Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The Jlrt of Prophecy" ~ m . 10 Gr<gori,,Moral on/o6,bb.9. chap.z7. A Ninrt,ly, it is full of maidly 10 rhe firnple3 In Councds, the N•ccnc,and Laodicenes of the words. LaOiy, the holy pcn-rneo anc,Can.s9. fet downc rhcir ownc corruptions: ;Jnd Mof~t . Wah thcfeagreeH11go d~s11nllo Vi£lore in commcnds himfclfc,faying,rhar hcewas rho hzs 6rll booke of Sacraments, cap.7. N.LyrA me<ke(J of all men;which argucrh rhatrhey in his prologue vpon the bookes ofApocry• •·ere led by the holy Gho(J. And Chrill,who pha.Hugo Cara'imdu inprt~lvgo in lofuam. is defcnbed in the Gofpell, aflirmerl1 very Secondly, rheconfenr in part made by rhe plainly,rhar he isrhe Sonneof God,and rhat Genleo,& enemies affirming rhe fame things, he is one with God the Father, and chall<nwhich arc deliuered in holy Scriptures. gcth all Gods glory vnto himfclfe. Which 1 Of the creation fpake Homtr, and Plato 1f1t had not bin rightand true,he fi1ould haue inTimtto. fcltrhe wrath of God with A dam and with z OfChri(l, lo(,phm, lib.zo. Antiquit.cap. Hmd,whowould n«ds bel1kevnro God.But 6. & 8. and in his fifi booke of the warre of on the contrary , God hath rcuenged his the Ie.,es, chap. S. and bookc the 6, chap.: 5· death both vponHerod, and ••pon rhe Iewes, Z7.z8-47• and vpon P•i•t•, and vpon rhofe Emperours 3 Ofthe Redeemer ofthe world,who was B that perfecured the Church. to be exhibir.d in the Ja(J times, prophecied And thus wee haue feene the • token• of •nx,ul~. the Sybils, as L•fJantim recorderh,lt6.4.cap. the Scripture. Whereby it appeareth, that 6.and Cicuo,lib, Diuin~tt.andP,rgil,m the the bo<>ke of To6it, the prayer of M•n•ffts, fourth Eclogue. thebooke of Iudirh,rhe bookeof Bamch,rhe 4 Ofrhe nmacles ofChrill,l'•eroniudpeaEpi(J!e of lmmit, the additions to D•nid, kcth in NcrfJ: andT>~cirus,Mt, ).& zo. the third and fourth bovkesof E~ra, the ad5OftheWJ(emelll Clarre,Pitn.ilb.z.& zs. dirions to the book ofHc/ltr, the tu.' a bookc-s G Of rhe Oaughtcringofrhe infants,MA· of Macchabees,rhe bookr ofW,fedome,and crobimm Sarur. Ecclef!aOicus, are not to bee reckoned in the 7 Of the death of Herod Agrippa,lofiph•t Canon. Reafon 1, They,are nor written by in his 19.bookc of Anriquities,chap.7. rhe Prophets. z. They are not written in 8 Ofthdl"ood,Bero(us in rhofe fra!.\ments Hebrew. 3· Chril.l and his ApoO!osallead- 'vhicharecxtant.Io(rphHJ Antiq, ged in the newTdlam~nt,no teflimoniesour booke r.chap.J. And the Poets, of thofe bookes. 4. They containe fome 9 OfrherowerofB•beii,E•poltmlllfpea. c feigned thinss, and contrary lo the Scripkcth,asE•fihi>; te{lifies,De pr.p•rar.Euangtl. turct. 10 Of rbeDouewhichNo.fentout,P/utM"ch fpeakcth,lJb,quOd Bruta{Hntratien41ia. 11 Ofl•pher,thefonneof Not, thePoets CHAP. IV. fable many rhings. 1 z Of Abr8bam; facrifice, Ai<xand<r P11Of thtinttrprt141ion ifrhtScripl#m, iJbiff. 13 Of the miracles of Mofu, Plinit fp'O- [-Jitherto h21b beene fpokenoftheobi.Ciof kerh;rhough hcdowickcdly ea!!him aMagipreaching. Tbe pm; thereof are two. cian. Prt'par11tion for the (ermon, .;~nd the PromulThirdly,rho Antiquitieof the word,(orit gationorvturi,g o( ic. Mat,13.S'2,7'ht'nf•#d conraineth in it a narration of rhings done het: vnto them, thtrt'fore emr1 Scriht:, whichU fro the beginningofrheworld. But the mo(J taught vnto the /eingdome ofheaum,is!ik_,t'vnro ::171 ancient humane Hi!lory wharfoeucr,was not houiholder, »hich bringnb forth out of hi4tr<a- · writren by any,bcfor<thc daies ofE.,ra &Ntfurething,J bothn~wand old~. bemi.h,\<howere about theyere ofrhe u•orlds ln preparation, rriuate Clody is with ailicreaticr.,tbree thoufand aud fiuc hundmh. D gence to bevfed.r.Tim,4. q.Till I"'"' giut Fourthly, the mo(J cerrameaccomplilhattendance to rt:Hdtng, to exhortatiqn,a•d _ta ~O· menrof the prophecies: as are rhefe, of the £/rine. 1- Pet. I, I o. Oftht which {ail:ation ih< calliogof.the Gcnriles:of Amtchnll: of the Prophets haue inquiredand {t~trchtd, which pro- >poUalieofthe Iewes,&c. phecied of the grt1c~ that fo;;st/d come vntd JUH. f ,ftly,rhe mai!Crrhrreof: which is of one Dan.9.z~ TtJtht firfl yc~treo(,!DanirJ tru~ God, of the true worlhip of God, and vndrrfl(JodbJ hoDk!sthenum!Jrrof tht7rare. :hat God is rhe Sauiour. Concerning the ClodyofDiuiniry,rake rhis S•xtly, the confent of all the parts of the oduice. Firll, diligently imprint both in thy -5C'npturc:. mindc and memory thcfubflance ofDw101Scauenthly, the miraculous preferuation ty defcribed,with definitions, diuifions, and of theScdprur~sin r-he penis o~tbeChurch, cxphcations ofthcproperties.Secondly,proa.nd mrhe nmc pfgen'eraJJ reuoltir.g. oceedeto the reading of the Scriptures 111 th1s Eighdy,thcoperation tbereof:.for it conbrder: VG"ga grammaticall,rhcronca!l,and 1c:rrerh men,and though ir be fla!ly conrrar.y logical! • analylis, and the helpeof t~le re(J , Opening .o the reafoo and affections of men, ycr •• <>ftllearts: reade fir(Jrhe Ep10ieof/ •ul to ofthct<xr. vinnerh them vnroit fdfc,' the Romanes; afrcrrhar, the Gofpe! ofJohn,/ (as -