Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 6;8 eA treatije of--'Predeflimz.tion. rfJaMfo,•d"''"•Wm:lrh•oenor b~.,,~th•kneevn•i A•l prefixetb tohnnfelfe thiSendeofpr<achmg, ·: 1 r~ Ba•l : Anclth'g(e\Vhtch doe 1rulybclceue; 1 thatthey lhould commit themfelues to hiS ~ ha:uer<ectucd' of Go~ both power to petfe.1 •prorcdtonand fidclltl<. By th18~tll thcrfore I utre1mgrace~f i~cywtll,andalfqwtlltodoc ! 'hee 'tuapull to gather the le><s tog<rher, I th~t<j<htch1rhcrhauepawerro doo.So A•g•- 1 1 though 10 th0nteanellmc'hce doe not hclpe IfltM:,Thfl'•wt•vs ~Jth"t.'•cr•ff!>d (wh.-h'li tl)em,that.cltcy them(clues may bee able to l•ij'(h••H)' '".r?f;'"'"$ oj goo~, and m th• coo~ j ~!II.. And'lite-Joth al(o iu,Uly con•plaineof ~anc ~tepsng of theJam~: not o~'t'i] po-wer to d•~' 1 tbo{c t~at wJ,l~nor,bec~ufe mens impotencic (1,\ffr;-hrrh nre- ruU, bNt u•T/1 to dorr;ll'ae.'whub Wt' \ to th,at wlm;Ou good, and thc:ir bondage vhhARtpow(rtod~. T-f:::rcforcullofeth'at:detnr7 tler finne, wh~~eby they'B·rc made ro'mll~ Jj<bel~eue,cannot bur perfeuer'C;' · · · " , and vnable t·<1Wllhhac •tlic'l'r is good, com_, I 1·•61V,.,.a.I. lf••S'•J Oinhabttanr.ofienf ! lneth nGt•.1 from the Cr'oacoc, bur frdrn·' ,a'"" ' r~illm) anrl-yem<.<ni>Hullah, lutlge betweenc i h•m·wb<h!rtllso~neaccot·d fell away froh' ·~ '·'" . ~nd.myw>Je)>'aod:whaiC'OOid-f\1laucdon I rilcCrcaldf,>Sccondly; r•faythat Chr'ljl i. 1a~ nwr eVt~ro mv:.v1neyard, tl1a~l haue nOt hercfaid!Obau~ »~iUcd. neilas tle i-s God Cffe· /iltlllt>~n~G,rt'ol MU•,r hau~ Hook<d' ~~~~ ,;· i ' Clual/y.mottrtymgandcohuerringrhel]cam l lllJOO~'i!: brmg forrh grapes,, an~u-br-1rfgetlt Ill ofmcn)butJ.aa\hc was a min Hetrofthecii·c.U· 1S.8. i&r.c<)i'•rlde griJmi' lf.hcfe·ie~·c·l'ther!fo~i tdion,,.hl'rehe fought rheci:>nucrfion of '<hc 1~·~ the hclpcof.G:>d whtch"' '" throughly ' let•e• by pteach111g. Ap1accalrogcthcrl:ke \·o Mfu.1cnr vmlttonat•ilon,anJ•Ilelhdrngof ! '"" Acr.•7- ~ 1. wlme the Hwes arc Card to . ·'" :~~llle';cceptable~o.God. ' A>ri,.)'l~od (pea·' ! ha•• r•f/Nd•g•i•f/,'or rdifl•d th• holJ <jhlf/; ,;,1,oi•11.. I ! So H.o· ltwobjpthu pl~~~-ot·rhe"'· fufu.llli'll\;leof ou~l 1 Butthefe•"ordsarcro be Vl!derflood,,nor in , ~~~~Ji:\·:-- ~udlli.C.tnes,, ofthep~~(ft~ngof h1~ · regard o~t.h~fn~ardand «!c~uaiJoperauon l ~oq~ITtlr ··· ,wor.d 1 \0f has bent.~ts,~& c~aal,temmt.swherc:-o_j c~ thc.fpmr,borm re(pert of rh~ouc~.;ard:n_li~ 1~c rdfi.-i· .by. dky lverC'.foRihefirlrullrfi'<'<:P ~lld led vn• , mlleneof-rheProphets, Ir plc•fed L•m6.rd fn:iux;e~·- ~fuh:alf(fll,·:bu~:ihll~ rt:crw_otc of fuchpee: ~ alf0 thus toinfcrprcc t~Jia 'pl.ace: How Gftcn G..1ruru m~- !Ultlh-an.d.pc.ruerfi?tlUpoh~IOil$'.'God thecfort' 1 in;ould I h4ue gathtrultbj chsldrc,, ~,md th"C:w ~!~· 1• d.ifi p:~;r~~~t- ~~Ql1ar h~ dn"Ll~:rrlc.ed.viO·cy1r.~~hich 1f be r:vouldl'fl notil thou Is, So many ilS Ihaue·g~J ha:gnui:r. h3d done tO ag·oadlvincy.ard' )/ u'ollld h~tue: ! theredwgccher>I did it by 1ny'dfetluall w1ll) ' 1~1'0U'gbt fuitfHh~·itm<',Pf: ob>editncc. And thou bcihg vn•tlling. · i~rc,hefpcakcrh.niJ&Coflhc.fuffiaiencirofin· Ohietl,ll I,•ReucLJ.lo.l /land att/,.Jm i · 'ard·%race,~b~rc~'}' a-n 'cuiJJ:viJieya~d mig~t. ~nd k._,o,kl.,ifAn]thallcf"n '' f)ttto me.ltJ__?Jrlcomc 1' d~Jng<d'llli!OI~;good v1neyard.•Thou ~•it C •• "'"" '""'· Therefore all, at wlwle doorc ' f•YJrHa\ Godlrh·:rtharh'nom!f'c~ufc-co ex· Chrill knocketh,haue fullicienr groce whet· poflularewllh.Jheleweo, rWtmeybroughr 1 bytheyateableroopenif they wilL Hee i• IHiwft>rth fruitj bt'cau!e h~t~Ucfthem nor vnw1fC rbat knocketh at thedorc, if he know ;~rltCe to rep~t and bring futth ftu1t wh~ch· atfuredJy tj1a~ tllcre is no bol~Y "'uhin ~hilt 1s '«>Uld by 110 ml!aocsbe bad.,tf heJo not glUe aulc ro open lt . An(vv<r: TI11Splaccfauoult, l·lirnf• er, tllar(i;od could 'nh< iuOly l,.ue , rctb not vn,iuer(oll grace, (orrhc(i: at wh.ofel ex'paOulared·~·uh the Ic~·es;lfrheehad owed 1 1Joorc Chull knockctb, are rhofewh1ehbe• .rhe.m sraec,aodbcemg botiOd!id.glue ir, had ,Iceuc and art·conuerred ': and hecknod.rth 1norg•ucn' u, tf they had nor.c•(~ a~vay rlio 1 attheirlic2rt<, partly by li1i hrd, pardy lty grace" hith 1thcy rccciued rh th 1 eir firll pa- 1 affil~ions,.rhat hee.mig.Hr_CHrrc vp rheir.Jan.- (.tfnts, by \\fllch they might Ji:nle brought 1 gUIIlHngfalth, :md 1ncreaf~ and.confirn~-e hts ,fi1rrh fruit bcferrnmg r·<pcn<an_c~'i lf he~~~·<> ; fcllo.~·n,ip''><'ith them. .Y\lo' rliar rc•rlc'rir~:, 'dt>oi<."d'thcm'IX'C'ingancw dCffrous to recctue· · hke In CaAt·.·s. 1,:. OpenYntb me n•y 1 f,lt14f, thegrace\l'!uchnowislolhBurGodisboud .'J mylou:,m~doue. : .. ' · 1 :'•' to no man: anilwe·hauec3fhway thatg•••~ · Tenthly; rht~plarfot<ne~lfagrwhwt'r1> it '.,l 1 ic·h •·:il•bello~cd mAd•m~ And wee doe D f•lfc.Fur'it faith that G.o'd'doth confcm' \·1>.; ~~rf::~j, ·nOt deGu nnr'carc for ic bcCfng'cafi away·: to all menall r·Ue hclpt'Sof ifat'ureai1dRricf, ,•herdore~Gbd uorh molliuctlytxpcClulate and that hers not wanting ro'any (o,but th'ac •irh>is,ifw'e1blmgnot fortMrtk hcmay.b9tQu~falualloni But! fay,andrhat · ob,flJJ 1: 'Matb.:Z.l-J7.1d>lrvlfu-.l>ould·l our of tllisj>l~lforwc,rhar God tswanung 10 · li~1,~ u11,ht,cdJhy children lovrtthn:,'~llnA rhaJ (orne o!f'CJfo<.fU'fs ! Bcd.Uf\:1 1iCe AiLJerh' the'nJ' ••••Id~~""! H~w d1d (l;hri!iwrU 1 and (owill onely a' pb~<r<·ro perf~oerrin f01rh if rhl'y th" hecomplarll<s of rhofe who ~ould ~oq ,vlll, oifit1yixNiad rather)' a po"cr to will to ,f he had nut through hiS helpe made thcri> pcrfcuert'j':llld make• t)><ln nor to pcrfcucre ~Me to wi\l,w~1effie bee kneW could not willr? atlually arid'tOdec:de. AndVnletTe thiSgnk£ A4("'"· Chrill is berofaid>to hauC:will<d Id eg1uen,1tls·not pofliblethat~ny lhouiU:Oll· Volunt;'He ?;tthcr rhcni together, not by the wtll'bf,hi-s Jraine fah.ta.trlftt~by pcr(cuering. For 1t IS a 0 "''1''"'· l ood·pl<afute·,!w,b,ch may n<oer ·bee reil• mall fur"c lurf'~·;~, uian ll'!th nntthar good t!.vo:mdlg- Of'd\ b'ul bybi:s ti'gn1(ying er l'~ucaltd u.ill rhing,Wl~fth~)"gfaCrHe ISriqJe for todo,,lnFt>t?lie'('S faid ~o w11J eogarhcf all vJno hirffi ldTe G~·&:makCiiith·todo.1t,:ts he b:uh made £e'H~/b.:c:tufe by the preadnn~g of rbe worlJ I h'1m a:b 1 Jc t:O'ddC it if' lJc,~dL, Thcn·fmchce, ~1 e call/it~~~ i~n com1n0n vnr<\ faluarion,al_l~l:i-· · . m '-''b<?'n~c' 1ht very :c~ _ _o_f_p~,:!'~ucra!:cc ~~·