Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

66o The Art of~rophecying. prrachcd to them thAt .re in prifon. Tbey arc A faid to be in pr~(on in regard ohhe time, in which P"'r wrotethio Epdlle, & notuf that whercinNoahliued. Pfal. 105.15. T~Uchnot mi·J~anno~nud. Abr.ahamJ l[Atlc,and lacob are liud to be annomced in refpeetofthe manner oncl falh1on of chetimewherein DaHid liued. For they had no excernall annoinrmg. z Allegories arc to bee expounded acc:or~ dingto thefcope or intent of the place, So Chry/•fl•mcl•ith vpon the 8.ofMatth. P•'"· h!esnnftnot bceexpoundedt~ccording to theltt– ur,lcj/ many•b(urd~rics doefollo'fP, A~gufl,vpon the 8 P(almefpeaketh on thisforc:incllcry a/. !egoriethiJ ru!e.Uto be rttAincd, rhAt thAt be con· pdmd accordtng to thl purpofc of th• pr<(mt B pl.:ce,rvhich isthat !pok$ttof vndtra {jmilitude. 3 Places and perfons m rhc Scriptures haue very often twonames:Gideonwas called l Jm.·bbaai,Iudg.6.3 Z, and alfo lcrubcp"'''· •.,ll.{limcicch, I.Sam.••+ andA6it~thar, Mark.z.t6. S41omon, J.Sam. I z.z.4. \and lcd.diai>,ZS,Zimri,I.Chro.z .6.andZab. ldi,lo!h.].I.Ha<.ariah,z.Chro.H.6.and 1/.hal .:dah, I,Chro.3.11. and leiJo4cha;;:., 2.Chro. : J .J?.IoiMvan, I.Ci1ro.~.r ;. and leho4cha~. : z.Kmg.t].JO. andalfo .lhAilllm, Ier. zz, 11. l Jchoiachin, z. King. 14- 6. and. Jcchoniah, I, 1 Chco.3.16.and Coniah, Ier,H.24. Mcphiho- (hcth,z.Sam.4 andMirribba•l. 1.Chro.8.34. Abmadab,J.Chro.lo.z.and/fo"i,J.Sam.I'I- C 49.E/,.chimand lachim,z.King •;.z4.0"i"' and Az.ttri,u, z..King.t5.1. :z..Chro.26,r.Ht· ffcr,Edij]4, Hdl.z.7. Sim•n,Pct<r, loh,1,41. and Ceph.;U, ami BltriOt14: /o(u.and Barn~tb.u, AG\.4 J6. SarlfandPa•l, Arl. 1].6. 8.M.r· thm>and LcHi, H:cruf•i<1n is called IebUJ and Sai(m, 13.1. SaHirrigned 11tO)UJrtUtJtrljr4d; that is,lawfully,oras Lyr• fpcakerh,' rightly; but othe:wates he rl.!igned longer. Matth.a. H. fa. r,mbrgat O:c.itU. Here three are left out for their w1ckedneJTe i cow1t, Ahll:;:.iah, loa-1. and 4mfl~iah. · s The time fpoken of is taken eith<r • compleatly,or vncompl~atly: and the parts thereof are t...·ndcrflood enher incluliueJy or excluliuel y: As, 1 .Kmg. 1 S·9· Anfi in the twm# tieth]earuf Jrrab04m .A[arlligtJrd qrur JuJah. ,I I.King. 15. 15, \ J.l(ing,I;. 28. N~tdAb the (umre of Euen in the third lmboam [ O<g•nn• to y<arcof A(• ki•g of tu– reign• ••er I(r••' rh, dab 1 di£ s••p,. P"l (ccond}'•"] •f Afal Nadab,•ndreigncd in K~ng •f ludah : ••d biJjicad. resgned Iuer l{rAd[twl ycam.] ! The Reconc1lemenr. NaJab,who began eo reignein rhe fccond yeareof A{4mightrcignez.yearcs,alchough s,,.,(na fuccecded him io the rhird yeare of A{•; becaufethcla!l yearesofrheKings of llraal and Iudah are not fully cxp~red, but . fomeofchem (as in this place) doe fcarccly conraine moc<rhs in them: the rc!l of che yeares beeing put compleatly. Marh.17.1. I Luk. 9.z8. · Andthe Jix:t d•f •{- AndltcAm<lop•Jf' ur Jifru too~e [itur, •6outaotigbt dllitst~f and lt~mrs, And I1hn ttr ,that h~tuing tA/zrn his6roth1r,and ln·ought Jrohim Peter, & /4mrs. thtm Vf VJJto an high I and l~hn, h~went vp ;,. fn!JIItJtlltn~, 1Dil'1i'JOH1111flnt. The Reconcilemenr. M<tthew pucs exclur.uely onel1 1hedaies thar were berwerne, which were alrogc:ther arcomplinJed, Lu~'puts in the reckening the two outtcrmofl daies alfo. ,. Ociure, according to law or cquitic.. *Th:tti'>,!ls fully 6ni111cd,oras butinth~: 6nithing. j l'vloreoucr 1 the name,wbich is indeed one, rccciuctb n,anytimcschangcs and ditfercn~ oes. AsSalmon ; Rurh....ZI.iscalledSa/01a, z.Chro.2.1 t.Ab•gal, z.Sam.l].tS.isnamed Abigai/,1.Chro.1,16.Tiglath-prlt<-cr,t Kmg. 15.19. is tearmed TJ!, 1. Chro. 'J.p. Aram,Macth.J. 3, is the fame with Ram, 1.Chro.z.,9. Againe,on thccontrarie, diOin(\ perfons, D ,and diucrs place• haue one name: Mat. 1.11. · lo(iahbegat [(,honi4hAnd hW brethrmllbaut the rim11 tbey were ct~rried aw4) i~ttl1 Babylo'!· lZ. The parts of Come are put fometimes in– clur.uely,and fomecimcs cxclu!iuely.t, That the number may bee more perf<Ct. Augr~ff. faich,q•.47-00 Exod. Inapcr(.Cinumbtrofte•· rima th~t,-which iJ ritherrwmting or abounding; ir not counud, Jud,J I,z6.1{r•ddwrlr in,Hcjhbon and .Arorrt~nd their l6t¥nts three hH,dredJ&tlreJ, TheCe yeares are ro bee reckoned from the departure of chc Ifraelites out of Allgypr, after this manner.Thc time ofrheirabodein chcwildernelfe was 40. yearcs. The time of rhcgouernmentof lo[bua was 17. ye.res of 01honic/,4o.yoares,Judg. j.II. OfEhudand Samgar,8o.yeare.. Iudg.3. JO.ofs.,.tz, 10. yearcs.Iudg,s.;I. ofGidcon,4o. yearcs. Judg._ 8. • 8.ofAbiwc/cch,J. yeorcs.Iudg. 9· zz. of Tol11h,z 3.yearcs,Iudg.1o.l,of /aiT.Z z..ycares. Thewholeinallis,3o;. yeares. Here therefore che fiue odde yeam are not named; 1t may becbecauf~ \ of three hundred is fitter both for thecom- , Thoui$,the Andafter tluy wert:carried 4W~7 into BabJion lccond .}echanitJhbeg4t Sttlt4thul. Here now, becau(e fourteen~h lechoni:;~IJ, doth both fini01 the"' fccond uJ1e· ~~cn:t~~~~d radecstde,andbegin the third,oncofthem w1l inM~c.t.17. bew:~nring toone of'tho(etclfcradccads, vn· inwhid1 I~ITewee fay tha.t therewere cwo luboiJia[es ~lJ<cthrcc both father and fonne. SIJCCoth is a name of ~::~~:::i~ns rbrecplaces. The6rU in AEgypt, Exod.1:. "'r" 37· T)J<fecondinthetribcofq<d, IoOJ,Ij. downc, 17, Tile third intherribcof MAnaJJu, 1. King 7.46. 4 In facred accouncs,by reafon ofrho wic– kcdnclfcoftbe Prince, euhcr his name, o'r the number ofycaras, in wh1ch hee reigned / witk~Jiy,arcornitredand left out. J. Sam. puratton .. .