Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

i 1 1;~\::;. · quzn.,. · A._treatife o/P;redeflmation. · 6~~ "" tMch .Uilf '"' fo•Of•J• becailfe$hqwi/Jnot . ly, but bY_this third gracb!Auguftin< [ai•b leArn<,wbomth<tiHh '""'"'h: ot w1/l b•an{JP<· well: if"!- (o.:gr<"' ll'tak:fn'.{{or>fthu iif• IJ,e De eo<.& redfJJ :and wbefeinhatwbithiJ (•idvmo him, wiO renewdfoqt~{d h.e foleft.v<Zptheregmtr4JL,,u.. rhou 0 Lord,co.,,rt,fl••dqt~ick_ntft ~tiA'!,ain:' I tbat tbq,., r<maine in Gerl>hdp,ifthqthtm· Tbr 1f•aof G•th "'""! cannPI bt(inm•/UP'"'"' fo/llet will~ .and if God{lnml:dnot mak.tthim{ju: (o,.u that be fb>Mid {he""""'} t~ him itu;aine i . te;8'ill, armng {n>>AnJ and, '(a "''t,bt~e umpJ•I 4111An /uvn~i/ling,becaufeifbt '1¥11(/J bAUtrMtr· ! OiJI, th~ lJI.ift..wq~td fai'!t,fJ} reafot~tcf[he W~.,kf~ . citpnthem,buouldcaathmifo.a~they fbou/dbe ,nef[<.thcmf. {Uan•,.eakfneJJeiberef.,.<ittele,~· : ""lt.,moue, vnderftand, and follow, And a· •utd, that th.-/ty,h'the grace of God,tlmefomlii . gain~t: God (ht~ethmercieti'IIOIIt ,inpaine, br~t h.eewijj i')/('p•r.tb(J ~~~1m:cc,d.IJJ che power , .illttd vm• whom' he[l{e.•!t,hlntrcic,hini.k<edeth fo, j th<r{orc the wiQthough i1 ~~ fmt.wc•k!.yet{hoti/d .ube "-•"•tthllve fitting for him, thAt bee "'"l I ,_., for•UtbAt f•!nt 4nd}t(P~"'""''6) a/J(Icr. I .,,;,a hi111 .,boc•lrhino. Neither doI here ptic. Again~ : T~mfm tb#t.w.~e mal .,.;U..hri P• grat & rcfpeel the dillinction!lt and effeI ~qrkfth.nlitli.ol'tVI ; 6ut .,.hen""'will, •nd.!{tJ ,.arb, C,l7. Clpal grace: for !acknowledge nogracefuf. .,.,;u, th•t ""doe alfo, bee co-work§tb with w• ; ficiCIIt for theconuedionof a finrler,..hich is 13 Tet not.-.ifkf/ll•djlig"'ilhouthim w.-.k_;,g th«tJd,f noteffecball,asl h~uealreadyfaid.before: 1 , 1114} .,;lj, •<te~·tllpri(ing wbtn"'" d" ,.;q,, .,i free will is altogetherwant.irig in (pi- ' b•"'IIJ'PO~Yt(lo<good·work:ftoj.'gPd· riruall thing•. We are Llarke dead in finnes, I Yineff.•. Thcgift ofpcrfeuerancc isthat,wher-. 1 Donum and oLJr fufficiencic is wholly from God; 1 by, afrcrtbat.wc~hauereceiUedthegrace.of p01feumn· I """"·""· Therefore there is invsbeude thewant of o· 1 alfo receiueawtll toperfe~ d•• ri•inall ri•hteoufnelfe,athree-foldimpoten- , uereand conrwue conllantly·fn that.good · · 'u?. I ci~. Tht6rllistl1ar,wherebywearevnable . whichwc~ando, Hiemm: ;'J'h;~t[NjJic:th.m: k~~;d,;'> rorcceiucordelirc fupernaturaUgrace offe1 no;, wh~e?hJ,.hAtkpncebe/lowed..1 a&k!that..J . rtliyllt~~~. i redbyGocf. Thefccondisthat,whercbywe · m, ..,recttne,.andwhenlJI!drt.&iJtl~,l «4~4- 1 .•1 ;! • are vnable rovfeitlawf~lly.Thethird is that, g•i•:•.Thefe.fillogrocesfpokeo of euen no:W, - whereby we arevnable to retaine and keepc ~ l><:eing tak~nTeucrallyaqda[undcr by rhero. · 1 I it. And therefore there are certaine degrc., (clues, arc n!)t:fuflicienrvntofaluation €lot l ,I •• I ofgrace to be bellowed in the true conuerOI the preuenriug grace is nothing aoa1leabk on of aunner,in refpe8: of which, Augufline ' 'without the pteparing-grace,and the workwg p• grat.& makes a 6ue·folde grace 3 preuenring, prepa· C grace,without the.c<>-wolking grace}yetbe,l · ·""· •·' 7 · ring,working,coworking1and thegift ofpering loyncd togerhertthey~re fufficient, And. P<ztteni• feuerancc. Preuenting grace is that,whereby hence it ptainely appeareth,tl>Qtorherc is no '"'· God infpireth into rhe minde ot the .Onner any grace·truely,fuflicient vnro the faluati· that is to beconuerted,good thoghu.a good on ofa Gnner,rhat is.llatke dead in Gnnes, purpofe, and adelire of fupernaturall grace. rhewhichis not111fo.effetluall. IF fo much The mcanes whereby preuentinggrace is gi · llrengthwcreglucn toone,tharwould liftvp uen, is the voice and preaching.of theGof· amighty burthen, aswere fuf!icicnt, thatis, pel, by the which beeing heard and thought 1 fo much as .did e'xceede rhe weight of rho vpon, the holy Gho!l doth !hewforth h1s efthing that iuobe liftedvp, our of all doubt ficacy and power. For hence .it·~ thatthe motionwouldfollow,itwouldcomevp: fo.if. Gofpd is called theminifterJ of tP< Spirit, • · God doe giue fo muchg)'ace,as" fuf!icient, Cor. 3. 6. And that f•ith il [.id,. bt b1 he•- that is, as.W.ould auercome the hardnelfc of ''•g.Rom.t o. q. Therefore they which are t),e heart,·thecorruption thereof could not out of the Church ~oewant the prouenring' poffibly hinde~ it from beeing conucrred. sraae;vnlelfe it beextraordinar•ly.conferred, Moreouer, if thefe fiuc graces doe concurre Pr2parJns, which yet io very feldome• .Preparing D in thcconuerfion of afinncr, theregenerate grace" that, wqercbyttiS g•uenvsro conpcrfon fhall not haue free will flexible alike feot vnto God otferinggrace,or whereby the ' either to goadoteuill: neither fhall it·bce in minde and will arc p.rep.ared,that they may our choice to.obey or reG£1 the motion of yceld alfent and t_he holy Spi· <he fpirit. Yea (rom hence it followerh,that rir.For aullfupernaturalgr¥<;< iP. rcfpcti of it multipltedi grace, and that the will is fo Gods doaatton,,,..lrogether fr!}l)li}tm:eueo ~ffe8:ually ruled.Qyit,in thofe that aretruefo we obtaine our c9nfentmcntall!! ppwer to ly conucrted, as that rhey follow faith and · receiuegraceconfer!edn~otherwife thenby godlinelfewith an inflexible aod fiedfallafOpe<'ns. rbegtftofGod;~orkmggracel~th~t,wher· fetlion. The Spirit promifed vo of God ~y weeareoleltucred froqphe dom1mon of doth not enable vsto walke if wee will, but 1 bnne,and arercnFwed,mmmde,w\llandaffe1,11akesvs walke indcede. Thofe which are · . Cliqll; hauipg r~ceiu.ed power~\>. obeyGod; dtawoc, .haue notonely power•to runne if ( 0 ~~:~:1::1;: 1 Coopmns. GQ·workmggrace1• tbar,whereb,y.God conbo that they themfclues will, but they runne · 1 fcrwh and per~~~~~ rhe gr~c~gf J~ncwing iodeedeafrc.Chri£1. Heewhich is borneof ,:toh 3-9· beingrece1ue~;c~G~ withoutt~i!grace fol- (god linnech nor: yea be cannot Onne. F;tr· · • towing, the fir£! ij,vqprolitabJ~, 1Forwhen thermore, p.erfcueuno:ein faith doth wholly g<~ce is giuen by Gpd,and re~e).PI'Jl 9.f<v, by .<!epend vp6 Gods will,asthefe wor<ls o(Paul the fccond grace, WCedoC net V,{awfuJ~ doefhCW! fhauere(~r!ltdvntomy (clje {e~Ut~ £;om. Ilo1 1 1 Hhh rh,w: 1