Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

ru1· treati/e of Predejlination. 6 +' :1 tiJCm,jba/1 the] [er,aJJd thAtJrhtch thq haurn~t A ting ready CO dic,cried Oldt,O thtJH whzch artthlf E~scnrium htard,tbq [hall '!l"derffalfd.ICa. SS· s. Beholde ichufrrf thing of aa thmgJ which are,hm~e m!1 C) ~~frcrc tho:tfoalt c:tlla ¥uttjon,which tho:, ha{J n11 ~lfown: vpon me. • ttnd nl4tio,u thAt k_,cwnot thee fo4li rnnvntQ thee. The G!ntilea. knew not God,that great beIfa. 65.1./ haue 6unt(ought of f'hern that a&k.!d nefatlour, and therefore }'air.ed vnro thcni not,l w.ufgu;JJ of them that fought m~not. O fea feluei certaine fauiours, CaPor, and Po.'lH.x, 1. 10. A 11 J intheplnce where itw.u (~tid vnt.1 and HcrcHlu,callcd AM~ilt<tJCa:,tharis,ahclper them,Jeare not mJ peaple, itfoa!ibe (aid,Jt are m ddlretfeg, or repel!er of cuds,and ..A:fi:~tth.:fomutof tbdirlittgql)d.Ofc.l.1J.fWJI/ hau~ lapiUJ the Phy(jrian. Soh.,wfairh, rhar rt1erc: Co!IeCb.r, rmrqvpl)• her tbar w.u nol piuied.4~-l I will fay is not asyetanyof the Gentiles (ound, who 5 ·'· 7 • tod1unwhich we~( not mJ pesple,th?uart mJ peohath attainedvnto the heightof felicity,and pk Atl:.14.1GG•dintinm pafl fu!Jmd•'lth< 1 may iullly bee accounted happie. Albin11' Gt11til!s tow.1lk_ein tluirow11: rpai~t.Ad. J 7. 30. fpe>1kerh thus:Wbtn (ucblikequt!tionr areproAtJdthetii'Jieofthi& ~(ltOro~nce qod reg-ardedn?t, poNIIded,whJ o1u iriudged tlmr,andanoth~r aftno butnow bee admmi,foetha/1 mm tNtrf~here to tl11otherm4mur, whJthirmaY~iJblinded, God gi· rep!'~tr,Ro:nan.I6, Z$,16,Tohimmmuhatisof B 11i11ghimouer, A»d ai'Jother enlighte11ed through powerto efiAbti[h }Oil according tom] Go/pell& Gods a./]iflanr:t; let n9t vt pre[11mc or tak.! vp(m preachi11g~J I~(lU Chrift, by thereu~l"tianofth~ VI to i'!"geoftht iuJgctJJtnt of(ogretUa fudge, myftuic, which w.u k,ept (ecrrt {i11ce thr WQr/d br4t wtthtrtm~lin.~ let vs cric fJJJt w;th rl;e Apo~ b,g,rn,bmn" • uopm<d,Colotr.t.26,z ],Which file, 0 th< drptb! iuhemy{leriehidde (ince thcworldbet,mm~,4nd Con(eElarie I. frmJ a/J aget, but now i& rJu,u{!~ ta his The promifeconccrning the [cede of the S4inu,to whom:q11d1Vollldm..1/eknowne whar iJ woman belongs nor to all and to cuery one: rh~richesQfthi$gloriouimJflerieam"".!. th: Gm~ For a prom1fc to whome it is not reuealed, ulo. Ephef. 1, 1 z. Tewereat thAt time )vithom is not atluaiJy a promifc. <l9ioJ. Chrz/f,andhAdnobope,&rnre Atheifls,orwith~ Conjeaarie I!. outGodin rh<,.orld.Ephe(+5. Them_7[1muj Howroucr the redemption, that is by Chn{J inothtr4gesw.unotopened vnrothe (4nnes Chri£l,belongcth vnto all, yet it belongs nor ofmcn,.uitisnowreuealedvntohitholf Apo~lrr. to all and to cuery one. For ahcndit ro be Pfal.147· 19,1.0,Hee fbetwth hil'wordvmo laperceiued or rec~iued by a fupernaturaiJ cob, hit fitm~eu anJ hi1 iudgcmmttvnto l{ra~!: C faith, tf it be not rcuealcd,1sno benefit. flee h:lth not deAlt /o with ~uery,ultiDn, neither CcnfeCiarie 1I/, hau' tbry ~.own<hisi•.dg<mrms, Vocation and vniuerrall fauing groce beThe moll wrfc Phrl ofophers among rhe longs not to all and euery p.rticular pedon. Genules haue indcede ftoattcied m•ny for God callorh v• by rcuealingand otfettn'; rbingsofGod: butinthc mcanctimcwhat Chrilltovs. 0 fay they of ChriG?why 010uld they bcfocx· Con(dl•ri< JP, ceeding Glentin thi• point, if Chrill were reThe foreknowledge of fa~rh in Chri!l,and uealed vntoall ~ Socrat:1~eeing readyro die, of(~)priuatiue infid~lHic,i$ not t?efquarc & L.tfr.1q.c.2. nud, I dtpt~rt out of tha life •411d thq bdfor~ ruleaccordtng to wbJch God harn ordained of LheGo[- ,.b,m< I pl<•d< "'J"•(c,doliu<, Wh<th<r m•J and difpofcd hi• prcdeflmation : bccau(e p<ll. bebetterthe immt~rt41/Godrd1~k_~tTW: but /thin~ th~re bee very many that ncuerfo much as thatmm••lz••wrth, .Andweow< (faithhc)O heard of Chrill; inwhomcthereforethcrc Criro,~t C()ck! tov£fculapim to per[orm6 ri,us is neirher f3ith in Chrifl, nor priuaciuc infifor thepotim, lt is repotted that Arijlotl<beedel1ty,or contempt ofthe Golpell, 'Trin-'lmi Veo gloria. ------- ---- - - - ----------- I j ! -----------------------------~----------~H~h~h~3_______________ ____ ; •