Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

662. ~he Art of Prophecying. The Reconciliation, Salathi"wasrhe fonne of N eri bynature: and thefonne of im•i.u legally in rq:ard of fucccffioo In the fame kingdome. After this manner ZedrkjM isrhc brorherof Jeconia~ or lehoi•kf•.> vnde, s,Kinllo 14.17.and fonne, r.Chron. 3,16, His br01her bygeneration, and hia(onne by the right of fuccellion. On this manner MatthtA> &.LHJr.! are reconciled in the genealogi~ of Chri(l, For the one foilowes the natural! order, as Lu~e,and the other the Jegall. A Con(efl. 6. If a wml giwm in the Bible, wherber it h~ An Hthre., JPord or A Gretk!; iffirft it Jue agru roith Gram,WitaU ,.,. Hruf!im,,.,,J w.ith othN"•pproDtudcopies:,if lll(oltd..grmnrefPeElifthe(mfe,ith th< tircumft••manddri(to[tbe plau,&with th< .,•l•gi,.Jfaith,it i4properand"""''"'· Confefl. 5. When the naturaU{en(e •fth< pl.c< (propounded) u g•um b1 the fore{'aid hefpt~,a (ignijicllkmof A wordfigni!JingJi. Hers things(oti.u;..;,p.••) {b11B begiuen,whichU fitting to tht place. I lay downe this rule,not becauteI thinke thar the Hebrew and Greeke text is in all eo• pies corrupted, throuqh the malice of the Iewer,asLind••mdoth wickedly calumlliate, and afier him aU Papin•; but that the diuero readings, which in fome places hauccrept in, cith<r by rea(an-ofthe vnskilfulnelf<,or ncgB ligenceand ouer-Gght of che Notaries,mishr bee skanned and determined, As, Pfal. u. 16. In ordonary copies the wordHun rhu•; (ll#i~thatis, At4Lionm]h:tndtt~ndmJ fut~6 Inothercopiesthe reading is diuers,afrer rh11 manner: Caru,Th'Jh•uediy,ged(or pierced) mJhandsandmJ fme. Now the rulepropoun· dcd, doth teach thar thJS latr<rreadingiaro bcfollowcd. ForiragrcethJ 1. wirhGram· · maricaiJ conClrud:ion : 2, with the ctrcum· £lances of the Pfalme : 3· withfomeancieot coptes:yea cue by thetefhmony ofthe I ewes. o Thusrhe figni6cations ofVaurhe prefixe or copulatiue are (aoBr•nermhath obferued in his Hebrew Grammer) dill•nguiOted ac– cordmg ro rhc diuerfity of the places. It GgThefeod. nifierh,I.At,lfa.9,10,Gcn.•j>.lo, 11. 0!.•· ue.bsond •i•m,l(a.spt. Ill. ~m,lta.9.11,Pfatm. ~~~·~nd~·~f 73-4· IV. idrji,Ifa.g.r4. 1.Sam.t].'\O, V. puq> 0 fenot !dclrco, Prou. 1,18, V I. ftAvt, Pfal. J 8.39· uat•JhtC',:IS H., VII. Siceti~tm,Ua.Io.lo.& 51, hwn~fi<· 11, VII I. Ett•mm, t,Chron.s.• Neb. 9. :~~~~nLa19. IX. A<qui,Pial.n>& 19.6. X. Pop,;, C wnd[,,t6.u.Gen.3·S· XI. Autem, Ha. J, :r.Neh.•.9.Xll. Eti•m,: .Reg.3.8. X I I I. Num,U3.J7·''· XI I II.S~rurjic, : .Ddft.].>. X V. ~i, qu4,q••d.lfa. 43· s. XVI. 0! XVII~ Pr,Ifa. 49.6. X VI I I. 0-•mui4,Ier.31.3 s. X IX. i•q••.,,Ira,>5.•.X X.idq;Pfal.ro5 uJ{XI. Atq;ita,Prou.,.4, XX I I. Etvr,lfa.s8.s,6 XX I li.~oniam,;d,.,Pfal.ro9,17.XXlV. bno,Pfal.ro9.18, XXV. Necnon,P!al.]1. t6. XXVI.Perum,Pfai.73·13. XXVII. Etiamfi,Iob 19.>6. XXVIll. Aut, Pfal. I; 9.7. XXIX. 0f_od,idq;Pfalm, IJ9·'4· XXX. Ervm,Pfai.IJ9·'7·XXXI.T•m, Neh.u.:7. XXXli.SimHiatq;· XXXIII. Si(in,z.Reg.s.•l· XXXI V. Nec,lf•·4•·8. XXXV. Hocigitur,Prou. D 17d3• XXXVI. Pnacum,Prou. 8.18. XXXVII. ~od,Gen.47·6· Thus it appear<th that (Bmch) figni6cth contrary tbings,as toblefJeapdtoturfe,Iub 1. s. t.Kmg.:. J,Jo.and 11.1.9. To conclude, henccit is euident,that(flr~· chat) Gen. 4· •CS. doth nor fignifie p,.ph•ntd, butBrgHn, Reafon 1. When Chalal Ggoifi– erb to profane, it ought 10 bee ioyned wirha nowne,androgoucrne it; but here it dotb ima mediatelyfollowK.ra,averb in6niriue.Rea– foo •· Among!l manycaufes of rhcDe/ug<, Mof<~ reckoncth not the prophanation of Gods worlh1p,whkh norwith!landing Otould haue becac chiefly noted, if fo be thatit had r2i~ned among the people of God. CHAP. VI. Ofthrrigbt dtuiding of•h•word. £-:IItherto wee haue fpoken ol lnterpr(tiug· theword. Wear( now tocometofpeake of the'righttHrti•g,orrherigbtdtuiding ifit. •; 1 ,..,.,. Rrght cutting of the word,. that, whereby the word io .made fit to cdi6e the people of God,1, Tim.1,15, Studietofbewth) (ilf< •P· pr#oued vnto God,A wDrk_mt~m thAt neednot to f,e afbamed,diuiding (or •cutting) tbt •ordoftruth , -.s,.oJJ,– arigbr. It isa mctaphortaken it may be from ••· chcLeuites,who niight notcutthe members of the facrifices without due conGderation. lfa. so.+The L.rdh.rh ginenmtttb"ongu<of the!et~rned. thttt Imighik,nsw to miniHn-" word in d11e {IA/im to !Jimth;d U wearif, The parts rhereofare two: Rcfolution or partition,and Application. •Rt(oiHtion isthar, whereby tbe place pro- .,,.,,~,. pounded is, as a weauers web, r<folued (or vntwt(ied and voloofed) into_fundrie doflrines. Afl.l8,:8..Migbri1J im conf•udtbt · !tA>tl,withgrw vthem:nciepubltk!IJfbn•i•g6y ScriptHrrs.thAt I~fusrr;Utbtfl Chri/1. Refolution is enhcr Notation, or CoJJe. flion. Nor.ti•• is,when aathe doflrine is expref.. fed in theplace propounded. Rom. 3· 9· Wee bAHtlllrft:ld)pro1tudth11tAIJ.PolkJrw~sAndGew– tilfs,Ari1JIIIitrfintu. 10• .Attl# wrttten,Thtrt U Hone righuoNJ, na not onf. 11. There is ntntt