lonu '·'7· I Muth, U.J9· N•,. th• Lmi h•J AHuiU ••d •d•luprepared 4 great fifo t• I'OHJ generAtion feek.!th r .. .a..,vp !..... A•dj• (igne,6Ht naftgne fb•ll INnMwa& ;,. the luUit of be_f,iHt11 vnto it,(a#t the the ft{b thr"dllitt, And figne •f the Propbet la· thru nighu. I n.u.4o.Fs,. aJ lon.u wad thrtt dAitt and thru l nighrt in the whnlu hel– l!: So lh•ll t!uSonn"f mAn6e~&c. The fecond collati01i io of the place pto· p~unded with other places: and thofe againc are either lrke or vnlrkc. Places that are alike ateruch,as by ceruinc waics,or infomeiOrtagrc~ o~ewith anot.hcf. And places doe agree eitherin their phrafc and manner of fpeech,or in fenfc. Places that agtee a1 concerning thephrafc, atefuch as thefe: Eray .-,,:,. . J Luk••p8. TheSpi~itofthe Lord The Spiritafthe Lard Gaduvp•nme:tlmfore!i;vponme,thmfmhe Gcn•..S.it. I 1oh.r.si. haththeLardMnointed h•thAnMintedmecthal B Tha1 hu d_rttmud~ Andhe(~tidvntobim, m<:heehath fentnmlo I foa',/dpre•ch gaod ti· •ndbehaldthm (I..J. Peri':J,verilf, l fa;vnto pre4chgaodtidingJ vnto ding,,.tbepare,hebath lAdder vpan the eArth, J3H,hereafter fo•l)t {t< thep~ore, to hi11devp the l(ent mu to hc11l! the ""dthnop of it rtAch~d ~tl# bcaueno'Pcn, and rhc brokjhca,.ud,toprc~tch &rofe.!n in heart, thAt I vptshe~Mttl,ltlldloe,thc AngclsofGoda(cending libm; ID the CaptiHtJ, (hauld preach aeliueAogds of God went vp and de(cendingvpontbe N1d t• them thlll tt.rt ranee to the C11pthus, 11nddowne/J]it. ]Son•t'Jfm~n. baund,tbeop..;ng if the I &c. • prifon : u . ThuJ•yu thu Gcn,p5. Rom.rct.to. %, TaprtAChtheac- SmptHrt fulfilled i• I wsOalfoputtnmiiJ I TheGadofp•ocefoaO LfW/; and the day of man, and het'lf!eme thy vnderyourftet~. ceptahle JtAre of the IJDHTtATll• betweenthu& thenoo· bre~tJ:.e(~r-rpi~~)Sathatl vmge411Ctof••r qaJ, fee~ & herfeed. He foal! break! thinehead, 411d Pfal. 69.27. I loh.1!).18. tboufbalrktui[tbuhul Thry gaue mugAll That the Smpture formJmMte, andinmJ might bee fulfilled, hu C G~n.S.zo. I Ephef.s.•- thirft thqg•••muvi-~(aid,lrhir{l. Then N o.h built a• Chriflbath laueavs, negertodrink!. •9· Thmforethtte .,..,to the urd, And and gium hiR!,{tlft for ta1.U (et tl vtJ/iOfHU of took._e of fiUYJ citant vJ,tm ojferi11g And A[a-- vineger: andtbtJ filled beaft,andofeutt}cltant ~mjiceofa{wttlt fmelAnd put it Ahout•nhJf ojftring1vp~n thtAitar. l a~fPange >Pith vineger, fowle, andajftrtdburnt ling f•uourtoGad, fope {la/i(e,..dputitto u.Andtbe.Lcrd fmd-J . I hiHnoutb, ledA{auourofreft, ••d faid, Exod.u.46. I Ioh.19-36. Neither {baD Jlt The(t things Wtrt orea~e A ba•ethereof. done, thAttheScripture · mighibejulfilled,>Phich I faith, tbtrt fo•ilnat A bone 1 him~e brok!n.: D Pfal. 69, 1f, l A~.z.zo. Let tb~ir hAhitati9ns It i4 wriuen in the 6tt vaid, and let nant ~oak_ofthe Pfalnm;Ltt drPtBiutheirtmll. ! hU hAGitatiObe void.& /etnomtmdwe/1thtre,, Fiftly, feme thingsarc omitted(or breui– tie rake: or becaufe they doenot agreewith the matter in hand. Zach. 9·9· I Matth. %1.5. Rei"}ct grMt/1 0 TeD Je<htdaughttr daughter Sion:(b•Htfor of Sion,behaldrh; King ioy 0 d4ught~r leru(a·l comn vnto tbu, m~ei:J em, behold< th1 King •ndfittingvpan•nAf[c, clun,ethvntotb:e ~ He Atid, a colt the J011le of For the finding out of there place•, the Grcekcand Hebrew concordances Cerue vc– ryfitly. Places which agree in fcnfe, ate thofe that haue rhefame meaning. Here excelleth the comparing of a general! place wiihafpcciall <xamplein thefamekindc: as, Prou.z8.13. l Pfai.Ji.J,4· Heerhat hidtth hi; When/ heldmJtangue finnes, {h411 not protper, '»1 hbnes con(Nmed, but btth•rconfefltth & &c. s. I acftnar>/fd· for(akfth <hem, foalllgedmJ {inne vntathu, finde mer&)• 11eitliet hJdde 1mine;,;.. lii 3 quitif. I [aid, I J>i/1 I con['ff' againj/ m1 felfo m] wic~.tdneJTevnt" the Lord, and thou farga· I uef/ the punifoment 1 I,, f···· z.Sam. - -~----