THE ARTE OF PROPHE- ~ l "' ', .., cy1ng. 0~ ' A TREATISE CONCERNING THE ,_ SACRED AND ONELY TRVE MANNER AND MET!j,ODE OF PREACfiiNG. Firft writte-~ "in La:tine by M'. \IVILLIAM PERKINs: · · and now fai'thfully rranOared into EngliOJ (for that ir c<>n<ameth many wonbie things fit for the knowledge of men of all dcg1ccs) ·. By'fbomasTukc. Nchem. 8. 4, s,6. And E<.ratht Scribt f/"d vpon ap•lpit ofw.,J,which bt hdmadtfor tht prMching. AndEuaoptn"l the baok$before~tithe people: [or h( wtU alioue all ~hep~ople: ar~d when he opened it,4t?thepeople/fooJ vp., E~raprai(edth~ l/Jrd~hegreat God, a11d all thepeoplum[wered,Amtn~Arntn.- vecf.j. [n!.~trv~nntr ltfbu•,••d,Banl, O'c. verC 8. Andt~'l rMd in theboo~tof thtlmv of God 3 dif/in11ry,andgauetbtfen(e,and "u~d thtm to vmhrft•n4 t 1 bcrMding. 4 .,, '1'' Printed at London by loHN LEGATT, Printer - · totheVniuerfitte ofCambridge. I6q. ..