Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ih Jl fP h 6 \ e rt o rop ecze. 5l ' 1 (as bceing indcede d1e key,es of thenewTe·) A the meane while empty,that frelh paper m•y fiamenr) and then the orher bookesof the bee pu: to. 3· All things, which thou rea. ne., T ellamcnt will be more cafie when they dell, nr'e not eo bee written in thy bookc; but 1 are read. When all this is done, learne firll thofe things that areworrhy to be rcmebred, the dogmaticall bookes of the olde Tefla. and arcfeldolllc met with.Ncither mu{t rbou ment, elpce~ally the Pfalmes: then the Proput the IVordsoflfhc Author in thy conunon ~ pheticall, c(pcciallyE(•J: _LaUiy,\he hiflorl· places, 'out bricfiy note.downe the principall call,butchiefly Gcncl:s. For It IS likely that ,points of Horics)&of things,that thOtl ma1efi the Apofllesand Euangelifls read Ef•J and (cc from what author to fetchthe, ..·heu rllou the Pfalmes very much. For there arc no (halt haucvfe:and make apoint in tile author bookcs of the oJaeTcUamenr,outof which himfclfe,fhar'thou mai[l know that the thing wee can reade more tetlimonies tobee cited is dme handled, which thou wrorefl in thy then out of thcfc, There are about three· comon·place booke. 4· B<coufe forne things (core placesalleadged our of Efoy: and three· do very often oifcrrhemfclues widu doubt· (core and foure our ofthePfalmes. Th1rdly, full ugnification;fo as that thou can£! notrell, aoffouiul out of a orrhodoxa.ll wriringslwcmuilgetaid 1f thou write them in thy common places, iudgemem: notoncly from the latter, butalfofrom the B from whence 10 fetch them, therefore to thy or tOund,& wore ancient Church. Becaufe Sathan hath common places, thou muflioyneanalpha· iudicious,& raifed vp from the dead the oldc Herctikes, beticall table. 5· Alwaies prouidcd rhat thou cOfon:mt to Gods word. that he might hinder the reUauration of the cruft not too much to thy pJaces. For irisnor Church, which is begunn: to be made in our fuffic1cnt whauea thingwritten in rhy book, time.Forthe Antfrriniraries bauenewlyvarvnleifeit bcal~aicsdiligently laid and locked nill1cd that opinion of Ar,ius and Safnllms, vp m rhymemory. The Anabaprifls renew the doctrines or feel; Preparation hath two p~uts; lnrerpretatfofthe Elfees,Cathari!ls,EnthuGa!ls,and Do· on,and right ditJijiOilor i1 ctttriwg. .. o·~~o natiUs, The Swcnkfald~am reuiuerhe opini· lntcrpreranon is rhci~Open;ligo( the words • i1rb,u117 ons ofthe Eutych~ans, EnthuGafls, &c• . Me· and fcncenccs of the Scriprurt•, thar one ennon followcrh Ebion,and the Papills rcfamble rire and muuraii Ccn(cm<ly appcarc. the Pharifies,Encratites,Tatians, Pelagians. The Church of Rome maketh fomefcn· The Libertines renew the opinions of the fes ofthe Scriptures, the lirerall,allcgoncall, GnoU:icks and Carpoctatiaos.. Sertutruhath rropologicall, and anagogicall, as in rh•sher reuiucd the hcrcfies ofSsmo(atemu, At·rim, example. Mcichkedek...ofJCred /;read nndwinc. - Em7ches, M<frcion, and .Apoflinari1. Lafily, c The literall fenfeis, that th<1Gngof Sakm rhe Schifmatickes, that fcparare thcm(dues wuh mcatc wh1cbhe brought, rcfrc(hcd the from Euangehcall Churches, rcuiue the ofouldiers of .Abraham, bce1ng tyrcd with trapinions.,facts,and faJhionsof Pupitmtu in CJuell. Theallegoricall is,thar the Priefl doth prian,of the Audians,and D onarin\: Thereoffer vp Chri(l in rile Matfe. Thetropologi· fore in like manner, ~vee mufi not fo much call is, therefore fomerhingisro begiuen to fccke for new repealmg and confurarions of the poore. The anagogicall is, that Chrifi the(e hercfics, as wee are for our vfe to fetch in l1ke manner beeing in heauen,Orall beethe thofe auncient ones our of Councelsand Fabread of life to the fanhfull. Bur this her dethers, and to accompt them as approoued uice of the foure·folde meaning ofthe Scrip· and firm e. Fourthly, tho(c things, which in ture mull be exploded and reie<'ied, (\udyingthou mcereCl with, 1hatarencccC!a· There isoneo»d] [mfe,J.ndthe/ameUth~litery and worthy to be obferued, thou mull put r~tll. An allegoric Js oncly accrt:tine manner in thy rablcs'or common place bookes, that of vrrering the fame fenCe. The Anagogie thou maicCl alwaies haue in are~dindfe both and Tropologic are waies, whereby rhcfenfe olde and new. F•frly,bcfore all thefe things may be apphed, God muCl earneflly bee fuedvntoby prayer, D The principall Interpreter of the Scrip· that hee would blctfethcfe rneanes, and that rure,isthe holy Ghofl.z.Pct.I.zo.Sorh•t ye he would open the meaningofthe Scriptum fir(! !znow thu, that 119 propluci~ in the Scripture is to vs thatarcblindc. Pfai,JI 9,18.0pmmine of ~~J} priJJatc -!': imerpretation. _l\,1or,ouer, hce • ~:;m.:; qer, th•t I m•J fee the wonderful/ ti:ingsof rh] drat makes the law, isthe bcfl and the high· £.,., Reuel. p8.1ad>Si{ethutobtl) go/de for e(! inr<rprererof the law. thee,--- and to annoint tbinc t)(J witheye·(alue, The fupreame and abfolute mcane of inthat t hot4 maieflfoe. rerprcration,is the Scripture itfclfe. Nehcm. Hitherro perraincth the (rarning of com8.8,AndrheJ read in rhe book.e ofrhc Lm• ofGod mon·place bookes, Concernmgwhich, ob· dijlinlliJ, and garu the {'nfc, mtdcaufed them to (eructhiS fiend er counfell. r. Haucin readi· vnd~ftnnd6y theScriptt~rett ~lfe1 perScriptrl• nelfe wmmon-place heads of euery point of r~mtp[am. diuinity. •· DJC!inguifh the formofl pages The meanesfubordinated to the Scripture, of thy paper booke, intocolumncs,or equall arctluceJ rhcaoalogie offairh, thccuc:Jmparts Icngrhwi(e, In euery one of th0fe pa· !lances of the place ~propounded, and. the ges fet in the top, the tide of one bead or comparing of placcsrogcthcr. - chicfe poinr, checontrary fide remaining in Tile tm:Jlogieof faith_, is acertaineaGridge. lii l ment