I R, many and excell er.< benefits bath the Lord inmercyvouchfafed I to vsrhcfecightand forty by-paU yeare,stogether :of which thists not the lea(l,afnot the greate(l, that he bath Mpelled tlje duskic doudes of Exod,to,:~ 1?o~il!li darkene!feas palpable asthat of AEgypt, and bath eaufed the Sun·ligbtoftheGcfpel!to lhinecleerclyinall our coalls, Hclhewerh Pfll,t47·'9· hisword vnt?vs,;u he did vnto lacob~h1s llaru.res and hisiudgements,as he did fom<ttmes to l(rAd.He bath g10en vs bts Prophetsand EmbalfaExod.•P•· ~ doun, which doeferueltke that cloude and pillar of lire to direct vsin 1 . our pilgrimage through thewildeme!Te of this wicked ~orld into the · ceklltall Canaan.He h<th thrull forth many faitbfull and mduflrtouslabourersmto hisVmel yard to prune and tn drelfe the vinesofour foules,that we may bring forth thegropesofpietie and theclullers of iuUii:r;(vn/elfe we wtll needes be like to the Cyprelfe, whtch, as Pli•ie faith, l ean endure no husbanding,butmakethtbat her maladie,whieh is a medicine to oth<rrrees.JA– mongll whome rhe Author ofthis learpedTracbte did lhew himfclfewith the forwoa; carry– ingahvaies wirh him aLigbtoflearning,and aLampc ofgodly liuing. Aod,qHt~lt~· vitR,jinUitA; As he was aLampc whiles hcliucd,fo ltke aLampe,a/iU infe,.uiens[eip{umc(lnfumpFt. His whole life was labour,fcrihmda dicms,& leg-.d•fcrihms. One whereof was this pre(ent difcourfe and platfotmc concerning the true vnder!laudingand vC.ng ofthe Scriptures,written in hisyonger yeates:which Jam bold ro prcfcntanddedicar• to your w.,rfllip in this plight you fee; partly becaufe it is aTh,fa•rm and llore.houfe of excellent precepts, (.u DomitiJU Pi(o faith that bookcs lhould be fuchJhauir.g in it Kfi«~ •fl<thBilo:u.fufficient furnirure ro fui-ther perfed-ion in that facred (cicnce,and pArtly to damonGrare my gratirude,and denoted affe{!ion toyou, who haue alwaics becnc aconllant patron(etitmsminitAnte FortNna)to my nccrcfl and dcarcfi fficnds. Thus I rake my humblcleaue, deC.ringyour kind acceptance, and fo commendyourWor– lhipwith your whole progenie totheprotectionofthe Lord. London, Jan. 1. 16o6. •' "11 il ,, , ) YourWodhipsinall dutie, ji I, THOMAS TVItE; L l ! To ----------------------~----~---- ..