1 6'6 eA treatife ofPrede~ination. mall~rie,indthattllegifrcf <rue faith, after A the propolitic.n. F&rll,amembcrol ChriU in rhc teceitofthewound, lyeth flat and in a 01cw may bee themember ofan harlot, asa !ivooriefori time,buttbat itisnot for all tltat woodden foote, which is indeede the OIC!D· aboliOJedandquiteputour. bet of Come image, may b<e an apparant The !all degree io pcrfe<!llon. namely, member of a mans bodie wherero irIS 6tted when finne bceing pertired and ripened by by art, Secondly,a member ofChritl byap· often iterarion ~nd cullorue, growcth •• it pointm'nt (m Gods decr<c) may bee the Moral.li. 4. were \·nto ~ hab~t. SofaitbGregor1: S:nne ·~· member ofan hadot,as Pa;,/ who was fepara· Gal,t,lf• cap,:~.r. JfiAiu is ftn:fheJ. m "wor~~ 61 thlf• ft~•ef~Hit ted from thewombc, was for aumea mcm ... .,.i,.F<rfirfriht P"" ucommitttdtl•(t/1 :•Juf bet ofSatan perfecutingthe Church. Thirdthat it i4 difcoumd in the fight of"''" "ith••• ly,hewhich is a liucly andaC\uall memberof b!H/bsng at thefauil:thtn it u frooght into • c<lChrifl, and fo continueth, cannot bee rhe f/om,. Andar ih<l•fl <ither ir u nourijbtd ,.irh· member ofan bailor: bur a member rhar is thedeceitBfvain<hop<, or wilb tbe.Hfin•mof crozie and halfe dead may be.For howfoeuer wmciJ<dddp•ire.Andljido"tt: .A!Jionbring<th hcremaioethin Chri(\ in rcfpcC\ of incorr; orth cul1om:, andcul1om< nmj}7:ie: And (i • porationand the myllicall vnion, yet bee is m•nbeeingf:rrmdwith tbefe link!s: !itthJ41 B outofhirn asrouching the forceand efficacy bound M ir wmwith a chaineofvicrr, This la(\ ofthe fpirir, which for a ritfle through his de.grce befalsnot thcregencrate,and ofit dtd, ownedcfault he doch not pcrcciue, vnttllhc faorh and the holy Sporor Owuld bee Otaken doe repent. A legge rhar " troubled w11h our ahdbanilhcd. rhc paUie. orrccciuethno nourilhment, is ,~.'>.:m,, Obi,fl.ff.Adamwhen he wasvoideofcora true leggc, beoaufe in rcfpctl of vnion ir ·1~t14• ruptioo fell 01holly away: therefore much i• incorporated into the bodoe, howfocucr more they, who bccing borne and rcgen<ra11 hathaimoR loll all communion •nd fclreJ after Ad•m !hall beleeuo. Anfw<r, The lowlloip with therdl ofthe mernbers.Neirher Decor.& reafoniSvolika:Forwchaue(faith Augujl.)bJ mu(\ this wJ1ichl fay fecme llrange, that g,.n 1 ca.r1. thHgractofGed,in thtr~u,~ing of thAt whichU the member of ChriO may in fame fort bee good,andtnthtconf/•nt k;<pmg of tht/am<, not the member of an harlot: bccaufe rhe one!JP'"''"o Jorthat which we ,.,1/,bur./{owill cooiuotlion is nor of the fame kinde, The rodoethatwhtch we can, whichAdamwan· comundion with Chritl is fpiwua!l, bur tcd. Forontofth<(errMi•h•m,butt~eotherwM that which is wrth an harlot is corponpr. Fortoreuiuegood he wanted nHgra", /u. rail._ c••f• "'1" be had not lojl it, BHt tocontinutin it C This platforme giueth vnto euerymana Ettor,. ha wanted t!Jt helpeofgrAet, n•ithout which hte free-will flexible and mdioable to both parrs wAJ not ~tbte11t •flttJdoelt: ..:nd he rueirudpll.))tr by r;race, and reacheth that itis in mans will ifh< woltld, but beeherdnot will anfwerabln~hu roapply himfelfe to grace beeing gtucn , by pow<r.forifit hadbttnein him h<fo••ldh""'P"' the he!pc ofvniuerfali grace, or to reied the (tutreJ, famerhrough the weakendTeof corrupt na- • PropofitiObieE1. I 1/, ' The member of an harlot rurc. Butthisi• falfe: forthe fitll vniuerfall cannot be thomember ofChrrll.' Buratrue grace is nor effeC!uall,••nlelfe it be confirmed on, • 1\lfump– tion, •Conclu£i. on, bckcuet who is aC\ually amember ofChrill, by thefecond grace following ir. A• for exmay bee rhe member of an harlot: •Thereample' If a man !hall receoue power to before one tbar rculybcleeucs, may come robe lecueifhe wi!l,yec he lloallneueradually and no member ofChrifl. An(w. The member of Jndcetle beleeue, exceptthere beealfo giuen Chri(\ is diucrOy dillingui!hcd: for there is the he!pe ofthe orhergrace, which bringcth either a rcucor an apparent member. An aptheformer into at\. Bur this fccondgraceis parent member is rhar, which is nor a mcmnorgiuen ro all and cuery one. Moreouer, beraccording to cledton, nor in it felfe, bur this opinion isrepugnanrco very plame plain !hewonely, thar h, iudged 'by mcanes of D ce•ofScriprure.ler.J >.4o,/.,if/makfaneuerourward protC!IiO robe: in theviliblechurch, ln.ftingcouen;~tJtwithtbnn,thAt /will not tHr~t •· And it is likea wooddcn leggc fa!!ncd to the w•yfromthtmtodot them gaod, and I ws/lpNt bodie byarr.A rrue member i·s eirher by de- "IJf<Are inthrirhtoriJ, t!JOtthq fh•ll not dtpAr< flinatiori andappoimmenr, or now actually {remm<. Againe, 1.Cor. t. 8.9. G•dfha/1 conone. Members by appointment are alhhofe jirmr l'" vntothe tnd blamelrJJt: GodiJf•ithfnll wlmare eletled: although they be• nor a• 1>1 who"'' J' art call<dvnto theftllow{hip of hu y<tregeneratcd or borne. An aduali memSonntlr("' Chrifl '"'Lord, It i• alfo contrabcriseirheroncrhatisliuely, or halfedead. rie toChrifl•fpeech : lob. 6.4~. E•"J"'':" A l•uely riJember isrhar, which is according th.r h•th h..rd and bath ltarnrd •f th< }A· ro dcctioo,~nd in very deede ingrafred into ther 1 com1tuth tmto ""• Thi1grace (faith A se# ChriO,andruled by his(pirir.Thar is an halfe g•fliot)•htch iJfemtl]infH(rd i•t6 mtnt hrarts C•nr,IJo dead member: which doth indcede belong by Godr lilm<ltti<, u r.fnfed ofnob.rdhtart, ro Gods ele~ioo , and is ingraffed into And afterward: !firh.Jple4tdthe F•thtrto Depr%d. Chritl: bur yer bceing hurt by fame·gritUAchthtm lo comc?HJIO_Chriff , .who Accounted fand.c3.8· uou' (all, harhfo much as 10 iris, lo(l the tht~·irdo_flhecro/fcfoolifoncf{t,mtbout aUdouht~ gr~ceofrhe holy Sp1rir. No\V I aofwer to they A/fo wou/dhAtiU comn--'RhJdcth hu not