• rV/ treatije o{Prede~ination. 63i ------~--~~--~--~~~~~--~~~~--~ ~ thH.1rtb,1~11 an::l f1,.onterthm h~au:n. Agame, A Anbec11rnAilga1trf1Uon iJone,nelthercAna man Tra&.in 1 In 7,c,lo~. F 4 ieh in G 1 d is acert~ine fecureanchor. Gre~ enter into the WtJmbeagaine: eu~n (o H(}iritua/1 lot.. u.cap. go,. 1 :Beca 11(ohelightDfthu!e£f il mt exling"!iregtn~ratisn:(gr we ~tre om:eborne. 4nd weare a/.. 1 ~ flied bJ tt!IIJIArion, wedoe not fay there Ma ~ught (o once Ptmu ~tgttint. Thtrifore alfoitUreqtsi/ite, 11 udebut atJ euening; namdJ,IHC<Itl/eumptation til,lt the Sttcrilm:nt of rtgmrramn P:e once re.. dotb9ftrntirnu hide the light of righteou(nej{t;, C.!iruJ, lfitchancetoj.1/i oiJt byft!m!, thatfome' the heart/ of the e/ell , buf lt doth not put it are l~t4kcntd who arc regm(rared, thq haue quite out: ilma~sit tU it were twin/de and loa~e needeofc11re bt r~pmtance, and ntHh; bapti{111r. Infi&.J; "''""'·"ffl it doth not extinguilh ft.Angelorn. But thofe that doe vrrcrly or wholly fall away R.eg."ap.r. Theob{truat•on of qodtcam:nandem~ntt, beemg (eom lairhand gfa<'C', are the feCond timeto effablithedinthe ht•rtJofth.,ltfl by fairh,hope, be ingr>ftcd rnro Chri(l: and·confcquently, andloueoftb.c~hMuenlJrecqmpence, canbJnolet they are not once regcn~rated but againe: . •f""'?"AOthingJbu dif{olutd. Againe: The and rhercforerhey are oftncrthcn once to be lbtd.c:.p,f• heartsofthe eietl Arecompared to A foure-(quare baptiZed. (igsre wh~eh. hAue leot.rnetl {o tg rem4in~ 111 the Fourth reafon: 1. Ioh. 3· 9·fPhofoeHer i4 6or11~ {ll'ength of fAith, that thq c;rnn~t bt rem1oued o(God commtttethnoffirme, 6icauft hiJfoede re~ !(romthecert4illlieojth~ireflatt,b) 4n]rtpHgn:tn- B maintth inhmt, We mufi heremarke that he cieoftho{tthtnt.' thq meettwith,naot bJdtAth faith hisfeecltn!n~aineth inhin\,thatistofay, Epifc. it(t!fe.Andreas:Tho[tar.f•und" heabmiueur that ir dorh nor d'part nor vamflt awaY;And Capp in A.:. vntimdJborHechildren, ~hoh"uedtparted from this fcede is thevery "·oi'dof God, wh1ch re. poc.com. thttroe lighr,whichis Chriff.Thoruas:!fweby mainerh in vs by farrh, &doth norremaine, ~!!n:.~ in the rmelation of qur he•1sen!y Farher/hall then faithbeeing vuerly lofl.ThisfcedealfO is im..,- Jo:S.M<~t.cx confefTe,ntlmdf, whmourconuerfationi&in the morrall,becaufcicwdlneuer periJ1J 1 ifitbee Orig._ hcAH~nt, th.tt Je(m ChriffUth~Sonneof thelitruly {owoe in ourhearts. I uingqod, andifitfoallbe{aidvnro ~~, Thou art A fiftreafon istaken out ofrhe lixt to ihe Pmr,-for '"-"! ontthatfol/orwh Chrifl,is a Romanes,• If Chrifl hauingonc~died can' *PropoGtl· rock.e;biJt he, 14gt~in.ft~homc thegatnof hellpre~ not dae any more, then \vecii.\)hic,h fare hiS Ion, uaile, Uneither to beeteam~ed the rtJc~e wheremembers being dead rogetherWiih him,fhafJ on Chri/f doth &uild hu Churrh, neith<r the not die any m'orc io finne.'BurCh.nilha; • Af!Um. Church, ""'a part ofthe Church whichChriff ulng once diedc~nnotdie any more. ''I' her. tion. P bmld•thvpontherock!_. And againo: Although fore wecwhic~ure bis members iliall not die ( Conclufi. Jnl:uc. ~2. thoHmr4{16eftftedalmi~,Jel thouhaftthe(ude anymorcinhnne. Thepropofitionisinthe oo, Thcoph. offaithhiddeni•thu:though thet..., Geblo"'"' C eight ver[.and hath a manifclt ground. For dtnt~~ewith thettmpternt~ind~, yet the rootckr bythcverrue of the my!lJcall communion, frefo. which is had with Chrifl by faith, hisfpiritpSecondreafon: Matrb.6. 13~ Ltadetnnol all life,which cannot perifl1, flowing into hiS intotempttetion,ti-c. that is,doc notvtterly formembers, makethtbem in l1kc:manner that · Dctemp, fakevsand deliuer vs vp to Satan. Augufl, they die no more in finne. The Atfumption fclm. 36 . G1dle~tdeth a mtm into temptation) tf!~en hu[uf is in the 9.and Jo.vcrfe;theconciufioo in the f~n him to fie tempted, th~t he mAJ trr-e him,and eleucnth. Moreoucr, thofe wh1ch are the notdeffr'Jhim -:And he deltumthfrom ,. membersofChrifls body, n,.u growvpvn. uil/,.,hmhefulfmvJnoJiobe tempttdbtpndour toape1fcct man: Eph.4.1 z,13. ond 1.loh.z. In1ob.l,J9· powcr.Gregory:Thtgrace•fthe h•/1 qhoflquaz9. but oil thofe which houc a trne faith are bfttJihttemptationrof the adutr[arie 67 d'fP'"· members of ChriC!s body, therefore thofe (atiM, thAt thofe,.hich may bu, may butfcorch whichhauca true fauing faith Chall grow vp withtbtirhtateJandmt burnevp with theirfire. vnto apcrfcdman:and thedorethofewhich Hence I thus reafon:Whatfoeuer weaskc acdoe truly bclecue !hall not perifl,,butobtaine c~rding to Gods will,it Chall be giuenvs: bur faluat1on. wcaskeaccording to Gods will,that we may D Fonhe better vnderltanding of this donor bee vrterly forfaken in tempcation: for c~hine, two things muCl be fought(or; firll, our Aduocatetaught vs foro pray. Therforc whence it iuhar faith perilherh not1 Anfw, that we bee nor vmrly forfaken in rempratiIfwe confider fa11hby 11fdfe, rhat is, in the on,lhall begiuen ofGod, Now 1vhome God mvne narure,ir may periCh and bee loCI; but if doth not vttcrly fo;fakel be dothnot vttcrly wee confidar the confirming grace, which fall •way. And thiS ChriCI rakerh forgraoted God hath promtfed rothem that beleeue,fa. inthcelect. Matth. >4.24. So"' th•l, if it uingfallhdothnotperiCh. !tisbyreafon of "''" p•f!i6/e, thry P,ould dmiue the very f· the fecond groce freely promtfed, that rhe /.£1. firflgraCC doth nOt pcrifl1. 'J"oJ'llitugtue•for ·L'L · Thirdreafon: lfrherebeeatotaUorvtter Chnfl,tharJtfhouldnotonefJbd~eHeinhim, bnt Pw t.zSJ. falling away from a rrue faith , rhen is there alfo(uffir(or h"fa~'· Oneofthefc(faith A•·i alfo rcqlHCclll fecond ingraftingintoChritJ, gNPin)belongsvmo the. bc:ginnin_g,the other and cunlcqucntly a fcale oftbe [econd inrothecnd: butboth.reGodsgtft, becaufe grafr,ng,baprtzlllganew, that is to fay, ~waborharegiucn. AChrlflianmans beginning bapntruc: fur lo ofreil as we arc borneagainc, is to bclccu\! inChrHl, and thebell end heel we~re to be baptiz<d.This is A•g•f/.ground: can m•ke iotofulfcr for Cbrifl. Ier.J z.4o. 11, • JPt/1,