Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

j/ tre}fttje of Predejlination. . 631\ vmoa/Uut (as Paullaitb) rht God of tht~ world A llone,llocke,or beall cannot. Augt•f/. Apo(· Depr:rd. hath6lind~dtbunind~sofvnfaith(ullmm' thAt (i6t!itie tohAutfAithis giucnofnatnre, Agamc cp.s. l tb~ lir,ht of(jod 1 k__.J,I.,/edge m.rynot llmu in them, he f~irh, that mt~;IJJIUl.tHrc u ~af4~le oftufiJjic".. i,:~m,I\1 A~nbrofc:Tht e.lrt/1 Ujufl fJf themerclt sfqod, tion6; thegraceoftbehoiJSp•nr.Agamc: ]/,fen Pi3l,u8. b~c4u~p4rdonof/int~tJk'gJumvnto te!I,The mym4) ~up,es Gods comm.umd:mm1s anti bdeetu Jlicafi(H~neo[rzghreou(n:[Je U ri~n tmtotlO, is in q~~a ifthqYJ•ill;. becaufotbat ftt,ht enlightecomc vnttJ 41/,"a~h[ujferedforall, 4nd hifth rJftn neth ttitrJ. man wh1ch commeth into thi1 world. atT.tillt for all,jAr1di{anybdemrnot i11 Chrifl,he PcolFci':To b.eAbleto hamfaith is tbcnafltu of D~ gCn. d~priHes himfelfcojihi!geucraiJ b~t~cjit. He fontmm;but tr1_h.1!ufais~,it theirac,ofthcfaithfu/1. conmMa~ telh out thegraceofeommmlighlfrom him[elfe. Augufime~Thi.s dif!crmce there i.s-bettt~ixt N•ic- O!ch ho. 1. In Tob.J.JJ.. qrcgorie (aith ! The medicine which i& from k...eti me~ and tktdiHrls : that men '.~'out..h thq hee ~~·;;t, H~ cap, 11 , ~ddmeeteth vs in cHrrJ pf,tce; becauf' ht hath t'Xcudtr;g/y wstkcd,maJbert.Cf!'JCI!cd,ijGod wsli bifalio bothgit~envntonuncomma.dcm~HII nouofinne, fbewmercie; bsJtthere is no conucr(roa refcrNed ;mp.6~ .tndbathalfogiuenrmudusto hitn that (rnneth 1 (orrhediuelt. : Cq,mment. l'j/ h,jb,,;IJd,(p•ir.. Theodulus Pre•byter. Now ascopccrning Chr~lli,an grace,whcr·, 3• He h;eth{aidrhat both [ewu andGumlesfoot~id B by awtll to becomierr~dJ.an4tobelecueadu- . h~p.:trtak~r-JOJGrace.;d not aH,burthof~thar beally mChrifi isgiuen vmo men j the Fathers leeue:andG(CdufegraceUcommant(JatiJ not withhaue not fo much as dfe.amcd,that it IS co.mout caufe. . man vnro all,aod cucry one: whichnmwith~ Anfw<"• Secondly; they fpeakc ofnarurall vocati· llanding fome are not(c) now ofraid to at: 'Forthey on}orofthe grace ofnature confillins•n rhe firmein their writings. . ~Y ~hht . 1 relikes of narurall J1ght and vuder!landmg, il This plar-formc teacheth that Gods j~ene~~:Y in rhc:common gifhof venues andoutward foreknowJcdgcofour faith and infiddittc .is ~un wuhble!Ibg~, \Vhich ate rcfim1oni:s of Gods rhe rule of prcdcOinarion; which is vtrerly <lt!t"-xtc:pr• .. prouidcoce and goodnelfe. The aurhor of folfc. For firll ofall,the very Wllli•a rule Vll• onpowmo · ~ib.~. c. 14 . thecalling ofthe Genrilc:s: Forthu c411(e ver~~ to it fdfc, and counfds. Eph. 1. s. ~~~~~~~~i~- /y thenationuna1 be e.wu(cd, wh~eh bumg all~ 11. We were pred1/l11:atcd according t.o hu elfc. Arufromthecom·H'IH rvealth (Jf l{r4d, voide of purpofe, who rPOr~cth all thingsafttrthccoun- • Enor j. h9pe,and~itharu God in thirworld, hauep:·rt/hed fell rif his ow~tt will. Secondly, Gods eled10n vndcrthed4r~encJfeofigmJrance, b~C~ufethua. is the roleof faith rhat is to be giuen or not hu,d4nce ofgrAce, which dotb !low wattr the giuen. Rom. 1 J. vcrf. s. A rrferlflf.ticn is who!eworld,didniJtJ!oJrfoplerm(ult,beffJre : F_or made according to the eltdion 1' gr.tcr. th,.reiuucrmorc (hewed vntoali men 11 ceri.fl1fe C Thirdly, the foreknowledge of faith and in· •'(;h,yro~ m,.joreofdo£1rin'from(«)abotie; which .!bm fidclitrcdoth noi cxrcnd it felfe fo far as prefiomc13ith. u prot:eedfrom 4 tmreJJn~rlllg •ad hu!Jengrace, dellmatlon 1 wtuch •belongs wora afJ men chauhc j1et tt it {ujficiene- (i~. ~~~c L'.rdt i~dgmunt) for whar(oeucr. many of whome norwlthllan. or,& grar. r~~[l~~~c' a(b)~emed.evnto(om_e,and a '*,ltntjfe vntiJ all. dmgntucrfomuch.a.s heard of~hr.ill:~ow ~·~~~~~n~~; u!Upern.t , Agame,whomaJnr;te.tfiiJ p~rceme thAt h~ nep thefecannot haue fa1th nor~ pnuauuc tnfi~ fth.c G Pf. grm,, I uerdeni~dhisdit~ir~e_{tJodne[feto t~t po!hritic of deiJtic,butonly anegatiue. The fame I fay ~pcll, 0 gracefro:n thiJbr~ther-Jl•!cr,ifhccon{iderhow pr9fita61e(o oftht,fe which die in thejr mfancic beeing aoouc. . \f,mgpari~nceofGod,fuchplentijHNfioretJ( tempo~ <Nithin thecoucnanr, who we belccue are fa- ~~~~.z.s.m r1111 6/cjfings, AHd (uch anvn111er{aU increA(e of ued by the tenour ofthe famccouenam:\\-hO b"for rh!: mr,/ripltedfruitfulncffe might hAue 6:ene vnro (or all that are'oeither elected for fairh , nor outwa!d. th~m? which bene~ts ,,.tlthough tht] wrought no :.J.ccording tofaith;which they as yet had not. rcformaucure and amendment in tho(~ whf)fe heartswtre ·Butifthe forcfectng offaith were the rule Or ~~:~f the hardc,mJ., ytt they p;oo11e that thtir •pufl•fi~ (.qnare o( electiqn or reprobation, the rhing Li~.1 .. c, 4 . WIU n:Ucttu[ed 61 God. Aga1ne, lntht{4rth~fl forefeene fbould belong to ail men without , Lib.z..c.6. partsof the IPor/J thtr' bee fomf nariom, vntu e"ccptton; for the rulemu£1 not bee Cluiter ~1 hdde whi;h the light of{l•uiHg gr-tce h111k not d6 1"' than tharwhicb.isruledby it. FounhJy,fore- ~~:. ,c. 17 • darmed; --v~tto ll'bome that p~t.rce{l (1[ genefcenc fa1th is the ciftd: ofelcClion, rhertfore .. Guds will rail aflis1ance is not deni~d. which is .tlwaiu it is north~ ruJe.of it. Eph.J.S. Whohathpre..,isthdirfi from 4boeugranteJVnto ~!/ rntn J .Airbough the d~pmaud VI v~to Adoption by (.~hri{t:and there. ~~~;~t~:n• natHreof m.t~ hath rtqtJf'ltd{fl [harpe ~ wound foreaffo to faith, whtch rcccmcth 1he bent:- CJing in that it it ~ot pojfibl~(or any ma". to CQmeto the fit of adoption. Auguflinc: Let vs thtrtfore loc.ccm,l. /,;;rowltdgc o{qod bJ th' hclpcofhuownctiOiunta. (faith ha)vnd,:Jiand•that rallingwherrl>; ld'J r.c.6. rucontempl4tion. Vnl~Jfe rhe'srue light di!pril a~echo(m,-whoarcchofenJzol btcaN(e thq didhe- ~ncl Frn~- the d~rkf.neffc ofthe hc.i,.t,"!hichtbeiHft andgood !teuc,but that they{ho11idbclccue/or if the] rnrc ~~:~~:l~~;l! Gnd ~11 hu vn~ar~ha!J/~ l~~tdgem~nt ·~arh not fo {orth1fl cau(e chofen.~ecAH{e the] did 6cicrHc, ~odswi~ foe~aeabrf}qdnHimerpil/l,a4hldothmth~fclafl the7 thcmfr/ues veniJ had cbo(en him lufDrc l~thc:.pnndalu. . b1 beleeuinginb!m, thatthcy might dtfcrmto ~~~~~~nts, II I. The Fathers fpeake of thevmucrbechofm. Agarne: £,fl ., 7 m•• P,euld fa;. ,.. that;, fallaptnclfe , ~hereby mansw1ll becmg by MJ farth orfomc(uGhlik_e thing, dothdifli•g••fh ;.,.,kd•nd Gods ord10ar1e d1(JJcnfauon preoented and m t fromother mm, the teacher ef I he Gentliu chrcde.d of helped by the holy~hoCl, may belce.ueand muting with (Hch cor~ctitt a.skerh, WhAI thou ~i~~~~·~.:~~.' bee conuerted; wh1ch notw1thflandmg, a baflth4t tho11 h.jt not receiued? and (If whome Lib.r. C 1 fi. Ggg 4 bw ~··