The .ilrt of Propbecjing. A with thecrolfr, and with outward calanmoes! .i\, ,., , ' Sc.>ll~e,gndh.oiy Ghofi; and that we mu!I re· ly PJJ<Ly ,\>.pon ,rbegrace of God in Chrifi; and rhau..eeught to beleeuethe remiflion ' ef \innoS<; 'and when wee are taughtthar,wee ougbt"' r.epcnt,to abftaine from euill,and to QllFtthat.w.bich is good. · · S1rong"''""Is afpeciall, copious,luculenr and.elearehandling of thedoctrineof fa11h: as when rhe condition ofman beforethefaiJ, his fall, originall and acflpalllinne,mansguil· tinel(e,frcc-wlll,rhemy!leriesof the Trinlly, thetllioinature• of Chri!l, the perfonallvni· on, the.oflice of Chri!l, the imputation of rjgbreoufnelle,fairh,grace,and thevfeof the ·law,aredi:IIUcredoutof the word of God di– !lm&I1 and cxal!lly. Mor<Quer, milk• mu£1 be fer before babes, tbat i·s 1 }tho(e rhat arc rude or weake in know– ledg-e.: flr~ng meaumufi beegiuen to fuch as a,'reofripeyeares,rhatis,ro them that ar-e bet– ~er infiru5t·ed, 1 .Cor.3.1. More~Htr,6rnhrm,l co:Jidr#t fiuak! vntoyou fU totpiritH111l:6Ht I haut JPob_.envnto J8Ututo C4TnAfl, th~ttid, toinj.cntl in li:briif.' %. I harte fed)ON t>ithmilk.!, and not ..irhm:r;u.e,Heb.s.•3· . lll1Sormhauek._n,.../edge,6utarenotMJtl ' l,imfft/.J<. '' In fuch the foundation of rcpcnta~ce o._ught fo·bee!lirredvp, tharis to fay, acer– raine farrow which is according to God. 1. .Cor,y.KFor tho11gh I madeJOUfor! r.ithalmer, rl fep.~nt'vf!li though I d1d repent: for 1 perceiue tl..r tb;-.(ame Epif/le mAdt JOU {or], though it werekHt ford(eafon. 9· /I'UitrreiUJct,nt~tthllt]t were fory,6~~t that )t forrQwtd to rtpentance: f()r ye.forrowed •c.cording to(j•d (,;:•S.>•,)(othat in n9tbing }t'IP..treburr b] vt. 1 o,For forrow,which i&aamding to God (org•41J) c.uf"b repentance tm!o {4.1~Ationn(Jt to be~ repentedof: hNt worldlJ farrow cau(eth death. Sorrow.according ro God, is agriefo for finne,euen bccaufe it is finne. . To the!lirring vp of thisaffel!lion, in the fir!!. placeaman mufl vferhe mimflcry ofthe Lawwhich may beger contrition of heart, or the horror's of confcience, which·rhough it be nota thingwholefomeand profitable of itowne nature, yet is itaremedyneceifarie forrhe {ubduing of a !inners fiubbornnelfe, at!d for thepreparingof his mind to become -teachable. -Now, that thislegall farrow may bee wrought, it i! fit to vfe Come choke parcel! of rheLaw, which mayreproouefomeoneno– rabldlnnc in men rhar are not as yet hum2 Or)thogh bled. For forrow for, and repentance a euen but. of one tinne, is (or fi1blhnce (?If i1pct.t,)forrow for 'l!ld repentanceof all, Acl. 8. zz, Repent tbfrtfouofthilth) l'Pic~ednu, andpr4JG()d,thAt rfll be pojfible,the thought ofthine heart m•J bu Jorgiom thee. Afl.l.lJ.Himh•m yetak!n by theha.ds ofthe fl>ick_rd,being deliumd61 the 01· urminatec/llt~felltcndfQrelznowledge of God 1 and hauecrucificd andJl•i••,P(al.3:.;, Yea further, rf any man bceing afHiaed haue enoly aworldly forrow, that•is, if bee . ,,,. " mourne not for llnneaoit ia.linne, but fonhe' punilhmenr of fiooe, ·bee is not byand ll)'to beecomforted, but firfi this forr.ow is to b"e turned into that other (orro.w, which is b ac- 'Godly, cordong toGod: as is the counfeJJ of Phyfitians in rhc like ca(c. For if a mans Me be in danger, by reafon,ofblood gulhing out at : they conimaund alfo that blood bee ·let out in his atme, or in other place as the cafe re-quireth, that they might llay the cour(e· of, the blood w.hich ru0Jeth our at.the no!lnls, that fo they might faue his life, who was •readie to yeeld, vp the giloft, , · : · B Then let the Gofpell be preached;in the: preaching whereof; the holy Spirit worl<eth effedually vmo faluation. For wlillell he re– neweth men, that they may begin to will and to worke thofe thins• that are pleaGng tO God, he doth truly and properly bring forrh in them that forrow which is accardmg to God,and repentancevnto faluotoon. To the hard-hearted rheLawmuff beevrgcd, and the curfe of rhe law muff bee de– "?~ncedwith threarning, togc:thcrwith the difficultyof obtaining deliucrancevntil they bepric~ed in their heart, Mar. 3·7· Andwhen hejil-..manl of the Pharif.,,and oftheSadduces came tobid bapri[me•h'(•id~ntothem, 0 ~proge- ;fot• ny ofPlpers,wbo h'!thfortrPArned JOU t# jlujioi1J C ther.r.thtocomel Mat.19. JG, Good M.jler, what {hall I J., tb41 I"'"! ha11e tternaO life I J 7-And he{,-lfthou t~>ilt enter into lift;/,.,!epe rhe commttflndements.Mat.13·13.Wile vnto JOU ScribuandPhAri(es,hJpBcrittt>6t;Au(e J'{but vp the k._ingdomeof '"""'" /.ifortmm: for JeJDNr(elurtgoenot in,ncith6r[ujfirye thofo thAt Art entringin (11'"P.:t•f-4'*""•) to goein, &c. v.33·0 Serpents,codprogenr of fipers,how foal/ ]«{cape thed11mn•tionof heU! But when the beginning ofconipun~!lion doth appeare, theyarcprefendyto beecomfortcd with the Gofpell, ·' I V. Someareh11m6/ed, Here wee mu!l very drligendy con!iJer! whether-their humiliation becompleare and D found ,or bur begunand but lishtor llighr:'· leff that bee or they, receiuing comfott foo– ner1hen is meet, fi10uld afterwardswax more· hard; hkeyron,which beingcafi into the fur-: nace, becomes.exceeding hard,aft« thar it is 1 oncecolde. Le~ thy proceeding beeafc.r this manner with rhofe,rhat are humbled in part. Letthe ~awbeepwpounded, yet fo difcrectlytcm· pered with rhe Gofpell, that bceingterrificd with their llnnes, and with the meditationof Gods iudgcment, rhey may togetheralfo at rhe fame.inUant rcceiue folace by theGof– pei.ACl.8,zo,ThenPeter f•id vn:ohi.,, th] m•· nq perifb-.,ith tbu,bec••fethmthin~eflth•tthe giftcf(jodm•1beobt•i.,ed>,mon'}- zr. Thou 1, bnfi mithtr pdrt,.norp!!o:r{JJip in tl:m IJH{inef{e, t for