- 654 The Art ofProphecying. 1A •.s.m. rs.•s. I r.Pet. s.6. CHAP. V. The King ch•rgrd Humble 70HT fo/HfJ Zado'<:faying,c~t"} th~ thertfore vndtr the Ark! of God againe in· mightie h•nd •( God, Of the "'•its of e.Ypoundi•g. tothecit;.l/lfhalftndt lthAthumay rxalt ;on ftlllosr irt the ciuof the in due time. JHe manner orwaiesofinterpretiog,are Lord, he will bning "'"'I according to the place• of Scripture, Ag4ine, (llnd (btrP met whicharc to be handled. pplh it, and the taber., Places arc cirh<r Analogic•ll and plaine, I• ntlclethertof. or Crypric.lland darkc. z6. Bulif heethus Analogicall place• arc (uch as haue an ap· (ay, I haueno ddight in\ paremmeaning agreeable ro the analogic of rhu, Beholde, herc«m fmb, and rhatar rbe firt! view. Conctrning /,let him doe to mu, 44 rhcfe placcs,receiue this rule: fam(lbg"od i»his tit!, , , B if the n<tHTAIIJigni{ica1ion oJ tl;e wordt of the Thou !halt haue ready very many places pi(let propotmded.,doengrtl R·ith thtcircwmflt:nccs of the (amt p14ct, ittJ theproper meaning ef tbt o( this kinde in rhe common places ofMar· plau. Asforexample: loratt gathered together with drligence. And .ACl~ 10.43· T•him~lfogille aO rh•Prophrts rhus much for places that arc alike. w'tnrf{e,th.1ttbroughhu name, 40 tbtJt bduue in _ Placesrhararcvnlike, arethofe, which in him,.fo4/l rruilu'remi!fior~ offinnu. The ligni- !hew doe not agr<e, either in rcfpcCloftbe 6carion ofthe words ofthis place,isvery maphrafe,or in regard ofthe meaning. As, mfe£l,to wit, that le[m Chrifl~orh gi•rrighttRonq.z8. \ lam.> 14. oH[nrffe mtdCmr/4/ling life to thofe that doe /Je~ lecueinhim. And thiSfen(ewedoe pre(endy Therefore wu Ctm· Te feaher,foreho-w admit withour any dclay,becau(e wee feethat dude,thttt a mt:~n is iu~ that ofworkp a mani1 it dorh agree with the a-nalogre of f•itb, and ' {li(ied h1 (•ith without iufli('rd;ondnot o/faitb with the holy Scriptures. . theworkssufthe Law• . 1 onrlj. c We mu£! further know, rhat euery article and dodrinci concerning fait.hand manners, r.Kin.9 z8. 2.Chron.8.r8. which is necetfarie vnro faluation, is very AndthqcametoO-~ And thrywmt with plainely deliucred m the Scriptures. phir, and they fet<hed thr (eruan't o/ SaloCrypticall or bidden places arerho{e,which from thmce foure bun- mon 11 0 phir ~ and are difficult and darke:for the expounding of drrd and"'""'JIAien/J l brnught from thence, tbem,let thifbe thy rule and leader. ofgoldr, and broughtit f~ure hrmdred 4nd fifIf the n4tiue (~r "'.tura/1) [ignificaliono/ the toKingSalomon. IJetalentt ifgolde, ttnd lJ'ordJ Joe nMnipfl!J (Js(agru with, eitbtr the abrought th<m t• Ki•g n~tlogieoff~tith, orvn-1 p~rfpicuo;u plslcuif the ISalomon. Scripturt: then the o1hcr meaning, which;, gi· utn of the pi ~tee prop•tmded, it nt:~/ltrali And proAct 7·'4· I Gen.o~G.17. per,ifit agruwirhcowtrAr1and lik.e p~acu, with Thenfent lofeph,anJ All th< {•uluof the the cir&Nmj/AnCIJilnd word! of'the e/.rce,ttndwith c•ufed bit (alher to bu I houfe of lacob, .,.hich tht 'lilttllrt if that tbi1Jg "Rh£ch iJiHtrtlltedof. As trought,andallhiJkjH- came inr() E5JP'. ttrt fNexample; 1. Corin.r 1.14. T>ititmyboJJ, dred, tNtn tbrufcore thrufcore 11n ten. which it broktn foryou. ••d ftftetne Joules. D The (rnfe that isgium b; fomr: This bread is indeed and properly the bo· ACl.7.I6. I Gen.48.z:. dy of Chri£l;namely byconucrtion. Or, the And were remooued l (thAt it, lAC,~,) body ofCbriflis in,vnder> or with the bread. into SJch<m, And'"" I barugiurnvntoth,.onr The vnftwffe of this fm(f. put into th~ S~pt~fchr~, portii1J Ah~Ht th) 6re· The • letter or words vfed in this place, ·~ f;ii). thAt A6rAhllm had thren,"4·hich lgatoutoj beeing retained (or expounded accordingly b•uuht for money of the th•handuj the Ammc· without anyalteration) doth difagree with an (o.::es ofemor, f···--t I ,i, by m, [word. and articleofthe faith,HeA(undtd intohta.ttm,and Sychcm. hJ mJ bow, with the nature of aSacramenr,whichought Zach.11. 13. l Matth.•7·9· robe a•Memorial! ofthe body ofChrr£1 ab· ,~~~"'"• fenr. Therefore a new cxpofirion 11 to b<t Andlt••k..e 1hc thirtie Thrn "'"' f•i(lUrd foughtfor. · puces•f(ilucr, a•a c•f/l that "'hiGh ''"" Ipo· Anmor foc.nd (en/c. them torhepotterintht kfnhy teremie the P1'oIn rhis place the bread is a llgne of my houfeof1he.Wrd. l phet, (aying, And th') body: by aMetonymy of the fubtcctforthe took.! thirtu ft!uer p~ew adiunct. }cu,c§-c. The ftmr!Jeo(thilf.Yf''fi'io•. Firfl, it agrees wirh the analogic: of faith: I, Ht - ..