--------------------------~--~~--~----~--~--------------------------- The Art ofProphecie. 659 heart, ;md h,uudoneth~t whkh i& gusd in th] ftght,PC•l.6.9,10.TI" brd lwhbeardthevoice ofmJ wupind) the L1rd h4:b heard. "'1 prayer: the Lord IM~hrecei!tedmy (upplic4tion.ECa. 3.9· Thq !JAued!ciared theirfimu, Andhauenol h•d– dmit:Ioh.J.j,A!Jthingswere m,jd~: 61 him 1 and 1vithot~) himnothin;'{ w.um4de, A Concc!lion(or yeelding)fignifietha dcni· all andrcprehenfion. z.Cor.u.16,811t6eit, that/chargtd]QU not, butlucaufo 1 WM craftie, /took_.JOHWithg•ilt,l7. Didlp•llyou6;•"]of them whom I fent? <They.in· All tropes are g emphaticall, and beGJes h•·gc :be delight and ornament they doe alfo affoard fcnfc. matter forthe nouriOJmcnt offaith: as when Con(etl. 4· T(theOppofili""fvnli~'Pl•m Pullbe t~~Hght to be,eithernot oflhefame t)'J.at~ ter, !JHtof nttme onefJ,or not tlCcording 19 the Jam~ part, gr not in the(ttmereffutl,ornorin the{Jt»'JHn2nntrlJr not at the[4rm time, nrr~ conctfiAtionor~tgrumtnt ism:tde. E.~amplu. Chrift is put fora Chrh1ian man, or for tbe Ch11rchofGod.Math.z5.35· 1.Cor. u. At tluboditiJone)andbathmany member!: ~tnd all thtm:mGersofon4 bodie,thongh they bem-'n1,are J" burone bo:iic: (o al(o Chrift, that is. The Churcb.Ac\.9.4· Thistrope doth·comforr a faith full foule,and nourifh faith. hIt is when An hlroniefignifictha iufl: reprehcn~on :heoont<a· ofr.nnc. Iudg.1o. 14. Andthe L1rdfaid to the rie.to thlc . cbtldrmof!jratf:GoeJe,11nd critout toyourgodt, fi~~~!~~~S whom1e h~ttteCho{i,/et the' r~~e JOU in the tim! of ,f,elnt, atis trrmbie,M1rk.7.9·A>td hejitJdvnro them,{HreiJ: Pfal. 7. S. I Era. 64 6. IudrJame ) 0 Lord, We haeJe 11U heene 116 B aet:orilnd to m] righ~ lllnvnciMnetbing. and teo11(nep~. ~t!l our rigiJtegr~jneJP is . "'fiithie clo;tts. vred in . W~/J,Je abrog4tC th! commaHndemmtof(;Qd,and ~ouring ob(erHey~rlroJ~netradlt~(}JJI, 1 Ku"!g.z.z. 15. The !omeuwes King(Aid vnt(} him, Michaiah, foal/ wegoe auttinft RamJth Gilead tobaue!J? or [hall we not l ~ndbea~(wertd, Goevp Rnd profPer: doubtleJfe tbc L9rd {lN4Ndr/i11(r it mto the handoftbt Ki'1g. 1. King. 18. %], A ndat mene Eliah mocl,td them,and(aid, Crie aloudjfor heU aqod: either lu tttl/:.!th, orpur(iwhbu enemies, or i4 inh~ iour'117:or it m:q be heflupeth~and rpu~be aJVII– k_.d. I.Cor+8. N01• <re;efu!/, "'"""T""· C riched,~ithsut'".IJJe haeugottma k,ingdome, Figures of a word in the repetition of a word or found, haue for the moll part an ernpbafls in them.Pfai. G6.7· Let Ged,menour Godbltf[c"'· Ifa.48,11. FormincowneJak..efor mi11eowne{a~ewill ldo it. lob. J, St .Peri!J;ueri/7 l(ayvniOJOli~Pfal.6]. 6, Thepcop/ef,.llpraife thcc,O God;aHthepeoplefoallprAi[ethee. In the 136.Pfalm. there isa repetition made in eue. ry verfe forthiscaufe. ' An Interrogation\Jgnifictbl 1. an earneH affirmarion,or alfcuecation.Gen.4.7.ls there not remiflion,iftboM{haltdoe wefi? lolh. J0.13 ,/; J10t thu writtenintheboo~e ojthei11/l? Ioh.4.3 $. Doeyenet(aJthatiti& yet {o11re mo,eths tohar- D Heff! IofiJ.I.9.Gen:J7.1J. l.l(ing.zo. z7. Mark. u.14.loh.6.7. Secondly,itflgnifieth a denralf:Gen.18.4 Shallan] word beb.,dvn. toGodl Rom.J· 3· Sh•llthei•inmdulit]m·•~ tlufa<thojGodofnonufJeill Mmh. U . z6. If S•tan/hallvanq••lh Satan, ho~ (hall hi& k}ng. dome &omin"c?S .Itflgnifics a forbidding.Pfal. 79.16, Hdpevs, 0 G•d, wh7 foal/the Gentiles -tJ,,vbneis their God? z.Sam.z.zz. :A11d Ab• n~r {aid to Afahrl, dep:m ftom m~e: wherefure fboll/ J l (mitc th•e to thegro.•nd I 4· It argueth fundry alfctllons,as adruiration,compailien, complammg,& findmgoffaulr Pfal. 8.1o.O Lllfd,/)!}Jvadn~irltble iJ thJ namein aftthe earth! Ira.', t. 1. How is thefa1thfutl citidJtciJm~ an H4dM! l'C>I.zz. My Cj•d,mJ(jod,"hJhaf/thou for(akalme? The Reconciliation. Itappearcthby thefcope and circumlhn– ces ofboth the places, thacthis contradiCh– on is not in the fame refpecr. Diflingu,fiJ therefore. There is one rightcou{nc!fe of the cau[c: or a.Chon ; ::and another of the pcrfon: the fil'lt placefpeakcth ofthe former:•nd the [econd ofthe latter. .Marrli.ro.ro. [ Mark.6.8.9. ~ ·Nor a {cr;p for the .And ccmmAJJ,ded io11rnq , netther .two them, to ta/;s nothing coaru, n!'ithtr foooeJ, for their io11rney, j11ue nor apa!f'· . I a {lajfc onrfy, n<ith<r 1 /tr-ip,nor bread, vor mo– "} in theifgirdlu, 6m } that th') fooulsl be {hod j 'With (andal!. ' ' The Reconciliation.' D;llinguifiJ the refpech. Matthew mea.' neth fuch a (laff~. a; may beabutthen tattle beaim thereof. M.,~~vnrlerllandcth fuch ' aone,as may fullnine ond eafc thofe rhattra· uell; fuchaoncaslacobvfed, Gen. 3'· 10. Moreouer,thc 010ocs that Marrhewmentio– nethareoew, fuch as are with care and dtli– gence prcparcrl for to trauell in. Thefandals mMar~arenotnew, but fuch aoarc daily, woroc on thefcere. ,·, Frcmthisfourth CcnfeUarie manJ Proui[oes er Carttionsarife mrtU to be obferued in thert~ crmcil~~~ ofpl4Cu. .. • 1 The holy· Writers fpe~kiog of things and perfons,tiJat·o,rc pa!l,doc anticipate, that is, they fpeakc of rhem according to thecu· tlomcof tlrar place and time, in which they wrote Geu. J t.S. Afterward remoouing thin'ce -vr~t~•mountHmt Eaft~wardfrom Beth~l. Tbe plac~wasfocalledinthtdalesof Mofo: but in fi/lrahams rin~c it was not called Bcthd butLN:r:.. Geotl'.z8.19. Gen.IJ'.I. Jtbraham ~cnt vpollt of'e/Egjpt---t~WAfdt the South;not In refpetlofAEgypt,butofrhor place whcr– in Mo(nwas. 1. Pet. 3· 19. Chriflit~hit f}rri' --------------------------~~--------------------------------P-~_._rn_e_d~----~