th~t 'BIDNIJ he g1od: anothcrneith~r 'Jl>i!. • l wiil,andwhomehewiflhe h.trdeneth. lti1 giuen lttb, neither is it giuen him that he might be l~ thedi(ciples IO"110PI thefecretsof th~ /Qngdome goOd. o~meracenfis: .AlthoughGQd 6u IUJVnij]oh.;.s. ofheamn,but to th~m it is notgi.ven: Tht wimle uerjAIIagmt ouerAII/D lf4 th..rbee t.iutthvnto all 1 M:lt,11.1 7 • 6lorn1h not on all,but whfreit bfleth: The SDtme (omegi{t_ufgraa,a~ 6umg,bfe,lz.,ou:/edge, & c. 1 dorh not reu~ale the Father VlfiQt~/l,bflt tD whom~ ]ft ~e g1ue~b fomegt{tsof JPe~iall gract' viJ(o o;u, roh.6·44· hnviH. All doe nor beleeue, 6ut tho(ewhich U~.h~ehhegm~snouuanothtr14Jnamlly[aith,n11l. ACtl3·49· 4re dr.-rwne nndprede~inatedvnto lift. All doe rhe.grace whuh m11k$s vsgrnci41u,and fuch hlze 'I not hearc,hm tho[eto whomtrAresaregiucn(or wh"h ~tre the ejfe[!s of pred41inarion. Fmally to ~e4re, Furthermore it is forne impayring At~guflme,&almo!l al rhe Schoollllen make: of effctluall and Chrifiian grace,fo to place two kiodes of infidelitie, the one ncgatlue 1;,·. I_ Ggg 3 Ill Lib.debon, pt:rf.co~p,8. lbid,cap,7. erri~t::~1. 1 Lib. de fpi· 1 rit.lir. c.;4· Com.gcnt . lib.;.c.u:ir. Sem.lib ~. c::tp4j . &6. Inli!>.fcnt.... 1.q.1t,art.t,