Decor.& grac.cap.6 11<8. J1 treattje of PreJejlination. faith, hopo, ••J charity, ana oth.,.gram,~~A more alonc,orfeuered by it felfe, bUt mixed wirhmt which it i4 not pojfible to come to that With the fp111t,and thefp111t With the flelli:albfAJUn/y crmntrit,(.unlfmdJ, humiltty, chaffir~, rh?ugh b~th r~e~e qu.alitu:s rc~aine a~ touiuj/ie<, and,.rcie,) it ncuer forfaketh th<s chmgnatured!!lmctmonefub•ea: as mthe beamtbat Ar<vpright. But as to•chingthever. twilighrthe light dothnot 3ppeatealone,but tue ufpr.phecie, the el•quene< of doi/rine, and with darkenelfe, and darkenelfe is not alone ,.,ri<jngufmir.ula, "rJ (ommm<spr<[mt w11h but with the l•ght. And the man that IS rege. tbuMI, andfom<timu it withdrarm it [<lfe. nerated isnot onely flelb,nor ondy fpirit,nor The Scboolemen alleadgc Augufline to flclb in one pan,a·nd fpirit in another,but the theconttarieopinion, wherehe faith, Thar whole man is flclb in cucry part, & thewhole doubtl<{feifthtm•• which i4 rmer>ed andiuf/ift· man is fpirit in eu<ry part. And bccaufa thofe ed doef•llbA<~bJhiso•mt r>ill vnto aneui/1 life, things which arecontraric cannot conG!\ tohecannot(ay,/ haue""rectintd;''""(t he h•th gerher in rhehigheCI degrees,thoiefore albeit bJ hi4or>nefr« will vntotHiH, /of/ thegra« of the whole man be flelb, yet heeisnot Befi1in God, which ht did rmiMe. And againe: That the higheU degree, nor fpirit in the highdl; Cap. 9 • qoJ doth not giiu the gift of per(iueranct vnto but in remiiTc and lower degrees,partly flefi1, ["mofhis childrmwhome hu did regm<rAtt in B and partly fpirit : as Iuke-warme water is teChrifi,and 10 .. home htt••efaith,hopt,and loue, milfely and indifferently colde thoroughout, But bee lpeakotb not the(e things of thofe and remilfdy alfo hot tboroughout. Hence which areindeedetbefonnesofthe promif<, it followetli that concupifcence may exill butof thofe which arc foc.lled of vs, and and be with the grace of the holy Spirit, fo which beare the name and profcllion of thatitbearcnot rule. The degree• oftenta- 1 fonnes. Furthermore:he Cpeakerhof(uchas tion are,as 14mnrcachcth mnumber fiue. ~~~;~~p, 1 • ~1.u.s.n,,. hauefaithandloueinopini~n and imaginaThe fir~, abfira~ion or drawing a~ay, 1 o,;wu,. rion,and rrulyalfo as touchmg outward prawhen the m1ndercce1uerh arhoughr ca!lmro tllfe, For Auguf/ine in the fame place bath it aboutthecommitting of cuill, and by this Cap. '4· foexpoundcd his meaning: Wemu~beluue meanes futfers herfelfe to bee drawne away ~ rlbfp[cl", thatfome ofthefonnerof perdilion-- doe' b•· from her duty to other things. ·ue~ic~of e ginnooliue, Andfor atime fAithfullj and iufliJ The Cecond is incfcation or cnriGng,whefl ... 1 'A ~ ifc,:~:nd m tht faith th11t workftb by lofle, And afur. the minde receiuerha morofe and wayward !o ' ' 4 111 • norofrhc wArdt fall--. Thirdly, bee fpeake.thof thought for the committing of Gnne,togc. ;~;~;!urfaith and loue astheyare imperfect vcrtues, C ther "ith a cerraine delectation of the affenclfcofrh: and as it were lately fprung vp: and not as chon:as when fifl1es delight thernfelues with h"'~ they are (ound,perfect,and uue,to wit,as touthe baire banging vpon the l10oke. Thus fu T"lt.1 i• chingtheuuthoftheiretfence.So:Auguftin<: all Diuincs thinke a regenerate man may ~~~d~~!::·-4. LrJHe is !}rung vp within thu;but it isnotJet per~ comc:and it is moll ccrtaine. For hence it is fiud:d.enotdefPairt, butnouri{h it le/lit~~ jli. that Pau/complamcth that he was held capfled. And Gr<tian: Thit loue ,.hich '"" •• liueofGnnc. Rom.7. 03• herbtinPetet beforehitdeni•ll, andwhichJPrin· Therhird degree is conception, namely, 1 gethvp ineNt"}ont, is loft andrept&ired, /;iforeit when there is a wiJI,confenr,and apurpofe to ~;,;;~P-: be(lrmgshnedandmade perfe£1. And indeed< commit coill. And when corruption cloth fortbe manife!ling of the truth of faith and comcrhugfarre, there bee feme that fay that louetbere is required perfeuerance,by which all repentance and faith isdriuen out &gone: itmi~bt uee kno.wne that tbcfeand fYchlike but not truly.There isindcedein tpe vnrcgevertues hauetakcn dccpc rootein the heart, ncrate in whomc finne reigncth, a full con~ and aregrounded vpon an earnell aod conf~lit,but intheregenerare,in whonie the flcfh Clant affection, thatthey may neuer be ouer. and rhe fpirit are two contrarie found>tions come.oftempt~tions. D ofaC1:ions, the confent i~. more_ rcmHfe and Of>><£1. I. Smneand thegraceoftbe holy vnperfect:forrhey do fowlll,asthatthey nill, fpiritcannot Cland togcther.An(.ThiSIS true &fo nillas tbattheywii.As PAu/hath taiJnht ofthefinthat reigneth, or which is commitby his owneexampJe. 0 red with full confent ofwil,but theregenerate The fourth degree is birth of finne, when do not fin with a~>hole or full will. And I lay afrcrconfent an euill worke is aCluallycom- 1;11<1••· this foundation oft~is iudgement. In tentamitred, And in rhis aa the fame man beeing tion wee mull conflder two thmgs; the beregenerate, doth arthe fame inflant both fin ginning or ground, and the degrees, 'fhe and not finne. He finneth ondy according ground is our owne concupifcence, that is, vnto the Helb: and in that part,whetein he is our inbred corruption.The fubiea thereof is renewed,he doth not linne,but beforeand afthewhole mar.,but efpecially the faculties of «r thefaa dcre!lerh hisGnne. Anda• when mansfoule,themind,will,andatfections;And the fpirit preuaileth, the adion is not free inthefei.,durh immediady exi!land reigne from ail pollution oftbe flefln fo~·hentbe alone before a fJonerbee cooucrted, And a flcfi1 preuaileth the action is not fo corrupt man beemgnor.regenerated,bchce what hee 111 the regenerate, as lt Isin tllofe, ln whomc wtll be,be is fielb euery iot of him. Butafter Gone reigneth. Neucrthelelfel confclfe that rh" a man is regenerated, the flelb is no in euery grieuous fall the flelb dorh get the mafierie,