?~2. , eA 'treatije of Prede[iination. \ 6urofhim,whodtflmguifheth ch.,j'om him,to A butldmJ(hurcb. Nownoman~u bee buill · :vhom he bath notgi1unth.tt wh1ch bebAthgiue~ vpon the tonfdlionand vpon the trurh ~ but\ to tha. Lumb. GodhAtbrlrllrd thofol<Phom" by faitb.Hencel doe conclude rhus: Thofe pli:.ifed him to elt:U of his o•Me freem!rcie, t~ot that arebUilt vpon the rocke caonor faiJ •way !J~caufeehq wot1ldba belutu rs. bHt th~t they vttcrly; but rhofe which uuly bclC!'eue are might be beluuers: and to tkem~;.ce luz.th guun builrvpon the rocke: therefore rhofe which gracc,n9t Pecttu[t:_rhq lFtref.m~fr1fl,b11tth.1t.tbq truly bclc:eUedoe not vrrerly and wholly tall ~~:;:~;~~ ndightbemt~dcf."'uh(>~fl: Aga1?c:. qr4~Cuthe away. Thirdly, thepromifc madero rh<:m · effell- o{pndeffm:~t:3n. FJfdr., 1fGod d1d cled: rhatarebuiJt vpon rherockeu,rhattheg~tcs ,.,g.n;c~tz!- l I \ I rroiS, l!<I.Tir.\:~~ ,vd.~, I I ' IHomilin Matth,ss-. &Pial. 31. l ln<nm,;m. j><:rfc~ irr Ml!th,c.7. accorJmg to forcfccne fa1th, tell me why hcc ofhell R1all rior'preuatl\! a"ainO: them. From ~<c:iv-"t_!A:~71 • drdforcfecfaith ii\ bne ma!l rarher then in hcncerrfollowerhnccetfo~dy, rliar rhe Dcanorher,tell mcl fay !(or hcrcwnerhcrrhou uelscan but make a ll<lrllh, and lhew rherr wilr or no, thou mufl: haue rccom(cto the Urcngrha'nd power agatnCl the f3.ith,and that mcercwill ofGod.For God Jorh forcfce norhey lhall ncuer bee able to oucrcome and thing whichi• good in any bc!Jdcsrhar which conquer. 'Ler vs here alfu weigh rhe iudgellch~tufelfe of I\is pleafure w1lfirll make.And mcmooftheFathcrs.Cyprian:Lord,. whomr what isthc caufe why hce forefecrh fmh in B (haUwrgor?-jigni{Jingthatthr ChMrch,wh•ch Ep;f!. '·l· one ma~ r_ath~r '.~1cn m.another? bur. onely ~cluueth in Chrifl,andwhich/e!epethth;-.t which bccaufc tt ts hts Willto gmeone man fauh,and "h~~.ch once lz.no'fPne,dotl: At no time 4 !togeth:r denot an other. La(lJy, this rule 1avnccrtatnc, partfrom him, Artdrht~~tth~JAY~the ChurcbwhD for faith,a:~ ilppearcthby this platfOrme,may tket:t6idein GodJ houje, B11t that they 4r~not of be vrterly Ioil; and therefore the thing ruJed, GodthejAthertpiA'fUJ.ng, whomewedDefutD bee to wit, prcdellina'tion is maJc vncertaine. tJ9i4ofthefledfAjlnej]e, andmAjfiefoundnej[e of Th;saccrraincAuthorplaindyconfctferhin ct~rne •. Andbk.!tocht~~jfe VAnn~dor 6/owneahoHt bis c:xpofinunof the EpiOietotheRom:mes, withthcwmdifrhrwmnowl~{enemie: ofwhomr where bee teacbcth vnaduifcdly thac Gods a!(o IohnfPeak.!thinhti J. Epi{lfefaJi"llg, Thq rJoh~:-. 19;- decrcc may bcech~ngcd, and that eleCtiOn wentotirfrom?Js,butthqwcrenotofvs :for'ftl)()' . and reprobation liaue rccour(c one: to _a nobad lume"Ojvs,the] hAd(urelyremAinedwith vs. ihcr; bccaufe(as hcfaith)th~y Jepcnd vpon Augufline_: Lour "'bicbmaJ~ul•f/ "'"' "'"" Dw.dc theconditionoffaith and Infidelme. true. Agame: T• Deleeue trti!J ,U te6elteue con~ pa:nit. d., ' furthcrmore,thisplatforhieteacherhrhat fantlr,flrd[afiiJ,vali•ntiJ,•ndfirmriJ,fo.uthA< '·'· T.,a. tiue anJ fauing faith, may pertfh and be loll thou m;rifln,e,,wreturne Vllto thinr,And (rJr[ 11 (! 1 16·mloh. crthet wholly or for euer;whlch notwlthllau- C (hrif/. Againe..Thof•whicharrtrui]Sai•ub,. cling is not rrue.Rcafon.I. Marh.16.18. Jlpo" ing predtfftut~~ted to reign( withGod 6; hr"j grace, ~r~r~~:;..~ thifrocf?.! wiR!/mildm] Clmrch, andthegt~~teJDf hAuenot one!] giutn than nota' Apower to ptr~- i1tH[hall not prttJAile againPir. Here three queuereifthty ll1ilf,but per(ruer;;muitfelf~.Againe: llions muft be~s:ked;what the rockc: is i what He w_hichma~t~me?good, hiAk.,eth thtm t6 perfe1 is mcam by buildmgcnrhcrocket ana what uerem rht~t wh~eh u g1od. And againe: The iHhar wbich is prOmifcd tothofc: which arc Church lo(itb no11eonthee1mh, 6utthofewhich J!pill. 163 • built vpon it? The rockc is faith it felfe, or arewick.!d ~ t:tndAdmitteth none imo heAIItn6Ht Chrdl apprehended by faith;Chryfo!lome. tbofrthat arrgood,Againe;A,thr•rkfw.u 6Nilt Qozn.,,.: fpo. thu rocke, that i.(fairh he) &pon thrfaith of offoure-fquarrtimfur, (othr Chr;rch1i 6•iltof "' Cccfi,ii: cot1Jeffio 19, Againc, Ulfltteikou~fuuv_ponthe Sai~ts; ~~~t~lftwhichH foure~(quare will jl~tnd roci::J, that i.J, vpon(4ith,Jor[ii!llh m ChrtP, ma7 fte~•c IJII w_h1cb fide (oeuer J~U fet it. And the wellbe(aid to betht~t which caflnot 6e 6rokfn. A~ SmntsconWtHej}edfafl inepurytemptAtion.Chry.. gaine:Chrift beingwifebAth /JU~!fhi4 hou(e, tha_t fofiom.c;Thir ;, thepropertieoJ.foith,th.t.t ho-a:fo- Hom. dn' u,hil Church !Jpon4 rg6·k.!, that 14, vponthe fortsllilr thmgsmayfallout contrArse to the prom1{es, 1. Tim.t. tud<offaith,oraf/rongfaith. Now iffairh bee a yet it neuer fallcrhawayvrterly, •nd i; "'"'' Pcnuus;' rocke, itrcmaincth confianr and1mmouc- D who!J;confounded. Agatne, Let vs k,:tpe [t~~uh ornmno. able. To bee builrvpon rherocke, i• ro perwhich i; 4firmrAnd f•.- rock•, for nmlm the . cei"uc 1 hc dothmcof the: Gofpd, to embrace foods,,orthe"indnct~nd~evsAnJ hurt, t~ough Chri!l out Sauiour wirh a rtue faith, %nd ro tbrydriu• h"'d•g•infl Vi,}rcou(r"'fl•ndfled-' clcauc fat! ro him with-rhc hearr.For tht c;,. fA/Ivpon•rock.r;/o•lfoifintbi< life wrwiUchoofe rmthians ~rcfaid to bee P.-Ju!t bmlding, be· thllltruefotmd~ttion, TfefoAO 11buJc wirh'oHt tmJ c;~.u(e he brouoht them to rhc fa1rh. And the detriment or log"e. Againe, Thon cAnflnot otur~ ~ Hoaule Ephefians arcfa id to be butlr vpon the foun- · come on~f~tithjuU mAn: 0 DiueU,tbrm lt...noruft not ·c:xpulf. dation ofthe Apo!llcsand Prophers;bccaufe wh<tthrM•rt}rth4urdoHe~ntotbu,.---rh•Jirfo ChryC. Paulcaa;c and preached vnrorhem rheGofoftenfainrrth inthrrormmtt, and rhe tlrength pc! ofp~nce.The ccrtainrie ana firmenetfeof of fairh failethnor. Hence it is that in rhe the dot'lrineof the Gofpel may alfobccalled fame place he fpeakerh afrer this forr. lfth•u aRockc.Eprphanius: Thry~ fb•llnDtprlnAile a~ makefl WATrf JJ~itb m~n,thou {halt~ it m4J bee, Li"J.bn.74•J gai~Jfttlx'roc_k.~, rhatid to(.t], ag~tilf~ the rrut.h. 'u.crcome, ~ perhaps thou jh11/t bn QHtrcomr, r 0 T. Hilarie:Thuu thy hleffed rocf<!offauh, whtcb 6Ht no m1ght CAn outrcom~ the Ch11rch. Furj1:,3,un. Petet: hathccmf(Jfodwith hU fm11th. :AuguHinc: thermorc: The Church 11farre flrpnger thr:n Hom.l$-in ! Yfun rhu rocke which thou haft confeJ!l!d , I ,..,i!J the earth,JM ttnd flron'(erthen hearun. Againc, Gen. I Fairbl