rUf creati/e of Predeflination. -639~-- norg1ucn, bcrng Cmurcn wich rh~violence of A h;~ut: grDwm m ~tjju[f thneo[. i11 fo muchtbat fvme gricuotu remprarion,wichout delay wil (ome,eur,. ~ theJrOIPntJ~riti"g~doewirnef[e, do~ fall awJy fro -n faich,aod !hall be damned. h6/de th~Jt u w.u fud menfortho(evugodly onu, Lafll;,this hypothefis or platfotme is bur 1rho (ro111 thebeginningoftbeworld;vnri!lthepa/ the varmthin'"' and fren1 trimming ouer of {ion ofour L?rd, weredead in theinm,god/lllef]e, ccrtaineopin~onsJ which rhe Church in for11vd punifhedwithettrnaU damnation,contrm·,ro A:1g. cont. mer ages ,Jid condemne. The Pelagrans that{4Jing()f the Prophn ;0 de4t1J, lrri!lbe tl'} \l:l.i'cbg. r,tughc that aImen were rcd(cmcl by Chriil:, dcAth,Andthf fling 0 H~/1: w~doed~cru th.d st ho.;."P·l· buc noc made free: bccaufe God dilhibutcd o•gh• fimpfJ •ndf•i•hf•IIJ tc 6eheldand tAugh•, his.gifuaccording_to thecapab!enes ofthe~l according to tl~~ Eu411gdic~U and Apos73l~call wluch came to rcceiue them. Thefame did truth, that w~1udg~that tbt&ran~m~w.u gzr~m . F.mft,u che pdagian alfo aflirme :·F:fow bath for •hem,ofwhome•he Lordhimfilfo (•~h: Euen ~f;de ~"· God (faith he) rcdeem,/•fl the world1do we"'' & Mofes liftedvp the Serpent inthewildcrnef{e: 0.:.1;~·~: . r. (u m:n to /iur fti!Jin their(lnnes ! How foallwtt r~muff tht Sonne ofman /Je lifudvp, that tHeT} rhink$ that the]artriln{omtd, wh~1nt wee doe {te one which6e/eeuuinbim IJ'JA} nr;tpere!J;, /Jut haue {liH /Q coFI:tnHe cAptiues!Luv1J,ather th~tt which B ~~~rnAU !if~. SoG11d /o,udtheworld,th11t begaue 11 lure mcnt bJ v(ing a{imilitud~;'"for e."!:amp!~: hl!tml] /JegqttenSonne, that mer;onrthnt Gdee• If 411) cmba1J'ado11r11r priq&purpo(ing to m4k..,ein. rudinhimmight not perifl;, Pnt ha:u cuer!afting ttrctjfim for • ciueta~tnb] warre,fha9beHowa !tfe. And theApop!t/>Zilh, Chri1711'.u oncet~Jfi~ vrr1greatr:mfome,and(etfre6 from hi1[eruitudr red for tbet11kjng atl'a) o( Ihejinnrs ofmar.J. rPh~u t_h~ chiif~ (om_maunder, a!lth~m~!timJ~ Pro/}tr afcnbe.uhis pl~tforn~c~f :rn!u_cr· Epifl... d wh1cb umcAplllnt],tn( thty art alto~ fall gr4cC vmo the P.:lag1ans. Thuu ((aah Augufi. grdurdeliueredfromaf/conftraintorntctjfi ic,r-f bee) t-~eirvrry epinicna;;d priflJ!ivn:Thrlt A- ' bonda3 t: A!1d dun ifhappefJ tither their v{iltlllde· dOl m finnin._f!., ctttr]mJ4., finned, aJtdth.u no m.1n is lighf ,orf'mc(oothingf/.•He,foallfo injlantl]v,ge (auedb7 hu J>l•r.c 1mk[<, but bJ the graceof Gqd fomtofthrcapti~~!, M tb.d etur7oneturning (a· mrcgettcr:ttion. A>1d JCI that the rrc11ncilcmc,;t rtant mJdflaHe to IJil ownwif!Jbalrcfu(t thatfree. which is intluStJcr.lmrnto[Chriftsb!~od,iswith· lJ b4iowedbenefit :foaliwe (11} that the co~tempt out cxctptiof':ljfrrcdv11UJ 411 mcn,[otb~JtWhofoeof the vnthRnk.~f!~/1cllptiHe·hath lrfenrd the ejl1urr willcom~vntofaith a11dhaptifm~,ma; he fa~ matirmoftheran(ome ?urth.1t heewhichrtjll(tth ued,.tnd th~t.t Goddidfortk,.t~swhefore thecreatilibcriJ,tl.eth 1Tn] Wit] dimini(htbe good wilufbim C onoftluworld, wh9/hou/d heluue,or rPhofoori/J t/;;JJ rartfometh ?{t1rel] 110. fqrtuen 41 hewhich remameinthat f~irh.whichmuftafterwArd hte returnn maybe we/J accepttdwtthhim that doth P'"ppedandhrlpedhyhit ur11ce, and that he pre 4 '·' ,foRJehim.{o it heguilt] 11(co~ter»pt whgdidnot deflm~tted t h:mvnto his tj,gdt.'m, 'Who f,eing fi-u~ """"'· Thus we fee thattbe Pelagiaos did IJ calkd,hc(orf{aiV thatthry"'o:.ld be IVorthie o forge or framea redemptiO throughChriCl, t!elli9n.and that thq woufddepart aut1thi!lifc, without deltuerance. And what elfe do they ma/:ing agooa md,Andth•t thmforee•erJmap who publi01 io tbeir pamphlets, thatall and is pr_onoi(rdco bdeeu-.nddoe g~od6y g•dfJinfticucry one on Gods part arc redeemed, but IliUm!, that r.o m.:mma7 drlfraz_recf theattain~· not f,wcd,becaure theyw1ll not belccuc?And ment ofetenMII/ife~ (eeing thAt there i1 11 rewArd now leevs hearc the confutation of this opiprcpar(d for • tJohmtaricdu1otio"· The dtffcCont,lul. Ill on. Ar~.~uflino faith : You fay they 11re redurcnce I confctfeconfifls in this, that the Pc~ lib. 3.c:"lp 3 , mrd, hut tbqare n?t dt!iuend, thq ar~wafoed, lagians doeither wholly afcribc vnto naru re but the) are not deanfed--·:the(e beeJoUr mor.~ the ability to do well, or eh partly to n3tur~, /1ro114 opinions-··: the(t are the par11doxn of the & partly togracc;but this platformeafcnbc~ Errort'• I ' Ptii~gitmhermck...(s,&c.but I pra7 tbee tellmu all things wholly vnto grace, which indeed is bow er-~" thit J·edempti~'~ hu-r:nderfloDd, if he d"e D very right: but wbiicfi they go~ abom toornot redceme from tmO, whtcb redeemed Jfi~tr/1 daine vniucrfall grace,theydo not free themfrom _nil theirJinnct ~ fqr lFherefoeurrwum11k._e (elucs,but ate rather mereentaglcd.Formo{f men,on Dj redtmplion, therct~l{oi! tmderflooda true is that (ayingof Peter M>lriJr:WbilftJhr(e Loc.Com, ranfo"'.e: tmd what is that~~~~ .the prteiout h/oQd '!'enmak._tgr4ce fo common_toall,tbry turr.~grace da£J.i c 3, 1 of tk~'mn:acul:uelamhr Chrift lefru? 11ndcon~ MtonAtur,e.And Iwould willingly be certt.fied, cerrtmg thtt ran(ome, ,.,..hJ fhou/d~ee Mk.! ~nr owhethcrthey who haue receiued this grace, lb~r,nhcrf{orc•tw:Uguun?l~t htm thrdpa,d tbe be regenerate or no: if they bee regenerate, przce.rnakethean(w:r. 71mtl~raith he,mJ/;JI)qrJ rhen all men are rcgcnerate:ifthey be not re· which is fhed formanJ.f~rtheremilfion offnnt!. generate,then haucal men pewer tobelecuc Procadr,l prAJprocud,and.uJoP.-f4JintbrSa & to :main faluatiO 1ft hey wHJ,}'ra eucn whi~ c1·anuntt nf ourSauio11r, mtnArcbapthed, hut Jell thcyremaincvnrcgel~eratc Bmthit pow~ the] arcnot (.w,cd:~bey arcredcemcd,buc they er, 1f it bee in man before hisconucrfion,will ore nor .JcJ,uered:---(o/~J youalfo; Chri(l his not fuffcr much fro ooture. And if (o be r\iac b/;l)dis(.;~dfo~ tbcmforthe~t7>Jijfianifftmus,bm gr:lcccxtCdas far as n:uurc,wemunnot pray ~ Cnn:iL thqa~eclctmlrdb] theremiffian ~fno {inne.They more for grace then for nature: ncirher need ar.:ll'ondcrfJ/1, flr~mgr, andvntruethingn.,hich wee any more pray for theconurt!}onofvn 4 'f?l~ affirm'". aConcerning thcrcde'ptiPnof Chri~s bclcrucrs, bccaufc it is in cheirownc power, bll)"cl. by rl"n(o>t of the excadlmT errsnrs whtcb by rcnfon of gcnerall grace, to beconuerr..:J Hhh z 11