'[he Art of Prophecie. putat1011 and the fpeccfi. :. For breUity fake, A Iudg.zo,46. Therewere~aineof1he Bemamiru I went] Jitu flmJfand. Herean hqndrcd are nor counted as appearcrh, vcrf. 35· The ljradtret fin" tiJAt 1 daJ of the tribe of Bemamin, fiut 1md. twenty thoufan~ ttndA hundredmen. 5. The Kmgbeeing hindred ei1herwi1h (orrainc warre,or witholde~ge,or by rea(on of fome difeafe,doth whiles heyet hucth ap– point h(s fo1\ne~q beeK1ngin hiS Clead: and therefore with the computauons of the yeues of father and Copnc t•igning at one time 1 the yeares of the raigne are reckoned fometimes ioynrly,ang foltletimes apart. :1,'1 r 3 G 9 rv'V'll"'../\./l 'V\./lrv'V'l I. 2, l·'l· 5· ~· 7• 8. 9,10.11, IZ, The,mmnrro/ ourACCrJHnting: I, u. I.Z.J·'I·S·G· .iliiJd ir ~.u ( rhc 3• And it Wt'.4the pre~ MH. 15.25. , .. loh,19.14, houre] 111htn thq er,,. pararion of the P~JfTe~ ci{iedhim, \ outr, [A~nd About the I 6,h,.,.,, J andhtt (•id AhA"-Jah dtrd, and ltho{am the !""" B :,Kmg. 1.17. 1· :.Kmg.J.I. I vm,rhe JewtJ, Beh~ldc JDHr King. The Reconciliation, lehortu'llrttlgneJ m hu of .Af;~tb rttlgnedmrht /lead [ m the fmnd [ <~ghurntbyear<•( le– year< of lehoram the I ha{apbAt,(h•p.8.J6.ln (onne of Jehof.tph.,] the [fiftJearcof foram Krnt.efludah. the{onneifAhab] kho· • l ,.amthefonneofleho[4· ph11t 6egantoraignr,& , rasgN;d eig_ht JC~tr(J. The oppofirion is not in rhe fame refpc~, rhcreforc d1flingutll1 the mar-mer ofaccomp– ung the bourci of the: day,and then it w1Uaf· peare rhar Chrill nuglu bee crucified at the chird hour(',and abonr rhe fixe. The Reconciliation. fth,faphat dettrmining in the 17. yeare of his raigne, ro help Kmg Ahabagarn£1 rhc Sy· rians,appoimcthhHifonac brt~m tobe Vice– roy.Io the cighrecnth ycre of his own rcigne, &in the fccond ofhisfonnc:s,/or4m the fonne of Ah•hr•igned.'Afrcrwards in the fifr yeare of rhis l•rAm the fonnc of Aha6, Ith,fapkat beeing Orucken in age, confirmerh his king– dome to hisfonoc ior"m; whots fa1d to hauc rcioned eight yeares, fourewhilcfi his father wa~ allue, and foure alone by himfelfc, after the deathof his farher. z.Kmg.1s.;o. I z.Kipg.J5·33• .AndHo{heathe fiume ]orhAm the fonnt of if EIAh wroNght rret~. r~:dtth WMJ.S-JtArtl (on Ag.:~i~Jfl Ptk_.4h l.h·e \olde.n-he,he b. ~ganneto fotmeof RtmAIMh~And raigne {.and her.cigntd (motthim,•ndfle,.htm, 1 16.yeam]tn l<mf•· andrtigneJ.inhU r6ome /em. (ir.1 thtZO.JtArt~f [o· th•m J the fo.•eof Jl'f.•l 2::.iAh. · The Reconciliation, Hee raigned 1 G. yeares alone afteJ his fa. thers d..th: he raigned alfo :o. with his fa· thet: for heegouerned the kingdomefor h11 father,who was drfcafed wirh leprofie. G. The Eafi-counrrey men do diuerfly di– OinguiOJtheir arrrficiall day , both into u. equall bourcs (commonly called planetary hourcs) and into quaJrants, hauing their name of the houre going next before, Bero· ald.Cbronol. 7· The letfernumbcr isro becounred vn– der thegreater and rhe more complcre. lud. 3.11. Tht!ar.dhAd refl forry yearo when Olhtr >iiddid,Vndcr this number are all theycare1 comprehended lfom the dearh of J,jhua, to rhe death of OthMid, as alfo the 8.ycares of (erUirudevndertheSyrians,Iudg, 3· 3o. The landhadr<jl8o,7e•m. Herefromrhe death C ofOthomeiare numbred alfo rheyearesofE– h•d& Samgar. ForEhudcculd not belud~c 8o.yeores:for when thefe yearts are expired, rhe wholetime ofman is run our. Thel1ke we meorewith,lud.s.J•.aod 8.:8.and 9. u.and J0,2.J.and 11.26. Where, io the three hun– dred yeares are mcluded rhe forty yeares of their tarrymg in the deferr. 8. F•lra<IOn or s,n-fhip, is eirhernaturall, orlegall. Narurall is by gcn<<atlondegall i• byadopnou, tclhried by cduca!ion and brin– gmg vp)andUyfucccffivn 1n the kwgdomc,& in a LeHirttr,on by the law ofrcdempnon. z.Sam.u.8. I I.Sam.J8.I9. And the KJng took$ WhenMerab SAuls D the fine fons of Mich~l~ dt~Hght~r fbou!d hnut the dau.ghttr of Sttul, 6unt giHt'l ltJ Dttuid, ~home fou hate to .A· PJ-te"'fM4 giuen1.Jnto .A.. d~ie_l the forme of_ Bar·J driti A Mth(l/ohite 19 "''Unhe Mehal•hlte, "if'· The Reconciliation. They are the nacurall fcmnes of Mtrah, and thclcgallfonoes of Michal;and therefore ("beare) dorh onely figm6erobring vp, to feed< and ro nourilh. For thus the fonnes of M•chir,Gen,so.zJ.arcfaid robe 6""' (nati)' '•l•fephs ~nm,thatis,brought vp. Mat,J.u. I Luk.3.17. lmm.ubegat Sa/a. Sal••hiellheformeof 1hul. Neri, Kkk _!he ~rovndcr fiandthis, rcldeDcu. •H•