"'.v·'f·~~·~~~"n"~ 'The .lirt o/Prophecying. And vpon d1c 7>. Pfalmc, and 14. vcrfe; bee difputeth much about vfuries, and proouerb that vfuries arc fins: whereas there is no (uch matter in that text. Forthe words arc;He [haO deliHtr tJuirfot~!t ftom dtctit4ndviolence ,fo prt.. cioH& Utluir bloodin hil tJff. It lhall be lawfulalfo togather Allcgorici! for they are arguments taken from things that are like, and Paul in histeachingvferh themc>fren, J.Cor, 9·9·Budhcyaretobev· fed with thefocautions: 1. Lcr them be vfcd fparinglyandfobcrly. :. Ler them not bee farre fercht, but fitting to the matter in hand. 3· They mutl be quickly difparcht.4.Thcy are robe vfcd for infiruaion of rhe life, and notto prooue any point offaith. ·Any point of doarinc col!eaed by iu!l confequenccis • fimplyofit fe!fetobee be· lccued,and cloth• demon!lrare. Aa. •8. •4· A11d.ccertaine lew,named ApoUos,borneatAltx· andria,camt to Cpht[UJ,a.P rloqumt man &migh– t! (tt~r«r1r.) in thtScripturtt. z.8.Fcr mightil] hu confuud the Jen•tJpu61ike1J ll'itbgreat vehemtn· cie,demrmf/rating(imlt~xWr,)bJthe Scripruruthat Jc[IU"'"'tbeChrifi.Fcom henceirfolloweth: Firil,that humane reflimonies,whethcr of the Philofophers, or of the Fathers,are not to bealleadged. Augt~;qi•e vpon the CIG.Pfalm. {aith thus: if 1JPeai{f,letnoo"an h<are: if{hrif/ (Pe•kt, ..,., bu tohim that dothnot heart. So a· gaineheefaith, (Devnitat, Ecclefi~J Lttvs net heare,Tbefethings I fay. The/ethingshe faith: lmtletvsheare, The(ethingstbe Lord faith.Yet with this exception, Vnleffe thry ccnttince the confcimce •f the he.rer. Thus Pau/alleadged the tellimony of Aratm, Aa. 1 7· z8. For by himwtliue, nndmooue andh~ut Dur6eeing,il4 fHt of Jourown~PottJhath /~tid; For weeareaO hU progeny (J.hor.) J 9· Fora[ much thtn,ttl Jre m·e the progeny ofG•a,&c. As al(o afaying ofMenan– dtr, 1. Cor .J S· 33·8enot Jeceiued,euiO"" cOutr[t.t~ tionJcorruptg9odmamurs. And of Epimtnidn. Tit.z.u.Ason<oftbcir l'rophttshath (aid,the Cretia1JJArc!llwaiu litrJ, eHi/1 Ge.1{h, 11nd flow– belli"· And then a!fo ir mull be donefparing· ly, and with leauingout the name of the pro– phaneWriter, Secondly, that a few teOimoniesof Scrip· tore arero bee vfed forthe proofeof the do– arine: andthatfometimcs thcrcisnccdeof none. La(l!y,hcnce it followes,that theProphets de!iuering rheir dot!rine rhus, are nor to be reprooucd of other Prophets. 1. Cor. t4.3 z. 4ndthe[piritt ofrhe Prophets ArefulitEI vntorhe Prophets. Yer afterwards he addeth,verf. 37• lf any one fume to be 11 Prophet, orJjiritHaU, let him ack.._n9wledgt, that tho[ethingswhich I write vnro]ou,are the commandtmmtJof(jod. CHAP. VII. Ofthn~aieshow to v{eandappl]doflrintt. APplication is rhat, whereby the dol'lrine riglulycollcaed, is diucrll.v fitted accorA dmg as place,time,and perfon doe rcquire.E· zcch. 34· .'5· /will fudeml fhupe,and bring thei1Jtothe~rreft,fatththt Lml. JG,Iwil/ fuf<: th~twhi,bi.t loft,andbri11g 11g11inethllt whi&hWtU drmm Awny, And will binde vp that whi<h "'"' hrok.!n, and .,;n flrengthcu the (ick.!. Iud. u. And hnumg compaf!ion of[•me in putlling dijfe. renc~. 1.3• .And[AueotbtrJ withterror, pulling them out ifthe flame, The foundation ofapplication is,to know whetherthe place propounded be afentcnce ofthcLaw,oroftheGofpel. Forwhcn rhc word is preached, there is one operation of theLaw 1 and anorherofthe Gofp<l. Forrhe Law is thus farre forth ctfectuall,as to declare vntovs rhe difeafe of finne, and by accident B to cxafperate and fiirreir vp: but itaffoards no remedy. Now rheGofpcll,aoltteachcth what isto be done:foit bath alfo the eflicaoy ofthe holy GhoUadioyned with ir,bywhom becing regencrated,we haue !lrcngth both to beiceue theGofpell, andtoperforme thofe thmgs which it conimandeth. The Law ther· fore is rh• fir!! in the order of t<aching: and the Gofpd fecond. It is afcmence oftheLa~v,which fpeaketh of Perfect inherent righreoufnes, of eternal! life giuen through rhewotkes of rheLaw,of the contrary finnes, and of the curfe thar is duevnto them. Galat.s. ro. S•m•ny .uar<of t_he w_ork§s ofthe Law, are vndtr thecur(e; (or 11 uwr~uen,curftdU hew/,~f~esurAbideth not inall C thingr, whioh are writttnintht boolzeofthe Law rodoethem. Mmh. 3· 7.0 gcnerationo(l'ipm, whoho~thfore~w~trned )Dfito Jltt ftow theanger to come J' 1o. And now Alfo iJ the tl.\': p11t to the rcote ofthe treer: there/~reemrJ truwhich Urin· geth not forth good ft•it, iullt vp(i..l•l.:~)nnd cap into the firr. A fentence of the Gofpell is that, which fpeakcrh ofChrill & his bcne6ts,andoffairh beeing fruitful! in good workcs: as,Ioh,3.1G. So God/,uedthe,.,orld, tb.rh1 g•ue hi< ondy {,e. tottm Sonne, th11t who[otHtr /JdetHetb in him, {hculdnot perifo,/nlt hauemerlaftiwg!tfe. Hence it is, that maflll fentcn,es, which fceme tobelongto the Law, are byreafon of Chrifl, to bee vnderflood not legally(..~.~,) D bur with the' qualification of the Gofpell. •Euangeli· Luk. I J, z8. Blej[ed •re thofe.,hick heare the c<. wordojqod,And /zeepeit.Deut.30.1 1,14.Thu commttndemtntwhich 1commandtheethk dAJlid not hiddm,nor (et afarrto!J,6m it u by theein t~J mouth,•ndin thy heart, Tl1is fentence which is legal! inMo(u, is cuangelicaJI in PaHI: Rom. Jo.8. Pfalmc 119.1.BI•f[ed arerhofethat ar1 perfeE/ mthew"]. wh•w•l~eintbe L•wof feho· uah, :. Blrf!ed•re the1 thll kftpe hit tt{limoniu, ""d feek! himwith th~irtrhuleht•rt. Ioh. 14. z1. HeethttthAthmycommaHnrUments, and k_uptth them,U h~thatloHume: hetluu loHtlme, [hallf,.foutdofmJ Father. z;.!fanJmAntioloue me,he wiUk!epmy 11101'd: Andm1Farh8rdoth loue hm1,andwt 'IJi/lcom~ vntohim,andwee tt-i!f dweO with him. Gen.6.9· N otth'll'dJa itJfl Andvpright .. .