Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The .Art of Prophecying. and theregions bordering_ vpan ir an Am:r:.t:.emet•t ,4 A htjfi;,g,tmd aperpetua!ide(ol~ttion. a Eucry where is vfed fi)r htre a~td there, withom refP•I1•fpla",Mark,l6,10, dndth•! went ou: tmdpreacbed erttry where, the Lurdeo· wvr/Qng. ACl.! 7·3o, Thc Lnrd admonifbeth all mm eucry where to rcptnt. There is a Pleonafanc of the Subllanuue when one is gouerned ofanother. 1. In rhc fingular number it is very figmficant and ar. gues certentie.Exod.3 1. J 5. On the feuentbda) u th• s.bbathof S•bbath,M<ch.Z.4, And th'] {hall lammt thclammtationoflarmntmrrm. z.ln the plurall nurnbc:r u Ggmfieth Exc.rilencu. Pfal. q6. z. TheGodofG•ds,thati•,tlu moj/ high God,Dan.J.Th•KingoJKinos,EccleCI.Z· V.miri~(l(vanitict, A SangofSo~gt. .d Seruar1t ofSerrumu, avbiq; p1ffim, bNnn:. Math 913 eThatis. when one Oi'lll"'C wore!~ arc WJ)Hing, [b Not] isrc!ltaincd to forne fpecia!J mat– ter. Pfal.7. 4· lniqHiricisnot inmine h~tttds,tbat Js, mmy c,.aje agamll rhccompilces of Saul. lob. 9·3.Neither haue hU par.-ntr /inncd,that is) rhat til!S man 01ould be borne blinrl for their llnncs:I will hauc mcrcir,not[atri(ice. Not is put for(ddom•,(c.rfcf],orh<rdly, 1.Kiog. 15. 5· D:tu~ddeclined not from anyofthe rhi1~s whtch the Lo'rdh4dcommarmded vntohim.{a~ing in.the ?natmoJPnah,that JS,(eldom•.Luk. z.s7· Sh• JU4 awtdow,and"ent not o:uofthe Ttmplc. Confeet. 3. GrammAtica!land Rhetorica!lpro~ prieties o{words fgni(;e ditJerflJ With thofc JP6rds:As, An' Ellip{:< Ggoifieth either brcuiri<; or the [wiftnc!fe ofthoaffct!ions.Gen. 11.4-L" vs build vs a citic and atower, who(e top (maJ rrach]vntoheauen, that wee mayget vs a name. A(t.s.J9·Bmifit 6•of G•d,Jecannot d•Jiroyit, (m:ne{cio,an(li k_now nor]whrthcrye foalbefcund fightm al[o"ith God. Pial,6. And th01• 0 Lord how lmg I Exod, H, 10. Hethat(acriftcethro Hrangcgods, let him bede/lrtJ]ed tfJ ll thing exe– crabl" (auing him [who{amftccth] to l•bou•h. Gen. 3, >'·N owthnfort[ w' mu.fllaukc]I•(/that ffctching~flt hi& hand,hetakr ofthetruof/if(. 1. Cbro.4.1 o. If thou >Nit blrJJe"'' •ffelluah}[I Jvt!! d~cthi& or that] If thou ve.... ~e thefathtrleffe child[ I wsllv•x•thn.]Exod.zZ.ZJ. The En•li•g• of the prercrperfet! ten(c, whereby the umepafi1s pudOrthcrimeto come, fignifieth in the oracles of the Pro– pbets the cerrentle of rhe thing that IS to come, Gen.!o.J. Thou•rtdoadbtcau(cojtbc womaH,that ts,thoufbalt dte. Ifai.9. 6, Pntovs a t:ht!dUbornc,vnto vr a(onne is g;run. lfa.z1.9. it~fallm,it isfaUen,Babylon,&c. d when Ad Pleomifme,which is manifold, when iris lomewords ofthefubllantiuc repeated in tht: famecafe,it abo,nd dotb fignifie,1.A force and' cmphaus. Pfal. elriswhen 133.Z.As rheoymmentwhichde{ccndedv'<~tothe ~:fi~:~~ beard,Th•b•ardofAm•. Luk.6 46. WhJcall thcnthcy yemcLord,Lord? z.AmulritLtde,Gc:n.31.16. {hew for or Hec garle mtothe ha11ds of his feruAnts drotus, feeme. drouu,that is,many d.-oues.loc:l.3.14.Troupn, tr9uprrin th~valle; o/ conc;pon, chat is, many troupes or multitudes.; .Dtflribution,At the g-ate and l!ate,t.Chro.16. I 3· that is, in euc:ry gare.Lc:~it.17.3·A manandaman,that is, eue– ry man. z. Chron. 19. 5. Thou /}Mlt t~ppoint itldguinacitie11ndinacitie,that is,io eucry ci~ rie.4.DiuerGtic and vatietic. Pfal. u. Th'J fPeafetwith anhe~trl,ttndan h~art. th:uis, with diuersor a double heart. Prou. zo. 10. A weight a11d a weigh: ~trc abominahte vn1o the Lord. ' The Pleonafmeofthc Adieeliuc,&(ome– times alfo of the Subfiantiuercpeatcd,figni– fiech exaggeration or incrcaGog. Icr. 24. 3· I("goodfigg,,good.Efa .6,3. Hol],hofJ,holyth• B LordGodofhojls.Exod.J4.6, Th• l.ordp.j]ing bifore hUf.:cecried,/ehou4b,Iehouah, the Hrong God. !cr. 7·4· Tnl{l not inl.Jingwords,faying,rbe umpltojthe !Ard,rhe ttmple ~f the Lr;rd, e:; ... c. Icr.z~.z9, 0 ~arth, carth,e111rth,heauthoword if the Lord.Ezck.z J.Z 8,SIIJ thoH,theSwtrt'd,the [nMrd ~~· dr~twne, and(urbifo~dfor theJlaughter. Prou.6.Jo. The Pleonafmc oftheVerbe doth either make the fpccch more cmphar1calJ and fig~ ni6cant, or cls fignificrh and lhewech vehc~ rnencie,orcertenry,or rt1ccdmclfe.Gcn.z.J7. lndyingthou]h.1lt die, Era. 50, 2.. is mine hand /horun:d infoorrening? Ef3.56. 3· By ~p~trlltintl qodharhfep•14tedm•(mn hw peopl•. Pfal.s; 21, ThoruhinkJf! me 6y hui11g to /Jc bk.!J thee. Pfal.109.10, Ltthisch11drrn tn wtmdcrmg be,. c WllndertYS (or vagabonds) ifnd /et them begge: Icr.l Z.16.A11dit [haI~ come top•Jfrlfinle11.rnmg the] foal l~ArnetheT94UI fl{ '"}people,&c.z.Kin. 8.1o.Prou.17. a3· Exod,l 3· 17, Ifa.6. 9· Ifa. 55·•· z.King.5 u.Gen.46.4. z.Sam.I5.J O. Ier.zJ. 39· The Pleonafmeof the Coniunelion Come– times argueth earneflnctfe.Eze.IJ.I o.Thm– forc, therefore bec~tHfo they h11ne made"'}people totrre, Wherefore a 'Coniunt!ion doubled(o· 'Coniun– therwi{c: then it is in Larine)incrcaferh the de~ Ction. niali.Exod.14. Jr.Ha{fthou brought vs todie in the wi!derncJTe-, is it bec4ujC there were NoNo graues'" dEl)pt!thar is,Noncata/liMarh.IJ, 14-BJ(wngycfba/lfoc,m.d {ha//Not,Not ('~') D ptrceill~. The Pleon>fmeofthefentencc Ggr.i6cth ' fir!l:,dillriburion.Ezc:c.46.11. A court w.u in thecorner of thecourt: aC(IUrt WIU i11 th~c6mcrof thecourt: acourtwM iH the cornerofthuomt; that is, inuurJcorn~rofthecourt thtre wM one courr.Secondly,it makes ancmphafis. Exod. t1.50. The l(raebtn did JU M#ftr and Aaron command•d.Jodidthq.Pfal,I45·IS. Th• Lord isneere tmto allthat callvponhun: toall that c~tll vprmbimiotruth, Pfal.H4,1. Pnltfferhc urd had beenc onourfid~maylfraelno!P (a)': vnle/fo th• Lordhad[,,.,onour(tdc.Thirdly,the repe– tition ofrhe(enrence, which is doneinother words,is forexpofitionfake. z.Kwg.zo.3. I befoech thee, 0 Lcrd, remember no~how1btfue walkfd before thu in trutb tmd wtth a perfcCl heart, .. .