Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

14-8 CafoJ of Conjcience. z.Booke. j tbereafon corrupted, theheart terrified, the A Foreuery prefent el!ate, whether it begood man dlflratied 111 the wholebody.Thus from or bad,is the bell Gate forvs,becaufe itcomea the tremblingofthe heart come many fear<· by Gods will and appointment. fullJmagJn2tlons ;~nd conccitG,wherofaman And thus much touchmg the difiintlkintls knuwc; notthecaufe, Thefame i•procured ofdi!lreffes of mind : whereunto ladderhis by the (welling ofthcfplecne, by ther~ongof one thing further; that ifwe make examinari· rh" entrals, by !lrangecrampes,convuifions, on of rhe el!areof fucb perfons as arc rrouand fuch ltke. bled with any of thefe fiue temptations, wee The remediehcrcofis this. Firf/, it is fiill !hall norvfually finde rliem ongle, bur mixed to be conodered, whether the parry thus rogether,efpeciallyMelancholy,wtthterror troubled, bath the beginnings ofrrue faith & ofConfcience,orfome oth<r remprarions. I repenrance,or no. Ifheharh,tt isfo much rhe For rhe ditlraClion ofrheminde wtlloften bwer: Jf he harh nor,(as vfually fucb perfona breed a dillemper in the body, & the dil!em- ' '' •neere naturall men)tben the firl! duty is, perofrheboJdie ltkewife will fomerime caufe 1"' vfeall means,to l!irrevp in him fome goddWraClionofmind. Againe,Melancholy wtll 1 ty (oorow for his linnes, to bring htm rothe often bean occalion,(though nodireClcaufe) cxerclfl!s of 1nuocarion, 2nd to fomc:confi- B oftcrrourofconfcu~ncc, &inthefanJcman· dcnce to Gods mcrcie forpardon. I ncr thecon(dence touched and terrified with Seco.diJ, thiS bcei!lg done,meanes muflbe fenfeofthc bainoufnelleoffinne,and the heavfcd ro rake a"ay the opimon conceined,\ uinelfeofGodswrath,willbringdillemperof ~·hich will be done bygiuinghim infotmati-\ body byfymparhie,and cau!eMelapcholy. on ofthe llateof hisbodie, & what IS rherrue In thisCafe, ifQ.uel!io>J be made, what is & proper caufcofthe alrerari?n therof.This I to be done, I anfwer, that for mix! dil!relfes, bceingknowne,the gric(e orteareconceJUed I we mufl haue rccourfe ro mixt Remedies, v.. will.ailly be l!ayed. For take away rbe falfe fing in the firl! place the bell meanes for the opin(on,andinforme the iudgemenr, and the reClifying ofrbe mind,the principal grounds whole man will be rhe better. whereof haue beenc before dehuered; and .Thirdiy,the opinion beeing altered and«· then takingthefeafonableaduiceofthePhy· formed, if may be the altera!lonm the bodte firian, whofe calling and feruice God h34h will remaine :the partietherefore in that cafe fanchfied for thecure and rdecfe ofrhe body murl be tauoht,rhatit isacorretlion ofGod, in cafeofcxtremiric. and that G,;'d doth nor barely fulfer the corAnd [o much ofthe firl! fort ofQyel!ions, reelion to be inRttled,bur is theveryauthour concerningMan limply confidered inhim· ofit:and therefore the party is ro bewcl plea./ felfe. fed,and to te!lhimfclfe m that will'c>f God. Theendofrhefirf/ Roof«. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE CASES OF CONSCIENCE, CONCER· ningMan as be !lands in relation ro God. · ~----------------------------------------------~ CHAP. I. Of theorder of the0!,ejlions. -~-:: ltherroi hauefpokenrou-1 c chingrhe fir!l fort ofQJ!e- - flions of the Confcience, which conccrne Man fim– ~ ~ ply confidered in htmfelfe ashe 1s aman. In the next placecomes ro be handled and rcfolued the QJ!cl!ions concerning Man, :u he fl:tnds m relation. Now man 1landing ip• rwo.fold relation; ei– ther to God,o.rto man: according to this re.. lation , the Q)Jel!ions comerobeconfidcrcd in their feuerall places. And 6rl!, we are ro rrea:e ·of the Q.uelltons of Confcience rou– chmg 1~1an !landing in relation to God; to wit,as he isa Chrillian. All which for order fake maybereduced tofourehcads.· I. Concerning the Godhead. ' 11. Concerning theScripture.<. I I I. Concerningreligion,orrheworfl>ip th.r is due vnroGod. I V. Concerningrhe time of theworfltip ofGod,namely,theSahhath. CHAP. II. OftheGodbed, Touching the Godhead, there are )wo! mainc QJ!el!ions. · I . QJ!e-