'!he Art oj Prophecying. tlwvnJerft••dtth,n.neth.t (uk;th God.u.A/1· A 11regoneollt of tht WAJ: thqhat~thtenem:Ade Al.. togethervnpr4it~tbie : thereitnoneth4t dothgd1d, nonot one.Act.z.z4.WdoJ»e Godbath ,.~t1(edvp, 14nd /oo(edtbe~TTOJUI'.[JeAtb,bt,ltH[e it R'IU itn... pof!ibltthat hefoouldbe h•ldofit. J f. Fir Da· foAl ma/u1v1thth~hoHje I J,{;i'fJUfled t~nd WIJ:red of I[rad,& rh~hou(eq[ o/dr ,i1re~d; rovanifo a– /~;dtlb,anewteft;unent. W4J. In gathering of doClrinos wee mu!! fpeci– aHy remember that an example in his ownc kinde, that is, an Ethique, Occonbmique, Politique,Ordinary, and Exrraordinoty <x– amplc, bath the verruc of a genorall rule in Ethiquc,Oeconomique, Politiquc, Ordina– ry, and Extraorc!ioary matters. The exam .. pies of the Fathers arc patrerno for vs, I.Cor. 1o. 1 1• .Ahdvvharfouur i1vt·rirun, is vvrittm (orourltarning. And tt is a Principlein Lo~ gicke, chat the a Genus is aCtually in all rhc ..,JP(cirs:and a rule 1n rbeOptikcs,thar the gc~ nerall fpeciesof things,arepcrcclueu before l(idfaith concerning him, I beheld the Lordaf– wllies lufortme: for heit at mJ right htmd, that 1 fo•uld""be fo•l,n.>6.Thm(ore did mine hMrt reioJCe,andm1 tongue wa:~ gllld, andrmre11ur ai– (""J jlefo (!;aare(lin hope. 17. B<eauftthouwilt notleauem1 {o~tle with the dead, neitherwilt fiif– ftrthine ho!J one tofee corrupti(m, Cslle!lJOn is, when the doctrinenot expr<f– fed is foupdly gathered out of the text. This is done by the hclpeot the nine arguments, that is,ofthecaufcs,elfects,fubieCls,adiuncls, diiTentanies,comparariues, namcs,dillributi– on,and defimtion. For example: A plac4. l the colleelion. Iohn IO.J4. le(iu Fromthecompari· .r>l{wertdthem, Isit nor (on ofth<lelfer. writtm inJlur law, [ 3). ![hecalled them faidJ~"reGqJsf lqodr, vnto Jvhm1e 1hc wordo(Gqd-w.u girun, · and the Scl'ipture can l notbebrck$n: 36. Sa1 Jetofmec, whomc the Father hatb {an{fi(ied and font intotbe world, l tholl blaJPhemejl, be· e<u(e I [aid I ""' the SorJneofGod? .1\ place. ! The colletlion from thelcller. a.Cor.9.9· For it it Vcrf.4.Hilluewenot B theparticular. Rom. 9·7. N eithtr the Spec1es. A place. I Thccolleeli~nfrom 4rerhq All childrm,lnVe1f.8.TIJ.tt is,rheJ cau(ethty arctlu jeedr t>vh1cbarethe chtldun of Abrabt~m: bHt in 1-~ cfthe jlefo, ~tr~ nft thi faacfhaU th; (ude b« chi!drmo[God:b~tttbe C411ed, J o. N m!Jerhe cht!dren of the promJ(e IJntl] ft!t thit, 6ut a!fo ]are Cflt~nted for the_(ud. Rducca;whm foee hnd conceiuedhyone,eu~n 6y Rom.4. I~; Which Rom.4,%J. Novv our [Hth(r lf4ac. ·1 l'lbrAhnm Af.AI~p hope, it iJnot vt;ti:uh for him &c. 21, Bumg full) ond],that itvvMimpH~ .llfurtd, tl~..tlu'llvhWb ·~ tul tohimfqrrightecHf C bad proml(ed,vv.ualfo nf/Jr,z.4 Bmfcrvtaljo, ahlrtodotit. l :. And rovvhom it {hall !le im– tlurtfor( it vv.aJ impu~ ~p~t:dforrighu~ufnef{e, tedt~h~mforngb~eolij- wbzch 6~/etHe :tl him, ntffe• , tbar rai.(td vp lefmQllr j t..rd F•m tbe de•d. "a~rltlcn in tbe 14w if I powe,. to eate, Rtld to Mo(er, th01• foalt not drink;! That alfo I adde, that colleClions ought 3 Or gene~ rals. Or fpcd alsanllp.1r· ti~ularsof thatkinJc: or &cncrJU. mu~:Ue the motdh if! to bee right and found, that is ro f.ty,denucd the o~:e, that treadeth from thegenuine and proper meaning ofthe orltthecornt.What,harh Scripture: If otherwl(e,wee (hall draw bany bAd verb · Godc•reofqxen? doClr111et16 any plaae.Pr0u.8.u. the Greek onyching l cranOation of che_Seucnry Interpreters is (K~- ou.tGf :~n:r · A place. The colletl:ion from ~or iiM'IITi,....,.) The .L1rd h11tb crt'audme, it is the t~m~~>qutd· Gal.J.IO.For(• ma-~ thecontrary, fpeccbof Wlfcd•m,,thatis,ofChri£1 (peaking /'·"'cc quo. n;.uareo(theworlzesof VerC._9. Therefore othbfclfc.WhencethcArrianscollcClvery wee. the law. "are vndt,. altho~whichate off~tith D wick~!dly; that thc:Sonnt>Was created. But in c•r(e: for it it written, •" blefled with f•llh· theHebrew itis(!ehoua lzanneni,)The LordhAth Curftdit euer;one,tbat lfab.Abraham, po(Jeffe4 me. Now the Fadlft poffclfeth the conti~Heth not in Rll Sonnc, becaufehcebegathimfromet~rnity, tbingt nthich are in the and bccaufe the Father is intheSonne,& the boelzofthefa,. todothC.l Sonneu11he father. Andfo,Gcn. 4 .r.When Verf. 11. For the Vetf.ll. Andth.r a Sonnewas borne vr.ro Ad•m, bee (alrh, I iufl foaO liHe 6Jfaitb. nom•niriu(lified b;tbe h••• poJJtffed • man fi'om the Lord. The error l.tw beforeGod, it istui. perh~ps ~ame vf this, .tba[ it EUift w~seither l"lmn. f dent. through1gnorance,or m=.Hce,pot for~ E8e~ ·he h.uh I \f~ . .AMJ.Uf/inealfo vpon eh~ te.n_tb verfc o( the I ~~;;:~d. A place. Acolle~\ion from l9-Pialme,rcaderho~thiSWIIc:/ htldm1 pe4Ce he "·"h the Admnct. becttu(e tbw haffm~tanmt,fecirfi mt. From Ipoilc!lCd. Hab.8.8.Forinreh~tHeb, 8.13. lnth•t whence he dotblolittlly garher,that iwa mark/ngthem he faith, Be· I he faithanewuft•m<t , ucile that bee flmuld holde h" tongue, tllar bold,the dMes willcome hubath di(4nttlid the !lathrcce1ued"' mourh to fpeakc:where~u(me) f•:::i:.:.th:..:t:::h::..e_::L:::"::.d::.,::."':::h:.:.e•:_l:...c:':::ld::'.:.'::."::''":...'::h::.a:...l ::.."'::.h•::.'ch:.::i'.:__-'-_::is~n~<:_: ll:_:h~er:_oi::cnthe Hebrew, nor 111 theGrc~kc. KH • And 'l ,.