The Art of Tropbecying. J .Hea(cendedrrufy inrohcaum, that is, he was' taken vp out of the earth into heauen local. lyandvifibly. Therefore his bodie is not to be receiued with the mouth at the Commu– nion,but by fairh apprehending it in the hea– uen..z.Borneofth:Y,rgin M4ri~.&c.Thcrcforc he had a rrucand naturall bodie,beeing long, broad, rhicke, feared and circurnfcnbed in fomc place. Whereby it appeareth rhatthe bread in the Supper cannot bee properly his verybodie,butoncly a figneor pledge there– of. Secondly, this fenfe confenteth with the circumflancts ofthe place propounded. • lletook_t,hebraknt. Here it is notlikely that Chrill fitting amongll his difciplcs did take and breake his owne bodie with l1is hands. Therefore the bread is no more then afigneandfeale. • Ddiuered (orgiuen)foryO<I. The bread can in no wife be fatd to be giuen for vs, but the bodyofChrill:thereforethe bread is not properlythebodie, butfymbolically or by W.lyo(fignificarion. 3The Cnp i4rhe1uw T'ef/~tmmt,not propcr– ly,bur byaMcronymie: therefore nothing hindreth, butthata M<ronymie may bee as well in thefe words,ThiJ i& mybodic. 4 Chtill himfelfedid eate ofthe bread; but he did not cate himfclfe. $ Doe}ethiJinremembr~tnce of me: there– foreChrifl is not corporally pre(ent to the mouth, but fpiritually to the faith of the heart. 6 PntiUhecome: therefore ChriG is abfcnt in his bodie. 7 Chriflfaidnot, Pndertheformeofhread, orinthcbread: but he (aid, TbiJ, that is, ThiJ brend iJ my 6odie. Thirdly, this fenfe accords with the na– ture ofafacramc:nt: in whichwemul! make a proportion and refcmbloncc betw<ene the llgneand the thing llgnified: which here can be none,ifthe bread be properly the bodie. Fourthly,it agreeswirh the like places. Gen. 17, 10. ThUtimycouenant,lPhichye fo(J/1k{epcbetwixt JOU 4~Jd me-J1. Yejluz/1cir~ cumctf<theforc-skjn ofyourjle(h,•ndit [ball b<a fi_.une o(thecouenaf1t lutwcmc me Andyou. 0 1. Cor. 10. 4· They drank• of thcJPiritua/1 Rock!, that followed th<m: and the Roci{,_e '""' Chri/1. Rom.4. 1J, He receiuedthe f!gne of Circum– cifion,which mightf"'' the righteoufnu if faith. Exod. J%,11, Tb< Lambe itthe l,m-ds P•Jfeo– tJer,Verfc 13./ti.Ja(itneofhis pajfing 9tur. ACI.zz.16, Be baptifedand wafhar.arthy (tnnu. Ioh.6.J$. And le[mfaid vnto tbm1,lamthe hrc11doflift: bee thatcommetb vn:omefoallflst hunarr, i!Wd hee that ~eleeueth in me foaO neHer thir'/t. I 1. Cor. 10, 16. T.;cc11p ofblejfingwhichnw 6/eJfe ~it it nqt tht CD"?mtmion Df th'e hlood of Chriff~ ThebrtAdwhicb we bre4k5,is it not the A communionofthe6odicofChr~fl? that is,a figne of the commumon. Fifdy, ir agrwh IVith th;lawesofLogicke. For oned.CparateiS not lpoken or predica· ted ofanorher but by a borrowed fpeech. S;xt/y,it is agreeable ro the common cu. flomeoffpeaking. Sowceputthc Fa[w, or bundle ofrods(vied to be carried before ma– gillrares)forgguanmtntitf(/!fe : the(ceptcr for t he[d11gtiome: rhe gowne WC put forpeac·e: and the laurel/garland ioratrimnpb: as inTu!IJ, Cedantarm:t1og.c,cor~ccdat l.1tJrcaling11~. Therefore thiS othcrfcnfe is proper. NoiV from thisfruitfuiiRuledocarifemany confcelarics or conclur.ons nccelfarie for B thevndcr!landing ofthe Swptures. <:;onfedarieJ.Thefupplj ofcuery wordwhie·h int~mUing, iJjirtingforthe plaapropormded, ifit agreewithlheanaiogic (or(quirc) offaith, a-,d with the circums1ancu And words oftbe [ar»e place, As for example. Eph.J.I. For which c~tu~,l Pat~/rhepri{oner oflefm Cl1riPfor;ouGenrila. The fcnccnce is defeCliuc.therc afupply mufl be made. And let rhis be the fupply[l"i/lbca. Embaj[.domJ for!ou GoJti!n. This is not 6t, bccaufe Pmtl was not an Embalfadour foi rhe Gentiles, but for Chrifl. Let :lnothcr be giuen[baue oo.[/edlforl'" Gentilcs. But this fcemeth to be fomethlugtoo bold, nether is any fitch like fpcech to bee metre with in any part ofthe Scripture. Therefore 1hc (entcnce may bee C 6dy fupplicd after this manner; For IVhich caufel Paulamtht pri{ of Icfm Chrifl for yotl@tnti!t'r. The fame may bcfaid ofthe rcll, Dif,[/iue Spetchu.l Their SuppiJ. E!ay.J-13. Icannot iniquitir. Icannot (Geare) inJ. Luk.I3·9· quitit, Andifitbt"arrfruit:J Andifitbeare fmit if not, tbtn after thou (thoufoaftlctitff,md) fhaltclltitdorrnr. if not, then ~tfterthou l jha!tcltt it downr. Exod.4:Z$. ThmZ•PP"" tOBk<a Then Zippora t1ok! /h4Ype,andcutawa;tbe la fo.rpc(I:!Jifo)andtHt, fore~sk.f.n DJ herfonne. e~c. D :.Sam.H. 16, ltbi B'nob, wbicb of I ltbi Bcnob,who(n>a.) ofthe fonnuofacertain I of the fonnu of a cer. Gi•I'Jt, the weight ~f taim:Gi~tnt, the»'etg'ht whofe(word theroeight of who(e jll'ord ( or of three hHndred fo~e., fPeareJ head,mucronis) kluofj/cele:and he gir- [•va,]then>t~htofthree dedmth anm. hllndr<dfoikf-'tofj/eele, · 1 andhe w.u girded flitb J.Cor-9-'i· antr.(word. Andeuer1man, that A~d they (Jtre conti. proo~eth f!JAjlerie~, is l nmt) to obtaine a cor· contmcnt 1n ali thmgs: rupptib!e cro'R'ne, &c. thq to obtaine a l corruptiblecrowne, but wu for an vncorrHjii.. ! ble. It i + Exod. I ' .