Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

lPtnbatio. lvl('~~~·J. il'li'Hils¥11, 'Ihe Art ~fProphecying. 10 The I . co}VVhich prefcribc the A the manner how, bu11he pe•lontowhomc: Tlrmthu. forme of orderin~ the z. The Swprurc 11ldfe ooth alfo rcfhfie of 11 The1. to Church aright, " n felfewirh rharkmdc of tdlimony, whtch is 7JmrJth 1 e. (urcr euen then ;~JJ rhc oo;thcs of men. for u TheEpialeto Ti1111, of ordering the wee haue thevoicc ofrheholyGhofl LpcaChurchoftheCrctianr. king m the Scriprur<: who dorh alfo w01ke 13 To Phifanon,of rcceiuing Onc:amus. 1n ourht·arts accrtaine(<=>h~f~ori<~Y,) full pctC\vaTbeEpiaic ro the Hc6rewu, concermng Oon of the Scriptures, when wee arcexerci· theperfon and offices of Chrill,andof faith fed in hearing, reading and meditating of bringing forth fruit in good workes. tbem. Ncithe'r do we belceuc athing,becaufe The Epilllc of lamu, concerning workes the Church faith it is to bee beJecued :but to be ioyncd with faith. therefore •·c do bclceuca tl1ing,becaulc that The firlland fecond Epifileof Peter, tou· which the Church fpeakcth, the Scripture ching fan~ification and the workes of new did firll fpcak.Yea the Church cannor ltaod, obedience. noryet be imagined wuhout faich:fauh 1s not The pr{t Epillle of John, concerning the without the word, which word "rhe rule or ugnesof fellowil11p with God. B obiect of laith, & not the •odgemenr,though Theft•""JErilllcof lohnro the electLattbe otmo£1 holy men. 3· Hewhtch doub· dl~,aboutpcrfcuerance in the truth. tethoftheScrtpturco,wtlldoubr as well olthc The tlurdEpt£lle of Johnto G•yr<~, concerre£limony ofthe Church. ' ning hofpitality and con!lancreinthatwhich 06i,[i. :, The Church hat!: aiudgemenr is good. . to determineof matters. Act. '5· zS. /r /«· TheEpillleof Iude,of confiancie m the ,,.,;, J:.60dl01hehofJ Ghof/,•ndlo vr. .A.jw. I . faithagatn!l falfe Prophers. The !oueraigne oduprcameiudgememcooA~td thr-u th1 C4N~nic41J Scripture Udiflin· ccrning mattersof falthJbcloog~:daorheho· ouifbed byber 660k,'1. ly GhoU, fpeakmg in rhc Scnptur«. The " Now there are very llrongproofcs, which mind! cry of iudgemcnr (or a mintUeuall !l1ew thatlhee alone ts rbewordof God, and tudgemenr) is onely giuenvmorbcCburcb, no orher bcudcs. bccoufc thee mu£! iulige accordmg ro rhe Of rhefe proofes one dotb make a man Scriptures: and becaufoiheedorh notthts alcertamely to • know the(ame, theotherdorh waics, lhcefomctimcs fatleth. :. The Apo· butdeclare ortdltfie it. (ties were prcfenr at rb.c Counceil whtch was O f the former kmde there is oncly one, c held arlcrufalem,who were men that hadau· namciy, the inward tclltmony of the holy rhority whtch was' of it felfero bebeleeued, Gholl (peaking in theScripturcs,and not on· which authority the Eccleliallicall minillcry ly telling a man within in his heart, but alfo nol" hath nor. effdtually per(wadinghim,rhatthefe bookcs The proofc of declaration or rcllificatioftheScripture are the word of God. lfa. on, isthat, which dorh notdemonl!rate or S9.1.f,MJ Spirir,rhttt Uvpont!u e,and my tPords perfwade, bur onely tcChfieJ and bycertam'= '"hich I hatu put m th] mtmth, {hall not depart tokens approue the true Canon. Tl1isproofe "" of thJ momh,--fi'om hen"forth '"'"for is manifolde. <Htr, FtrCl,the perpetuallconfentofthe Church: The manner o(periwading is on thio wife: of the auncicm Church of rhelcw<S. Rom. TheEletl bauing the Spiritof God,doe fir£! J·•· Forchiejly,buar~j<vntPih,mrmeof cred•t drfcerne the voice of ChriU fpca~ing in the CGmmitltd the OraclrrofGod. And ofthe new Scrtpturcs. Moreouer,tbar voice whtch they and latter Church. 1, From Chrill and the doe dtfccrne, they doe approo'ue: ond that Apo(!Jes, who cited tdlimonies forth of which they doe approoue, they doe bclecue. rhofe bookes. Laa!y,bcleeuing, they are(as it were) fcaled D Secondly,from theFathers. witbt!)efcalc'Of the Spirit.Eph.1.13.Whmin Firii,Ortgm,as Eufe6iu. tclltficth,tib,6. I 8, 4/ffJ ar~r that.1t /1daud,,ttwtrtfea!td'fl'ith she 0- 23· bo/7 Sriri tof prom•(<. > Me/iron, as tbcfameEufebimwitnelfeth The Church alfo may beare wirnciTc of lib+ , the Canon,perlwade fl1ee cannot. For by this 3 .Aiha••{iru, rneanesrhevoicc of the Church lhould be of ~ Cyrii,Serm.4. greater forccthen thevoice ofGod: and the s G)prian,orrather R•ffi•<inhis expouti· whole aateof mansfaluarion lhould depend ono(rhc Cr.ecdc. vponmen;rheniVhichwhatcanbefaidrobe 6 Hilari<, in his preface vpon the firll more mifcrable1 Pfalme: · Obic£1, TheScriptureisthe.wordofGod 7.Himm<, in Prolo.~o Cjalwo, and in his by it felfe, but it is not fo tovs, but by the prelocc vpon the bookc, 0 f Salomon, mdgement of the Church. An(. 1. Thedt8 Epipl:ani;,, in his bookcofweinhu and Clinetion is vaine. For, the fit£! paruher•of meafures, e lheweth the manner, whereby the Scriprur.e 9 Dama(<rne,inhi• fourth bookcoHalth, isthe word ofGod: the latter part fit ewes not chap. IS, ---------:--'-'--....:..c=...:..-= lii 10 qrc·