Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

( 630 .11 treatife oj Pmieflmation. -. I .•nrhofewhochneuer heard rheGofpcl : the "" the giue~ of alJ gifts ~luch cor.wllt tl.•r I · orher pr~uau~eon rhofe rharrefu(c and congood either of foule or body,efpemlly tJ-.e temne the melfagc,whoch they haue heard of remedy of finne, Bur rhos is nothing cl(e, f Clmll. And;,,. to be nor.d,rhat by thiS dirhen ro imagmc a cerrainc (auing faith and I!m/loon they doe confelfc tbar God bath Church, wluch bath no "ord of God., all ! 1~or 1..-oucllf~fed fo much as an outward tal· eJtherwritten,or anyother wayrcucaled.Fur· J10g to eocry man. thcrmore,rhis is to accuk Pattlot falichood, \ , Ob"IJJ. The promifcofthe[eedeofthe whoteoch<th rhe contrary in rhele words: . 1 woman is madcin.Ad11m toail andro~ucry Sui>7[.theworldbJ~i(uir.mrk,.ntwno~ Godin1hr , Co man\ A~t(wer. It I!! madero Ad~ms pofiem_y, wijtdome of GotJ, it pk•ftd GodhJ the foobfona • r.T,:&J, Dcvoc:'!t. mdcfimrcfy, not vmuerfally. Whe" f;~IHatrQfl ofpreaching tiJjAHt them tb11t belttue. It is alfo l gcm.Oaru· Upr()r»t[edtoallmm,4/lm"'"ren~meJft~rApart moficerrame, that we ought roknow ChrtH rt.!IE),t.c.J '-1 men, Theheads of thenations C~tt~t,('h.:im, the rc:decmor mCpccial.Thisistifeettrnnl,thllt Ioh.I7·3· 1 ·~ , £(au &c knew theMdliahwas promlfcd,but rhe1 1{11ow thee to bethe or;f; very God,andn·hom I chofewh1chcameafrer, knew h1111 nor 1 net· thsH &~~H fe,t le{U6 Chrifi. The (ame11ffirrne eher had chey rhe meane!J how to know htnt. B the ancient Fathers. lren.t;u:Tht) ber11gignoI.ib dehae· I[~. 5~· 66. Sofaith l{tti.u: .Mehane thq not k_no~tte,of me rant tJj thlltEm"'""Htl,whois bbrne o[fhe P1rgm, rc:l.J.c, lt, hf1!tt rbeynothea,.d. ThenationsaHonexrad ~ aredepriHedojhirgifi,-whu:hisb{ettcrnaU.Hic· In Epl'D}. wyning to the I ewes, peradueoture heard rome: We can,ot be his(ormes htfore,vnlcj]ewee fomcthmgof cbcMefliah, & hadprofc:lytes; receiut the {~tab ~ndvnderflttnding ofhis · 1 burchc natlonsafarr<otf, feared 111 rhe ••tterlr(m Chrt{f. Augufitn<faith,rh•r rhofe"h"h I f moll panso the earth, had no affaircs wirh wn'tiuP iru/dctimt, wh4tfe~uerthf) ture ,wtrt I thel!!\\'Cs, and no pro(elytes. And therefOre delinered onel] b]thatf4ith, whn-eh7 wuttrtdt~ 1t is fa!fe which (orne affirme. towir,that the liuer~d ;.to rrit, 1'1 tht {~tirbofChrijls inc4J'n.t- \ chufingoftllepcopleof lfr;r'd, was or.ciy a tion,Ag~ine:Wh~ttr~rh(otH:rrhoH(airjfJ<Min Lib.t.conr., 1 kmde of greater curtefie fhcwcd eo this natt· thofe wf:;~eh were tuft •n olde t1me, theJatth tmrl] 2..ettrft.Pd. on, oramoregentle entrcatmgof ir, and no ofthe MediAtDurf~tuelh them,whofhed his biood. cav.~ J• peculiar & diucr(e fauour, whereby he thewfor rhr forgiumeJ1eoffinou, ed himfclfe to bee rhm Father and RcdeeObirt/,111. 'The power ofGod is known •P fi .• meroncly. And to makcormaintainca hidvmo the Gentiles. Rom. 1. b ChriU is the jb ~O~~t~~~~ , den aoid inuifiolc Church among the Gcn- C powerofGod,J.Curmth,t.>4.'Th.,efore •co~du[o riles; bcforcthccommtngof Chnll,isalto. ChriUis knowne tothcGcnttlco. An(w. I Pfob~. gether to contend agamfl rh;_ word. qod 1 ir dGiUingmlh 1 ofrhh<propolirion. Th< power of ondJ I.;!Jorrr;t m !ud~h. The l1raclitt:s one y od 1s eir 1er t epov~er ofcre:nion,or of re· Hor.x. arc called"'] People in H.ifia: And they one· demption: The power of Godinthccreati· Ephef' '4• ly were Chni1s fhupf•ld: bccauf~ Chri!l:_when on wasknownevnto the Genttles : but not loLic.t 6. heecame,madc one 0Jcepfoldeof rhclewes rhe power of God in the reclcmption, which ilnJGentiles. is ChriU him[elfe,thc pr<aching of wloom is Ob"{l· I l. There is infolded in Gods fooliOmesvnto the world. pro"idencc, that care of God.touching all 06ittl, IJI. The F•thers fay that fauing rhofe thing• which concerne rhe blelfednes grace is vniuerfall. Fit U, I anfwcr, thar ohc of man. But the Gcnrtles kne1v thts prouifayings of rhc Farhers are to be vnderflood denceof God, and that his goodnttf£ was of thegrace of thelifitime, which is com~ " Co grcar, that bee would palfe by nothing mon toail menand natiCms.lrtnttm.TheLord Dc1u:rc-f.l, which might make for rhc happinelfe and bath reconci/(dvlin the/aft ,imcs hJhisinc~rnll-· ,.cap.J7· fitluation of man. Therefore the Gentiles tjon,heeing riJ(u/t~ Mcdiatom lunrttnc Godtmd d1d after a fort,ob[curely and by an inf01dtd1 D man,rteoncilmg the Ftttbtrttnto.all:-···gi~tingvn, knowledge, know. rhe doctrine concerning tovsth•t conHerfton 'R!hir;his toopr Creator. 01i- . the redemptionof mankind c-• .Anfw. This gem· faith: Goa hathttgrtAttrcllrtto{llutm(n ,.Hom.,o,m fat rh of things vnknowne is a mcere fiClion. then the diHeiJ htdb to d~flrOJ them.-···ThetmlJ Nuot. Forfairh of it owne nature is a certen knowbegotttn Sonne if God himfdfe(I fay) is prrj<nt ledge. .Morcou~r,.:tlrhough th~gcneraJI doe wtth 'lls,hedtfmdcth,k._cepeth~"'nd drAwetb fJJ'Ut:• include on it fclfc rhefpectcaor kindes, and tohim/elfi:·--forhe [•irhin •n.rhtr pl•ce. Whm rhewholc his members, yet he which knowI foaO be!ijtedvp JwiUdrAw fllithingsvnttJTi'Jrr. eth the general! and tbe whole, doth not by Chryfollorue: Grllrtisfb~dahrMdom 1111: ~~ •H'Jn 1• 7 .in and~y know all the kin~s and parts thereof. p~tjJcth bf,~t,u:ldi(dt~intthnt~thc~lm•, t~~r Grre~- !lob~ The mind mayfokno~ thegcn~raiJ;~hat yet ttn,nvr BHrbarum,nor Sry1ht~~n,,t tJ~Itk._eaJftlltd (or all rh~t it may in the mcane timebeigno· vnttJaU,itfJuweth itftlftgalllt'llr.toiiU,it c~tlktk rant of thtfpcciall kindes thereof. We muG .a/1 ,.,;,b rq•aD honc•r; Al!d lersho(e, Ph'"'!./,/1 - rbereforebcwarcof the Schoole·mcnaopi· the htlpe ofgrare, a[m6e rhis rh' rr 6/intlnrffe nion, \\•ho fay, that taluation was giuen bev,toth~mftlstn. }'or onfi'dtring tbat if~~~) tornFcre Cbrifl:s comming, for rhe implicire or ur inliahoptnVtJto fill, ~nd i1 f"r6rddu;toncr.~, infolded faith concernmg the Redeemer in feme drfPeratrly "'lrick._td Jot rtjHjt lfl ttJttr, gencrall 1 namely,when men d1d bcleeue that through rhtir e-lnuc~n~~plltm. Cyr~J (;~~d ._: He\ rnerds a God,and that he is arcwarder, and J.rJhe tr1u, .-r.d {ttJdtth .f6rrh h1s hrtj!.htmJJ~ 1 . l< .. b.c"P·• 1 • vnro