The Art of Prophec.ying. · Exod.19.4 I A ' "'"'T'~.,'""" and the bread is faid to be the You h.tHt (unehow [.uitwm]vpooE•- bodyofChrtfl. I b.fue carriedJcHvpon gles wings. 3 The i( communication of rhe proper- •r.Dr.a;i.t E,aoglurrings. ties is aSJnrcdo,he,bythewhichby rcafonof i.lso.~,. Confect.z./fth•toth<~exp.jirio.giueoofrhe the perfonall vnion, that is lpokcn of the pl4cepropoundeddouhange onenowoc (or name) whole perfon of Chnfl,which doth properly for anothtr,thtn the words of theplAce containe in belong to one of Ius two narurts. ACt. zo.18. them atrope, IWborro•ed!Jmch. To[ud the Chorch of(jod, which he hath purHc:nce ari(c many caucions concerning ch•fed A'tth hts 9Wne bioed.loh.; .IJ.Forno m,;n facred uopes. ' a(cendtth vp:o beauen, bmhu tb111 bath de{ccn1 An Anrhropo·pAthiA i$ a facred MctadedfrmthcaJun, tbe Sotmeofmt~~,. which isin phor,wbcreby thofethiogs,thatar( properly he•um, t,Cor.:.8. For badtht]~noll'neit,thry (pokcn of man,are by a limohrude attributed »otddnoth••• crgcifiedthe Lordo(gl"J· Ioh. 8. vntoGod. Hence itos,thatrhe(oulcof God s8Jefmfaid<Jntothtm, f/crif], vmf] l fayvntc is put for his hfe or cllence, ler.s.•?· Or fh•ll J'"·hefore .Abr.h•mwM,I•m. Luk. :.s•. And not m]foHle bu itUmi,fd o/ fuch • n~aiitm .ulhU? l ejmmcrea/~d iwlffljedomr, •nd tnjl~t~Mr~ 14ndi" Headisvfe·dforPrtnce, oraboue.J.Cor.u. B r~IJ8Hl' wirhGod4ndman. j. God iuhehe•d•fChrifi,Hosbce is put for This communication of the prope!!l<s fauouror angcr.Pfai.J0.7. Thou didft bideth) bath placconelym the concrete, and not in · face,And I '""Jtroubled, Pfal. 34· 16. The [•«1 theabf/rafl. Concrete isthe nameof the .,hcle zhelordis''"'angritttt thofe thAt doe tHill. H1s p(r(aniasGod, M~tn)Chrt(l, &c. .Abf/r4Elisa eyes arc vfcd for graceand prouidence. Pfal. name ofeither ofthet""'""'""' confidered a- '", 34· 15. Theqnof the Lord art vpon theiuH. part,os the Godhead,Manhood. Th<applc of his eye fignifieth a tbing very 4 Things lpoken of God, IYhichcarrie deare.Zach.z.8. He thattouchdhJoU,toucbrth wirh them the Oicwofc:uiJJ, moct bee vndcr· th~4ppt~(]Jmfn~ q~. Hts eares are put for his Uood in regard of hts opcrarioe or working accepting of mens prayers. His noArils for perO)iffion, Neh. 9· 37. .And it yulduhmuch indignation. His hands for power and pratefruit tmtotb~Kings. whom~lh9H hlljlJtt oucnls Clion.Hosarmefor Llrength&forrittide, His 6ec••fr ofourfin•tJ!andth'] hauedominion '"" right hand for authormeatld power. His finour bodtn. •ndo~:tr ourcatt~IJ at their ple~~[Nr~, ger forverruc.His (oote for gouernmcntand and'"'' ate in.~rtAI aJ!Miion. lfa. 1 9· 14- The mighr. Pfal. 110. j- His (mcllinll for his ac-. Lordh41h mingled •mong rhtm rhe fPim of er. ceptaolon offonmhing.Gcn.8.u.He{me/led C rours:andthqh•uecaujtd .AEgjpt to erre m t· thefauouro(re{l. Repentance is vfed for the "'YJ""~erhmof. E>od.4·9·aod 11. 14. God alteration of things and achons made by dorhhard<nth<luart•{Phara.h. D<ur. •.38. God. The Lord rh; God bath lwdtned hiJJPirit, and • A racramcntall M ctonymie is that, madehishtartoh{linate,btcatifthell'otdddtlluer whereby the name oftbe adounct, ~s alfo of him into rhmt b.nd, auppe.rttbthis d•J· lolh. the hdping cauf( is put for the ching rcpreJJ.Zo. ltum~oftht lord~that tbrirhrart'#'44 fcntcd in the Sacrament: or, \\•hereby the b~trdtntd, that th~J mightcomeAg~tinP /{rAt!in 6gne is put for the thing fignificd, orc<>ntrahAtte!l,totheintmtth•ttheJ foould tief/r'.J rh"" rity.Gco.z..9.The tree flj /1{t:th~ treeof th~ k,.now~ 'lltttr'J,4nd{Juw thtm 119 mrrcir,6ut6ringthtm.tD lrdgeifgood m:deui//;thatis,rhe tree which is a no~tght. J,S5. z.:s.They ht~trk...n~dnott~thevoJce tigneofthefc.Gcn.17.1 o,J1.CircumctjiOid c41oftheirfathtr,btc"''f~ the Lord m~11nt todejlro1 hd l()th thtccHmtmt,& the fgneofthecomnant. thnn.z.Chro.21.7.The dr/fruCfionofAh11:ti~tb Gen.:Z:. 14. .Abrahamcalletb the nameof camefrcmGod, Pfal. 105. 15. HrtHroedtheir rhat place, The Lordwillfie or prouidl, that is, h'~rt to hate hisptople, and t• "'"~' cr•ftilJ t<- itisafignethattheLordwilldoefo.Gcn.28. D gai•flhisfirHa•tJ, Rom. I, 28, qodddiumd u. The flone is calledG•dsh•ufi. Exod. u . rhem vpr. a reprohntemi•d,,z.The!T.>. 1 a.qod The Pafcholl Lambe is the paffing oucr. wilijmd thrmf/rong ddss(io•s, that thq m•J~'· Exod. •1·•5· Thcaltariscolled, Thebrdis lm11lin. Ezck.!4 9· .Andrthenthat Prophet mJ~•ndardor banner. Ezck.48·J5· Ierufalem fo•li he inticedtofPtaktaprcphtC),lthe LordtrsU is named, The Lord it ther~. Leuir. 16. The inticethatprophrt, ~tndjlrttching out minehnnJ Priel! is termed afatisfier.loh.I.Chriflis caJ. ag•in{l him,llfilldrftroy himout of-th' middrfl led a Lamb: Behold the Lzmh•[Godwhicht•· of my prop/,, k;rh•w•J th•{innnofrht wurtd. The pafcball 5Thmgs (pokcil(complttit~e)as ifrhey <<ere Lamb is called Chrif1.1.Cor.s.7. O•r P•ffeoalreadie finilhed,if they benor:isyetfinolhed, .,, Chrif/ is (•crificedforvs. Andin thefame they are to bevnderfiood(mchoari•e) as beeplace ChriUians arc f<id to bee vnleAtlened, ing bcgun,and in the way ro bcfulfilled.G<n. Rom.3.t 5. Chri!l istermed the propotiato. 5.;J.At~dvvhenNa.hvv.ssfiue h•ndred]ttrtl rie( i~df''' )or the coucr oftheArkc of rhe old, he Shtm, HAm,And l!fphtth, that is, couenant.1.Cor.10. Chriflians are fa id to be he began tobegetthem. Gen. 11.:6. Ttr•b onc" And the Rocke iscalled Chrill. !iutdfeuentie'tares , v-:;hen hu6eg•t A~r.m, Tit.J.5· Baptifme is named rhe ...foi•go(thr N ahor,a~d H•..n.1.Kmg.6,:,l7·Pfal.119.8. J "'"' 6i,th. t.Cor. If. The Cop is called th< !vvillob(tr•' tb}f1atutn,d" not f"f•k.<" .,.loafe. 10 •