--··· Cf he Art of Prophecying. 657 to bevnderflood of his endeauourro doe fo, 'A Chrsfl. J.T1m.I, I7.lob,Jo,19. "Fhe Fatheru as in l>hil, 3. u. Ngra. though I had alr.adi, gre4terthma!l: nocrhen the rdlof theper~ auained toit,,r werealrc.tdieptrjea:hut /{I)/low !Ons,but rhan rhc crcawrcs.Mark. 13,37 1 The on,ifthat ImaJ compr<h<nd that for whf< (aft.: Father,tfMe~nor~~tththedaJ o(iudgement. All alfolam "mpr.hmd<d•f 1</114 Chrift. Verf. theoutwardworkesof rheTriniue, and all zs.LavstherefqreAJ ma11J M heperfeEl,~ethiiJ :uwburcsare to bee: vndertfood mdufiucJy, mind<d.Luk. J,6, Andthry wm 6ethiuff in th< rhar is, without exceptiOn of anyofthc per... fight ofGud,walkjtJg in;~!hiJ cummandcrmntJnnd Cons. wdmancu ,;-ithorlt 6/ame. 9 When God iscon!idereda~folutdy,ot 6 Morall comrnaundements or la~••es vnby himfelfe, the thrct perfons are compre· derooe linne by name exprelfed,doelignific hended:when the word(God)is conferred or and meane all the linnesofthat kinde, theic (et wirh a pcrfon ofthe Tr1nitie, it !!gmfierh caufcs, occafions, ancl a!Jurcmenrs to rhem, the Fathcr.>.Cor,IJ.IJ.Th,grac<ojour Lord and command theconrraric:vertues. For fo le(1u Chrift,and thelouc~fGod,tmdtheftlloJJifoip Chrifl expouaded morall lawes,Matth. s.>. o(th< hol1 Ghof/6< ><ilh;ou all, ro tbe end ofthe chapter.J.Ioh. 3·'5· H<1hat B 1 o A gencrall "ord is rokenfpecially,and hl4t~th his bruthtr i& amanpa}er. fo on the contranc; as 411(laith Auguff.l.6. 7 Theeats and pr01mfes are to bee vndet· cont,lu/ia~t.c4.l z.)for Mm1].and .J.fany for All, flood with their conditions.Thofc arc to bee arcoftCrimes vfed in the Scriprures.Gcn.33· cooce10ed with the condition of faith and 11 .Cud bath IMd merciecmmuJthcrefor~ 1baue repentance:and rhefe,fpecially iftheybe cor· allthing;, !cr. 8. 6. .Allar~lttrttcdrot/;eiru:nu porall, with the exception of cha(hfemcnt rt~ce, that is, thegrro~ttr part.Matth.z 1.:6 All and rhecrolfc. Ezcch,3J.l4· Whm I foall(aJ mmcou1lted John as a Prophet, thar is, the moll. vnt,thewicfted, Thou/halt di~ thede111h: tf hee Phi I. 2. %I. .AI!(uk.EtiHiruwn~ thing!, and not tHrne(r~m hi4finne, Anddu~ thllt uhich id /;;wfu/1 th<thmgJO[Chr>{l, Denu8.64. Ana God(hall I 4ndright,- IS. he P~~tl(ure!Jiitse,4ndn!Jttlk (c~trerrhuamongaflpnple, that is, many. 1. Rc:uei. 2 r.18. But thefearefitUAnd vnfJtleeuen, King. I %.18. Andfl.ll rhe lfr.acfttt~ /loned him, &c.fha/1hau~ theirpcrtimmth~ lttJ...!,which hur. thans,all that were prcfenr.Exod.9.6 A IIth, neth withfire andhrimjlone, 'Whic/; U thefecond buingcreat#resof AEg)pt died. Ierem.z6.9. I J,ath, But in the ltl<t ver{ehe ann.xeth a pro· Then wtUg.1thered tfJgerher aft thepeople, ttgamft I nufe,faymgJ rPil/giuevn!ohim rhat U arhirfl ".f C lerernitinthehou[e ofthe Lord. rhat is, Al!w~e. t tb,.,,n •f the ,.al<r •f bfefmiJ.lon. 3·4· y,, 40. !,_dpeopl<, Math.4.Z ;. Hralinga<eryiif<a(',to I daie~,ind Niniu<fooH b"fubu.,t<d. By tho(e wa,cbarwas offeH"!d to him.Ioh.r4.13JVht~tI things which.follow it appeareth that aconfocucryeP)tr/!tU/zcth~ Father itH»Jname, thar dirion istobcvnderUood.Ier.~8.9· ' o. is, whatfoeuerye fhallaske according to his Like to thefe there are partrcular exam· word, I .Cor.G.u.AIIthingJare/a"tt"fi!/lforme, ples.Efa.3 8. J.of fkc.'Chiah: Giu< command<- that is, all (adiaphora)thmgs that arc mddf<- ""n/1 loth;JamiiJ , for tho•{halt fom IJ di<, and cent and norlimplyeuJI!, (halt not liu<: The condition ofGods willis to Nothing is put for liuk orfmaii.Ioh. 18. zo. bevnder£lood.Gcn,zo.3. Tho Lord faith to I haue[pokfnnuthing inf(cret,rhac is/itt!e, Act. A6i.,dech, becaufe heehadtaken Ab,.hams Z]. 33• wifcto himfcl fe: Behold, thoufbnlt di< forth< Nuneis vfed (orjel'P 1 Ier. 8. 6. ThereUnone > womAnwhich rhou haft ta/teH;exceptt~.mlt.fftthoH thAt repmtethofhu w:cl(~dneff~ . rhat is, but a reftoreher. Hc:ncearo(cthc ditlinCl:ion in the f~w. J.Cor.z.8. TYbichl¥1/edomemmeiftl;em- •signi. fchoolcs ofthe' Sig111fyinf will ,and thew1ll !ers ufrhi6wurld k_n::-w,rhar is,vtr] few. B_c~cplaof Gods good·pleafure. he w1ll of good· AlwairJ is taken (oruftcn or long. Prou.1 3· cm, pleafurc ist~at,whereby God doth will (ome- D 10• .Amqngflthepru11d thereU alwateJ cunttntt~ rhingabfolutely and limply withoutanycc.non, that is,oft.e, Luk. J 8.1. Hef}ak.! vnto them dition, asthecrc:ation and regiment of" the apArablethAttht)ottght tupra.J alrPAJ. Luk. 24. world, and the fending ofhisSonne. The 5j.Aw~they werealwalt'l in theTemple!audmg fignifying will is that,wherby he willeth{omc andpraijingojGod.Ioh.aS.z9.ialwaJ taught in things (or fomeothcrthint; and with condiutheSpurgogur~and ;, lbeTrmp!t. on,and fo we fay; becaufc that the condition Ettrnailis v(ed for a/9n,g tim~ agreeing wirh annexed is a ligneofthe will, that God doth the matter in hand. Gen.a].8. dllthe landof fowill. C11n:t11n U giue"KJ vntc Abraham for an eu!r/11.- 8 Afuperlariueor exclu!iue fpeech vfed fli•gp•;1'J/ion.Lcuit.ls 46. Yefh,l/v(e I heir/aofone perfon, doth nor exclude the other 6oursfor,.ur, Deut, 15.1 ].If 1hy{<l'uambnh; perfons ofthe Deitie,bmonly creatures and hrotheran Hehrcw, and n,ifilnotgoe (rmllhee, fained gods: to which tbe trueGod, whether thenfott!tthou-tak!an Attle 1 ttnd pierce hise4r~ in one perfon or in moe,is oppofed.Ioh. J7.3. throughagair.Pthedo~e, andh~ foal! be thy(tr1hUU!ifett~rn~tUtuk_now thee 10 beethe ~nly true uanlf~rellrr,inatn·n?tm. r.Chron.l s. z., God God, and l<[w Chri{l wlmn 1hou ha{I (enr. He bath chufenthe Leuitet,that theymight miniflrr collcth the Father the onely true God, that for""' vmohim. Rfa. 346, And 6,a{lsfoal/pof he mightoppofe him toall falfegods.Rom. (e({e Jdumra andBo;:.,ra rlernilll]. Dan• .2.4. 0 16,1.7, Tothe undywifeCj_od br~ie67 lefUJ Kin_( iiuefor eucr. Ier. 25.9. ! rPt!J mak.,e Judea