Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

634 !I trefltife of P::~:~:,~ation. • 1 wiU makE An emrlaHing COHfntJPJt rmhzlum,that A { l wiOnmad:ptrrfrrJm~h:m, tO doe them good; The: fccond grace is (it her imputed or in. (foe the euerla!ling forgiuenc!fc of finnes) hercnr:impured isinou(lification,aparrwher. and !-&rillput m1 feare iu thtir /u,.rts , tln1ttluy ofisrermffion offinnes. And this remaineth foali•ot dep4Yt from m" (behold the per(~ueand ilJall for eucr remaine Cure as touching ranee offaith, •nd regeneration thar 0Jall neGnnes patTed. fhat fayong of rhc Schoolemcn ucr be Iofi.) Phii.J.6. Hethtttb4th lugmuht! IS ll_lOfl truc:Siunn once JOrgium conti11Ut r~ a/. ;1oodworkei~1rJu,willfinifo it vnto the etJd. W4•n. Bur when char any fairhfuii man Jhall " Secondly: it may be demanded how farre fall grieuoully,rhe pardon of th~c fall is granfoorrh rhe faith full lofe guce and the holy «din Gods decree 1 norwithOandingno par- (pirir I Anfwer: OdlinguoilJ thefaithfull,aud don i•adually giueoof God, nor rcceiued of dillioguollo gra~e: There bee foure (om of man vnroll hedoe rcpcnr:ycaofhe lhould ne- , beleeuers; The firO arc they which hcarethe ucr repent (which nofwirhOandong isimpofword and vnderCiand ir. TheCecond arerhey Gblc)he OlOuld be damned as beeong gmlue ; which doe hcare, vnderUand, and for arime oferernall death by rhos offence. For there IS approouc ir. Thcrhird, are thofewho doe B no pardonofany new Gnne,withom anew ad heare, vnderUand, a:pprooue, and bring offairh and·repentance. forth fomc fruits; The fourtbare(uch a• doe Inherent grace, isenherfaith, or rhegift hcarc, vodcdland, approoue, bring fom th which followed> faith; In (auing fauh wee tome fruits, and lay bold vpoo Chn(i the muU conGder,thead,and rhe habit;The ad Redeemer bJ tlie hand ofa liudy faith vnto cf faith JS the very adion of apprehending, (aluation. The(e 31c true beleeum and can· or an vnlained apprehenGoo ofChrif!. Now ""•"'t•••· not vuerly either fall away from God,or pe. rhos faith may be loll accordong 10 (omead: ri01 : how(oeuer all other beGdestbe(e, both The very habotalfo or power offaith, may in .111ay,~nd v(c to fall away and pcrin1. Forrherit felfe betlo(i; but by rea(on of confirmong more,Graceisctthtrthe fir(i,ot fecond. The grace' fairhdorhnot pert(fo aHouching the .n , ~r'!l., fauour of God ·who cmbra· ellencerhereof,but it is lcfned and abaredaof'Cih tho(e that are his be<iog in Chrj(l vnro carding ro[omc degrce.And hence itfollow- 'eocrlaUiog life, From rhisg1acc the faichfull eth that our communion with Chii!l may be are (aid ro fali after this faOoion. As(oonc as diminiOJed,bur that our vnion cannot bedof- ·~,- ;bey haue committed Come haynous !inne a- (olued. There remained in D•uia after his 0 ._ g~ip(i the law of God,, they doe grieuouOy f•ll,theCeede of true fa1rh and regeneration: ' otfcnd liim: God becing olfended,changerh C as appearerh by hi! words,Pfal, 51. 11, T•~• the effcdsofgrace, into rhc.effdls ofa cernotthy h4; fPiritfromm,, It is alfo the iudge- _ . .taine ha.rred J not aga11J!l rhe fa;rhf~IJ them~ ment o~rhe ancient Fathers, that the roore ~rJC:b]~,i~ ~ Rlues, but againH their linnes, and th1s both offa1th In PtterJ fall w,;t,( rm ta/:..m 4WitJA"d il- Ezcc.Howithin,and wlthout,Vlilhin,whc:n hemakcth 6objhrd, bur oHeJy mooutd, 1111d tbtlt it did a~ it m1l.s..Ter· fhe_m to feclc an accufing confc1ence,and wit~ wn-e WA.Wdrte, that it wM 6111 ond; fhak!n11nd rullli!),dc neflingthat God isdifpleafcd , and thallhey rrodmdn , and rhat it did nor vcrcrly vanifl1. 2~regfi arc madegmlty ofdcach by their fin. WuhHe;~ alfo we are togiue earea wh1le toGr11ti- hot;?.:o..rin our' wh~n they tanc of Gods angcrogaonfl an,whocon(cnrcth wothvs, and tO this pur- Mooh, them in the outw:trd cha01femenrsofthc bopofe harh glthered many rellimoniestogedie.Aod rhusfarrethey fall !tom hos fatherly therourof rhe Father<.Hath /o•e(faith he)r•- loLJr,and arc becomethe enemies of God afk.fn rflde! /Je[ccure: no eui/1 can pro,·eede. Ater a (ort:l [ay ,Atier aforr,bccau(e God dot h gaine : L'"' doth vtterly eflrange ''" mind•, notlay downc hiS fatherly affection: & dorh whtrei., it bath o,ce la~m poff"!fi~n. J!.~ Dc:crc:t.t. · not alter his purpofe of adopuon and ctcr· the drhgbtJ of the world. L9ue H toJnrd- \ nalllife.Althoughrhefaitbfull do fall away, ro God ,md vnited infcparably; And t4 */- q.,.finc.te j fomuchasltcthmthem, yetGodrcmaineth D tVIlienmtinciV!ein ~tli. Againc:'!!Lolle Uttn in 4 pcmit,d,O. \ aFather mChrHl;and they as couching right uijiblt vn£lirm; lflhichr fl•tJds fU it wc-r·~ inPe•tiof ~. vnto eteroall hfe,rernamc (onnes.Ioh. 1 o. 2 8. aroote to Mm) if'J whomfoemr it (lnrli lu, which They fotlli nmer pcri(h. "eithtr jln1ll ar.y pl;~ckf canner wither tho,Jgh th~(Hnn:doepRrcb:1rh4tthtmoutofmyhand. Hcreforncdoef.ay, that foenai&rootcdi1 n~Hrifocd rritblh~ huttrofthe · che!heepc cannos be pluckr our,bur yctthey (unn~, And doth not wilhcr. Againc: Hefqr-k._u may of rhcir ownc accord Jhoke away ;'bUt ba,.keafrer t6tplvugh, nho •fi" tbat hec h.,b without reafon: for rhc01ccpe u.hich rcuolJegur.rodotgood '1--n.~rkp, rcllsrnuto ruiU) 'lfhicb tcthis plucktawayby the diuell,when ir doth he didf<rf•k.e· Which mnu ~ift 6tfaUnb ro tbt Ioh.S.jt. r.euolr. And as hewhich continueth in Chrifli chfl.Againc:AIItlu rl!{f dor(flgoefor'lf'~trtlvnword Mvcr;ly hiJdifciplc, (o flee rhat doth not togoodtking.t,that thq doenot rorm::tothr.comfaii away, but abides a 01eepe, is verily ··a mittingo{Mdi.And ~g~iflc:TbrfiumgA"dmooJhecpc. Rom. 8.Js. Who(ballf'p•r<tevtfroni uing o(the f}irlf may be rbs v•derjlood. For thf!ou~ofChriff? 29, The gifisand 44 touchingf9me vertt:rJ it dqtb ~:lrrrm,~ abtde caf!ingof (jod are (qt-~1~"-t.A).~~a) wirbcutrrpentancr. in tlu heartJOj rhr S(/intJ: /;tit dCCfiTamg Vtt!Q 1. Tim. :. J 9· rbefoundatian of Godrcma;nah othrritcflmn M tht:t~ INch w;u r eiUfnt, llttd refurl' . a~d ht.ffh tbU {e~t!c, tiJc Lord ~>JOlZCih tmnn. M pMpofn,~ to come. }'or JU concer~i~J! t<3Hh, , ----·---------~ "