~--------~~------~~--~--~~--.-~--------------~ ---- ' Cf'he Art ofProphecie. ,·6li5 · ~ rnde!i. nentcr. m<ni•hi4tim<:Noah ••lkfd..ith God' continu A teachable, without hope of IVinning,· r~cm·, ' .a 1 •Gen.t7. r. I amthe Jlrony;God,omnipotw, they arc tobee left. Mmh. 7• Grqiu<not that w;~l'<!~tfw~tJ beforemr,fl~ke '!Jpright. . which iJ hof] vnto doggcs:neither~aft )OIJr pear/a The ~Paies of ApplicatiOn are cbtefiy f••- before ("'ine, lrf/ thrymadthem v•d'!their(ret, tu,,accordingtothcdiucrs.conditionof men andtnrningag~tine.al/tfJ rtnd yos. Prou.9.8.Re· and people,which is {t.tMe11jolde, proo••""afcorner,lef/ beehatetbu, All.t9·9· 1. Pnfulu1urs, JJibl ATeilotb 'gnorAnt,ttHdo•· BHtwhtnctttAinem!n 'l'erebArdened,andwould ttach•H•. not ob'J, fPeakjng tHiU of the way oftbe Lord beThefe men in the fir{! place areto bee prefm them•ltitudt,hedeparttJftom them,AnJ fepared to receiuethe dol!lrineofrbeword. z. par.ttdthe Di(cipl" ftom them. Chron. 17. lebo{apbat fent LeuitetthroughI I. Somtartteacba6lt}111 yttignora•t. out the citietof Iudah, to reach the people, To thcfemen the C4rechi(me mu£1 be dcandtobringthemfromidob. liuered. Att. rS. os. ApoUoswtU c.ttchiud Thi•preparation isto bee made partly by ('"'m"""""'·)inthe ""7of theLord. Ai.d•he fP•k! difputiog .or reafoning.with~hem, that thou ferumtl; in the fPirit, and taught diligemiJ tbe maiff throughly difcerne their manners and thingsofthe l..Drd, /:,porving onciJ tbe b~ptijmeof difpofiiion,and partly by reproouinginthem B lohn. 16. A•dbu6egannctoJlmkf foldiJ in Come notorious finne, that bceing pricked in the SJnagogue. Wbome when Aqui!a andPri[cil. heartand terrified, theymay becometeacha- /4hadh,.rd, th') took! him vnrothem, and <X· ble.ACI:.t7.17.HeJijputtd in tbtSJnagoguewith pomuledvnto him the WaJ of Godmm perfeCIIJ. the Iewu, Alfdwitb them rh.r wererel•gtoHI, and Luk. r.4. Th•tthou maieft k!J•w the the truthof inthemukft·place witbwhom(Deuerhemet.A{t. thufe things, wh<reofthou hafl bu•ecatechi<.ed ?·3.Naw M h8 ioHri!Jeditcametupajf()thfft ,M he (~x.~e~r; )orinf/ruaed. ' I'.U comenetre to Da,.a{cHI,f•ddtnl]there {J.i· The C4ttcb•(meis the do8:rineofthe foun· nedroundabout hir~~ •light ftom heAMt11, 4·And dationofChrHlian religion,btiefly propounbee jeOtotheearth, and ht<rd4 voice {aJing to dcd for the hdpe of the vnderllanding and him, Saul, Sau/, wh; perfec•tt~ th•• m:tl s. memory, in qucllions andanfiVers made by· Andhu faid,Wh•tttllblll• Lord 1 Andthe Lord thels••IJvoice, ' an(wmd, I am It[m ofN a<.areth, whome thou Themattertherefore ofthe Catechifme,it dutj/ ptr{tcHte , it u b.rd for thee to /de/:! a• thefoundation ofrelit;ion. gainf/ tht prickfs. Act. 16, verC.•7· Then the The foundation isa ccrr~inefumme oftbe kfep.rofthepri(onar~~okf o•t of hi. jlttpe: and principlesofChriUianiry.Heb,s.t:.For,.hm 'flhenhe [;;~rp the pri/011dt»'et optn, bt drewoHIhiJ C fil concerning thetiml Jt.ought tQ /;uu;;~chers,]tl (word, and "'ouldbaue kjlledbimfilf•,(uppof•g haue;e nttdeagaine thatwtt ttachyouthe Jirft thepri(..m had bun•fld. 18. Then Pa•Icriprincipleso( tht'R'ordsof God. withaloudvoice,(aying, Doth;fe/fe no harmefor A principltisthat which doth direc!lly,and . we4rt aUhere. z9· Thm het caRed for alight, immediately f;rue both for rhe faluarion of and leapedin,andcamt tmnblin~, andfell downe men, and for the glory of God, which being before PaulandSil.u. 3o,AndtmughtthemoHt, alfo denied and ouer·turncd,nofaluationc~n and[aid, Sirs,what m•ft Idoetu~e[Aued? 3'· be hoped for. And they faid, Bdttllt in the Lord Je(ru. and Therearc cfpecially lixeprinciples:Repentbou fludtbe(4ued, andthine hou(ho!de. Aa. 17. tanct,Faith,Baptifme, tb<t is, the Sacramentt, %%.And Paulflood in the midJI if Mars-rlrett, lmpofttionofbands,that io,theminill<ry of the andfaid,Tt 1Ntno{Athens,![u th41 in •//things word by a S'ynecdoche, tbt rt{«m[fion, anJ • 1~,...,.. yeare• too(•perf/itious. • 3.F.r M Ipaj{tdbyand thtla~iudgemw,'Heb. 6.o,1,3. wrip¥t. fuh~Jd]oudeuDtiom,lfout~dAt~IIIIAr,whertin-n.u The forme of the Catcchl[me is,tohandle wri~ttnJ1nto tht vnk_mm•ne God:whome1e thenig· the elements or grounds plaincly;by asking -~·tiJwtrfl,ip,him jhe"' 1vntoyou.>4.qod,thc1 and anfwering. r.Pet.3·••.Torhewhich •lfDthe made the world,and•fl thingJ in it, (uing th,.tb1 D {igurethllt now [4Htthvt, eutn bapti(me•grieth u the Lord of heaum& e4rtk,drrt8ttb notintem- (not theputtingawa1of thefilthinesofthejlefh,but plttmAdtwithh•ndt. the pipu!~ttitm or .. interrogAtion of ago~d confciWhennowthcreis hopethattheyarebeence.)A8:.8.J7·What dothlcrmetobebapti><edl come teachable and prepared, the doRrinc And Philip (aid vnto him,lf tb11U{!tlttueff with ofCods word is to be declared to them gene41/thine heart,thournaif/. Then heanfweredJ•J" rally in fomecommontearmes, or ordinary int,lbtltm11hat lc(us Chrijl i4 the SonneofGoJ. poinrs.A8:.t7.3o,And the timeofthu ignorance Tertul. derc(ur.cu.faith : The(ostle u not pur• Godregardeth not,but NOW hecommandeth c~- geJwith wa(!Jing,but withaufwering. >""'"•) 4Umen eutr}'tl'here toripent. 31. BteaHfc And here \VCC mullholde adttference behe hathappointedaday in "'hichht "'iH i•dgtthe t•·eene mi/~e and f/rong me.te, which arc the worldinrighttos•(nef{t bJ that man whom bebath fame indeed,but do differ in the manner and appointed, whereof he bath affisred aflmen,inthat faOrion of dcliuering. hehathrai(td himftom tliedead. .Milk! is acertaine bricfe,plaine and geneIf they fhall approoue this doClrinc, then rail explication of theprinciples oftbcfaith: itisrobec opencdro them dillinllly, and in as when aman dothteach that weemull be· (euery particular;but if they(hall remaine vn· leeue one God, and three perfons, Father, K kk 3 Sonne,