Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I ! \ l i'J,c:~r.dc I. 1 6+o ru1 treatzje of Predeflinatzon. - If theywill. /'rofp'r alfo a(cnbcth this plat· A ~ternA{/ bfe,lmt i4 wiiiinff,tndsjJ(rcntlt thatalmrn\ 1 l tngt~t~sI fo.rme eo 1hcPdagians 1n thcfcverfes: ..\ •Pm•ld b,fau<d, And c~m<vnto rh/k..•OJr!cdg• •f • Profr·or, Tn;u wedetcrtntntiftiJat gr.:tccth.;Jt mo«Zes the trmh. And aoaine: that rhc] ft41 that oHr ept· ac1 Auf/S Go-/1 uwnc pc'flt,:and to lmn full decu: L1rd Ic{tU Cbrifl d,cd for aUmAnkjwde,ar.d that gufl:, BMya ajfirm!th~t nom:~l1itfarfo{!s, -JI1manuvtter1Jt.-r:emptedftom tbcredemptiono Bt~t th.1t the rrorld from fin?e!t frurhclccre, his6!ood,altho11gh he ltJCdt all thit hiJ bF eflrm.- And p.rtJfi4g mme,doih proffer meercfaltJatirm, ge_dfr9mhim:bccaufc that thefacrament ofGodt To till Wllhvut ~xc~ption ;]n rJ~? com~ ~raceapp~rtttin:tbvntoa/1men:wh:r~} mar.} arc GMdd bJ th~t~ownc!sft to ~bcartm, ~fJl ther:(ore rcgentratcd; becau(cthey ar~]oreA 4dmfJ/IOi1f OJ. the mtnde,dtrdfmg {om: -:,nown~,that th(j haue not A w1/1o 6e rc-g~mrared; Torhe rmbracrng ofiluuoffered /lght ~ I and th4lthercforc cnGod1part,eterna/1 life iJpre. fPhich f.Jmo all that ~vi/l,~orhdtt:1't~~~t figkt· .· ~' : parr~(or all muJ: bur i1• rejpea ~tbe fredo.,m~ of Buta(cerwards hecon-.~emnc£h lt I:J thls(orr: the wztl,the] (aJthat thryrmfJattaincc:urlafhr.g La1 fee borl' youCtmprt~otuth-it C. hriff hi1grace )' !ifc,wbo do ofJheirowneaccurdbdc£ue. And aProJterstjodt kj11gdomeandtrtre!JbJiedms ' gaincthey (1ly,rh~tt thlJ "Wilnot admit ofrb 4 t ex- .TIJalim~nbornc,lt-ttingnone orurf4Qc, po{itio;, uftht~t faying whu.:b ital!cadgl'd uut of Ton•homritgl'flnte:h nor thts h4pp:'ntJ1e, ' B A·~gt;ftuu: wh;ch is,th4t vn!efJe h1c ln/i ha 14 e 4 i1 Whmeucnat rhis rim: throught?e whole worlds I me1; to btt fnrud. And againe: not om·l]tho(e T {ram!, ~ · whichappet·tainvHtothenumberoftht(amu:hm I. im.l, A1dcomra({tofrh:tllrth.1Phtf'(inlve !tut, • I'll! m~, tdtogether,wtthouro:c(pmmof ll»_f. {,'bnPs GofPell IS not /z.nownc,.,or Jfl bi; 11.1me; l I w1fh aHO thar tbmg were marked: name- Hi ar.cpill: 1carmot (ay but th.u !Jeco:d~if lwc ly, that the CathoJ1kcs are accu(ed by rhe ::d AuguO Euen at thl'Jirfi,roaUth.-lt breatheon t11rth, Pdag1ans, that \'Odcl' the name of predc!liOr C:4!rmrbuworldrtcciuerJ bre;~th, narion,thcy did cf!abltJIJ accrtame tat all ne– And againe he fair_h: If r;o m~n ~e whomt betri/lnot redeem~. No doubt bullhathis'"" (h..ll b"JI<Chd, But ofagrelit part hem.1k,rs no cftum~, Wh9 minfe.,.nR./1dark..,tnej]( brurei-c{[ed, N owtf theditJers moticmsofthe mmde, Andapecuba'~" !dur1ie, Doe mak.! a dzffr:rent cotufe,toaUm.JnkJ.ndr, God; willmrfl free from in.:.ln!tt], Either receiuethf/rtngrhfrCJm lmm,mephajm·c, Orrwmtetb/lrcngtb) wbcnnill attames that trca- (Hr<. And againr;11C ~n(wcrerh th.: Pclagians)urbo fay that by willirg it "'eareable to arrame Gods grace 1 or clfctu rcfiHH by nillingH, ahcr this nunner: How fals it~«t thlll.t thiulmighty grace Which (tw:th a/l,rcid 1sthc trorb..,e tt wrotJght, Whw ~C•I /;er caufe ,condition,t sm(,11or placf', Can for ahindcrm1ce rhermntohc brwght? • Andagaine: Wb4t wouldyou f tJ} whenyoudoeplaineiJ fee, Hor" Chrijl hu gr~tceir.twir.JadiJfcrcncemak,!s, And tho(ewhoat onetime com:eiuedbe, And whome the worldmtoherbo(ome takp, I /&dozbdifiinguip,,granti11goneheaHetll_bltf[e, The othtrhell,wheregruje tt14dhorrorrs! To(a] the wJIIdJrcEls .JOUJPc~tk_e amiffc. \ And againc: N oma~{Att holde thrmi!$f1IJC1:1p11ble,. / Or_gllilt]of this fimtetowhomeGodsmtght D!d"'~" fh•w it (dj< fo fauot>rabl• ccl1i£y:and tbac they 111a't.fc a kindcof v10Jcnt prconllnation. Which accu(arion bathalfo bcenc la1d againll vs. And tbc like cdmc 0Jeweth tbo like caufc. Lallly,thisplatforme cloth palling well a– gree \l-ith that doClrincconccrnwg prcddll– natio:l, which is generally maimamcd 111 the School<s, & Sy~:ogoguesof the Paptlh:yea C verily to fpeake the rrmb,itfccmcs tt; be bor– rowed euen ffom chc:nrc. For 1fwe wdl con– fider of the maucr, what rife h;uh PtghiH4 taught? Vi/bar clfe hathCathAr;mr; mamrai– nc:d? and what cl sat d1is clay do theg1olic far Monkes maintaincl who imparkc GodsaCh– oos in rhe cafe ofprcddlination,within rhefe pales.Fir!l,fay thcy,God forclaw the natUres and fins afall men.Then prepared ho Chrdl 1 he Redeemer ; Afterward,he willed forrhe merit ofChrill forcfccnc,ro bellow fuftc1cnr helps of grace vpon all men, whereby they might bee fauod through Cbrill: and 111 this willed for his part,by hiS ant<cedentwil, that all010uld be faucd. Lallly,hc did morcilully pred<llinatetholc, whome hce did foe would D end their liueo in Gods fauour: and hoe did iu£!Jy reieetother[ome,tither for original or a<'lual/ finnes,in which hefordaw tboywould end their Jiues, A C orolarie,or addition. A mofletrtainc theorcmr.or vn~ doubttdtruth. I As to apprat-e,Honot inglimmering li,ght. Lib,,. clc 1. Fauf/usthe Semipcl>gian accufcd tbe Ca. ""·' 19. 1tllcl•kes, in that thcyfatd rhatour Lord Ic– l (us Cluia didnor t11k!vpon him mans flefo for )allmen 1 nordudgrncral!y fora//, And on the O· I 1 hcr lide the Cathollkcs accu(c tile Pclagi– an~,intbllr the7 f~ly, rhat God rcpelhthmme from GOD HATH NOT REVEALED Chrifl vnto all and eucty man. Thcpmfa. This iseuidenr byScripture~ aLld cxperi· encc.1(a.sz_.l4._7 bae::._·hi6h hnthnot bcrmrci:Je [ rhrm •