Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

* ocndza. The Art o/Prophecying. m<nr orfummt of the Sctlptures,.collcCled A out of moLl manifefl & familiar places. The p,arts thereof are two. Thefirfl concerneth f.oith, which is handled in the Apu(!Jes Creeda. The fccond concerncth charity or lou,, whichia cxplicatedirtthe tenne Corn· maundements. 1. Ttmothit 1. '3· Kapethe true i<: patterne o(the who14om$ wordJ, which thou haft heardofme, with faith a•d lout which Uin Chri/llefiu. The circumflances of the place propoun· ded are thefe~ Who.? to whome !vpon what occ.t.t. fion! at JPIJat time? in what p14et ?jqrwhAt ende! whatgoeth befqre !"n•h"tfo!lo-weth? The collauon or comparingof places tO· gether, is that, whereby places are [cl hke pa· tallcls one befideanothcr, that the meaning B ofthem may more euidcndy appeare. AC!•9- .z z. B:Jt Saul incrtafed themute in flnngth, t~nJ cOnJounduJthe lenw, which dwelt at D4majcm, ·co,(irmi~:g (1111,U:,,g::ce<~~r,) that is, (conferring or conioyningof places of Scriptures, as Arti· ficers, beemg about ro compatt: or ioync; a chingrogether, arewonc eo fit all the partsa– mongfl rhemfe!ues, that each one ofthem may perfectly agree with othcr,)that thidw,u thAt Chrir!. Collation ofplaces isrwo-folde. The fir!! is the comparing of the place propounded with it fclfc, cited and repeated e!Cewherc in holy writ. Eray 6. 10. Malz• rhehrart uf thu peoplefat,mak.!thcire~:res heauie, and {hHt their qes; !eft they(eewjthtluirc~4r; t.~n~ hearewith C theireArrs~andvnderflandWJth their heArtJ,tmd conum, andheheal<them. This place i• fixe times repeated in the new Teflament. Matb. 1J.14.Mar.•p 1.Luk.8.1a.loh.Iz.4o. Act. 18.•7.Rom.11.8. Places repeated haue ofcen alterations for Cundry caufes, Thefc caufcs are, 6r!l exegeti· call,that is,for expolition fake: as, Pfal.78.•.compared with Mar. 1~ ·35· ' I -,i/1 opmmy mouth I I wJ/1 openm} mouth in a pllrAhle: Jwi/1 dein paraMrs, and win clure +< thing! hiddtn vlter the thingJ which fiom,ofolde. haue beene /ztpt fecret ! from rhe found•tion of theworld. Pfal.78.:4. I I. D Hr gaue themof tiJt HegAuethemiread ~whuzteifhtaucn. fromhraHentoeiJTe. Ifu8. 16. I Rom. 9-13· Beh•lde,lwill lay in Beholde,liaymSion Sion ;r flone, a tr]ed APtrmMmgbiock._e, tmd flotu, a preciorurorna \arock..rtomak!menf4U, flone,t~ (ure foundation. and euery one that be– Her tharbeluueth,fhAII /ecucth inhim~ {hAHnot not mal<! h.ff. l be a{hamed, PfaLuo.1. . J.Cor.15.%5, Sit thou at fn.) rigbt l Hee mu{f r•t~gne ti/J h11ndvntill 1mak! thine herhaue put 4!1 bU enc– enemicJtby foot-ftoolr. miesvndtrhk fute. Pfal.116.1 o, I •.Cor.4o '3· llu/uue, abccttt~{e I bcleeu,d,and ther.. :~.quia [aid fPeak,e. fore haue [ lP'/:.:•. • Gen.1;.r;, I Gai. J. J6. AO the land ••hich Non> ro Abraham& thou (reP, wi!J I gir1e ltohiJfecdewtrtthepro~ vneo thee, And I(} th] l rnifctm:~de. Her (ailh [tede ('r tHer. not vnto the {eedtJ, tU jpea~ing ofm•ny ' b•t, l 4n~ to thJ(ud,tU ofone, wh1chUChriff. Afecond eaufe is diacriticall, or for diCcer· ni?gfake, rhar places, and timet,and pcrfons I' mtght be mutually dtflingulfhed. Mtch.s.•. I M.rrh.•.6. A~tdthoHBethlehem A~JdthmBnhlebtm ~ EphrtJthah t~rtlmle tfJ inthdand~Jludah, art beamong lh~. Princes ofl not_tht leap .tmon._{ the ludllh:oHtD] thee /lt41l PrmcesofhldahfurtJ_ ut heconu forth tom!,that of thee/h~tllcome rhego– fba/1 bc1 the ruler in If- j uerno1sr,th!ll fl;a/1 fecde rael. j "'l people!frad. Thirdly, thefecaufes are circumfcriptiue: or for lmmac1on fake, that thcfco(e and fcn– tenceof the place mtght bee rrucly rdlrai– ned,.according as rhc minde and meaning of the holy Gholl was. Deur. 6.c;, I Mat.4.1o. Thou /hail worfhip the Tbou{ worfhipthe L.rdth]God,•.dfl,altl Lord thy God, andb•m {er11e btm. onel] /h~tit thou(true. Thi1 people draweth WhenthiJ peopledrawIfa.z9·'l· I Marrh.15.8. tJUre nmhtheirrmsstb, ethnen·e vnromu,thtJ 5-honsurmovitbthtir honour mer wzth theJr lip,:butrhcirheartth!J 1 mouth, and 'With their remormefar_re ftom me: I lippa, hMt thq rm;ootle mrd their reTJtrtnce totheir het:wt J.~rn from wards me If 6)thec~rn- me. 9./nv!'ti:Jcdoethq m11ndemmt of men, I worfbip mr,teachingfor dDarineJ the commaun· J dcmentsofmcn. Gen.z.z4. I Marrh,I9.S· Wherefore aman(hd Whenfore A. manfoal lcaue hiJJ~ther11nd his I leaNtfather & mothe,.~ mDthe~, dn~ (hlfllcleaue a~dfoal/cleaucvnto hi~ vntohu wife, and the] \wife,&Jh~ywhic_hrure fh•ll beonejle{h, two,(haii be o•ef/efh, Ira.59.%o. Rom.rr.z6. And the Redumcr r 7he ddmerer .Put/1 follllcomevntnSion,and I come out 8f Sion, and vnto them that tHrne, foalltHrnraw.cJ thevr.– fiom iniquity in laco6, jgod/ineJfeftom lacoP. faith the Lord. A fourth caufe is for applic>tion (ake, that rhetype mighc be fitted vnro the rrurh: and thegeneraJI eo accirame fpcci.aH, and fo con· , rraflwl(e: Ionas 1, ··-----·-----'--- •