Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

"' The .drt ej Propheeic. ·. 667 , ' ,f>rthineheArti<notrightinthe fight of God, U. A Repent tbmforeofthtsthJ wick,<dnejfo, •ndfr•J God, that ifit t;,po./fi/;1~, thf coglt#IOII o/ tb~ne he11rtml) bermlitud.l.J. ~or If~e~th.s~!~OH~rt!ofbiu"nelfe,a!fdlnthe6ondaj ln«JNifJ. Gen.J.9· ,A•J!he LordGod cried vnto Ala.,, 4nd[aidvlftob1~,wbere"r: thou ! AndGod[aid, . ; Thqfc.t.~a!are fall~~,re:t:hey, which doe tn.part.fall ,roJDthe llatcql grace.. . Eaf!i;;g i_s either in fairh or 1n manner.s. F.tlll'1&inf•itb it either in the kno\•l~dge ofthe do"ct~meofrheGofpell, or in th.e.ap– preheqdirygofClltiCI, wbo h,.tbfoewed thee that thou4rt nAk,ed~ What, h•ffthoue<tt.-of thef,uit of tbattree, of~hiqh IJorbadthtetoeatel 13•.Andthe Lord Cjodfaid' to the J*'9fH4N, whodUthiJ which .thouha/} don~l .A•dthmonun{aid, thuSe~ptnt hMh{td~«d me,an.e(lhiiUttAttn.l). Mlreouer,lwi/Jpute.n– mitiebetwixt thu"'"'this worJJan, and ls~tlfli[t bttwtJtneth]~edeandher(eede: tlui {hallbreak_: thinehead,andthou{bait brMi(e h~o· heele.z,Sam. B u.Nathanbeeingfenr from God,by apara- " ble which he dorh propound, heo recallcch D••irJ rothecanfoienceof hi•fatl, and pro· nouoceth pardon to him becing penitent. .1. 1 The dotlrine offaith and repentance,and thecomforts ofrheGofpell ought ro bepro– mulged and tendred to thofe that arc fully humbled.Luk.'f.18. The!}iriroftheL.rd/4vp· enme, therifore IJuh.diJANllllin!edme to preach gladtidingJto thepoqre: be h-4th{e1Jt me to hell!: rh: contrtt: he:trt,·to!uurA?ce ~tJ t~e cAptiues, 4ndtothe blind the reconcneoj1bm• · figbr,t~nd tl (et at libertie tho[eth:tt were 6ro~en. Act. z. 37. WhrnthtJ heard the(ethingt, ther wereprick!d in hurt, and{~tidv-;,to Peter, 11n.lthe refl ofthe.Apoflles, Men,,d brcthrel4, whRt /baUwedoe?18. AndPeter(aid vntothrm: Rt- C pent,andbe b~pri:::.ul. eN~ Dilt of JDU in thett.~me ofit{mChri{lforthemniffionof{in.u, Mat<h. · 9·'3• I camen~t tocAll theiuff, !mtfinners vnto rrpmtAIJCf. . V. Somedoebelem~; Torhefemu!lbee propounded. r, The Gofpel rouchingiu!lification, fanctification, and perfelierance. z, J'he law withoutt~e curfe, whereby they may be taughtto bring forth fruits o( new obedience .befeeming re– pentance.Rom.S.r.There i&no ctmdemnatidn•to tho[tthAoarein Chriff le( m. 1.Tim. I. 9· The lawU nOt AppointedftJrtheri.ghtedw. Let ,theE– piflleof Paulto the Romans bee the exam, plc. 3• Howfoeuer the curfe ofrhelawis nor to be vtged again(lthe perfon rhar lsrtgbte- D ousandholymtheughrofGod, yet irisro be vrged again(\ the unnes of the perfoo, which are remaining. Arid as a father do,th ofcent1mes fet hisyron rods thac are appointed for the feruants before the eyes of his fonnes,tbar they maybe frayed :forhe medi· t.ation ofrhecurfe is to bee!lirredvp very often in the faithful rhemfelues,le!l theJ<-Ih~ul,d abu(c the mercie of God tolicentious li~in,g, and rbatt(>ey may bee more fully humbled, For fantlification is but ip parr: the!forcrhat the re.maindersoffinnc may beabo1ifl;tcd, ~ce muflalwai.csbeginnewirb tbe.mediration of the law,and with rho feeling offinne, & mak~ an end in theGnfpell. VI. Somear.Jallen, \ F.alliqg-in~"•/edg'e is.a.declining inro·... ror,wheth<rl•ghrer or fuodamentall, . · Now,vn1o thofc that fall thus, that do. ctrine which,d,qrh ctolfe their error, is tP bee d~ntOn(lratedand inculcated (or beaten vp– on them) together with!the doctrine of re– pent~nce, and thar with ~ brorherlyatfecti· on. Take for an example tbe Ep1Ule c.f Paul ro_che G!lfatians. ~.Tint.z.zs.lnflrsJ[/ing thun wuhmeek.peffethat are (-r~;IQI",J't~tTJ91FtU4)contrariiJajfoCled:ifGod fllllrJ] wne willgiue them re– pmttmcet/Jat tbtyrlMJ k.._nowth~ truth. The faH wi1ich is in •pprrhendi11gChrill, is dclperauon, Fo~ the re!loring of rhofe that doe def– paire, the~~ace to be vfedatrial/, and the re. me.di(,. ; 1 _ .; 'J ~ • • Thetri•ll orfcarch iseithey of rhecaufeof the tempta(iun,or oftheir CClate. The t_ri~ll,ofthcc•r~/t is made firly by pri• uareconfelHon.Iam.5.17.·•Qonfe/fe .rurjinnes oneto 4'10fhtr,,andpray(vro~e"Rnothtr,thiltJ! PJAJ be lmtled. Bur 1~11 tharc(!nfeffion lhould bee madeakind ofrackeQr IQ!tUrt, irmull be li– mited with thcfe prouifoes. 1. It ought to bee Free,and nor c,ompelled: becaufe.faluarion d,epend~not vponrr.:.Ir !Dutlnor bee ofall uno~·· \>.t~r of rhofc onely which wring the confcience, wh(>b vnlci.f' they doe reucale, greater ~anger t~ay ha,ngouer their Letitchjsfly, bemade to,Paflours, yet fa, as that l!''emu(! know rhar it may bee fafely made toother fairbfull men in the Church, The trial! of thcire(/•ttis, whereby wee make drUgenr inquirie wherherthey bee vn– der the Jaw,orvnder.gracc. That this may man•fe!lly appeare,we mutt by·asking ofque!lion' fir!l,dr~wout ofthem, whether theybe difplea(cd with themfelues, becapfc they haue d.ifpl~afed God, that is ro fay, whether they hare Gone as it is Gone: which is the foundation of repentance vnto faluation. Secondly, woe mutl demand of them,whether they haue or doe feele in rheir heart a deure to bee reconciled with God, 1vhich is the ground ofa liuoly faith. When Trial! is n1ade, the Rtmedi<mull bee appli.C:d vnro them out of the Gofpell, which is double. Firtl,Come Euangelicall me– ditations arc to be often inculcated and prcf. fed "P?n lhem:a! 1.Thar their Goners pardo– nabl~, z, Thatthe promifes are generallin refpetl ofbeleeuers,and that they are indefi– nite i!l rcfpeCl of particular men, and doe ex– clude no wan. 3· That the w1J1 ro bdeeuc rs fa1ih, P.faL•45·'9· Reu.u.6.-J. That tinne doth no~aboliOtgrace, butrMher(God rur– nmg thingsvmo the good of thole that .are his)dothtllu!lrateit.s.Tha<all rhc works Kkk" - - o - ---- --....-...