Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

--- - 668 '!he Jlrt of Prophe'cying. *Sopitam fidem.. of God are done by conrraric mean••· Secondly,thcy mufl bcimreated to !hrre vp in them in the very bitrernelfcof the tempration, their faith whichhatb lien ina Cwownc, andbin•couered(as ttiVCre with alhes)and that they would ccrtainely fe~ downe with themfelues,rharrhcir fiusarc (orgiucn them, & that il would pl<afethcm to llrugglc manfully inprayereitheralonc or with other,.. gain!I carnall fcnfc and hum~ne hope. And thatthcy may pcrformc rhcfe thing•, they mufl be very carndlly beaten vpon, & rhofe \ tha_t0\re vnwllling mull inamanner beecon. I flrained. Pfai.IJO.r. 0Htofthulepthshaue J ct~ll'd to tli!e,O Lord.z..Lcrdb{len vntomy voice: let chine e~ra lltlend to tfu voice ofmJ prA]CrJ, ~ -Pfal.n. r.A1J voicec.m<toGodwhmlprayed, 1 "'} v'icm<ntto God, tlw ht wouldturn< hu tare (''t aduertar aurem)v"to ""· z.ln tht da1 ofmJ dif/ref{t 1bt(ougbt tbe Lord, Ro·m,4· 18. Wh• ( AbrJJham) agatnf1(~~") hope bduHed vndN' hJpe,that he {hqufd 6ethe f:rrhtrof man; nariont. No"rbstrhcfc mediCines may be of force, rhar minillcriall power <>f binding and loof:ngi3 tobcvfe:laccordingto rhe fOrme prefcribcdin the word. z.Slm.rz.rJ. Then Da uidf.tid to N athlfn·~ I hmn Jinned."gainfl th~ Lord:Wber~fore N4thanfaidtoDo1r~id~Godhath •lfo forgioeorhy fi>~nq:thoufo"l' not dit, z.Cot s. zo. There[ornlit·af'c E"mbaff4doursi,thtn4mt ofChrijl,GodM it »m bt("chingyo• byvs' w, pra7 JOIJ inthe name 1 Chri{l, tb~tt 1e'would /Ju rmnciled to God, And if p<rh•ps Melancholy rroublcrhe miriJc,rhchclpcofrhe medi'cine muff be in priuate (ought for. I F~llin.], in11u1.nners is,whenanr faith(u!J man fallerh to the c·omn:itting of Come atlu•ll I linnein life. AsNoahsdrunkenne!f~, Dauids aduhcric,Pettrs dcni:&ll,&c. To rhofcrhatarcfallen thus,forfomuch as grac~ remaini11g inrtjju{l,fher vertne tmdhabit may bee loft t"r a rlmeinre{juf/oj f••feana wurkhg; the law mullbepropoundedbceing mixed·wirh the Gofpell :becaufca new a a of linncrequires anew a a (or workc) of faith and repcnrance.Ifo,1.4. Ah,(iofulln.rim,aptopie laden ll1ithitJiquitie,a[cede ofthe J-,,cor· ruptchildrtn :rhe; hauefor(•kf.• the Lord: they h~~tprouok!d tht holy one of1/rlft!loat~gcr, thl) AYe t7one bacl:p1Jrd.l6.Wtt/h)#ll,mak.!;Drt c!e~rne 111kJ 4WAJ tht tuill ofJOIIr J'I'Ork!s from /Jrfore mhuqes,&c. 18. Csmenow, 4Hd lttvl rtnfo,; touether.[nitb the Lord; tho~tgb ;our Jinnes lvtu a4° crim(on, rhqPn,ll bee m11de whirt .ufiJow: thoughthey wtrered!tk!_(c•rltt, the]{l;aNbu"' wool/. VII. Tbm,i amingledptople. A mixtpeopl< are the alfcmbliesofour Churches. To rhcf< any coClrine may bee propounded, whether of rhe law or ofthe Gofpel:ifthc• limitation and circumfcriptib~ on ofthedoClrin:bemadero rhofeperfons, n for whomeitisconucnienr.Ioh.7.37·Nowin thelaff andgreatday oftht Feaf/,le(u•ftood.,ui crid,fayinf. ,Ifany man tbirft, let himCtJf11t vnt6 A'1Me,mda'rir./zt,And this wasrh:rnanr.erofthe Prophcu in d1(ir Se1mons, 10 dcne:unce i\Jogcmcnt< and delfruClion ro the wicked: and to promife ddiuetancein the Mclftas to thofc th., doe r<penr.A' doubt.It any man <hall defpaire i'n the publike congrrgation, wherl the re~U are hardcnc:J,wharought to be doncl••. Let tbofe that arc hardened, heare the Law ·~ircumfcribcd within the li· miuof the per('ons, and ofthevices' and Jet th~aAiCledconfciencc hcate thevoiceofthc Gofpell applied infpcciall manner vmo it. CHAP. VIII. B Oftht ki.>~dsif ApplicatiDff, .. A Pplic41iM is eirhet •Menta]I, or • PraClicall. Mmt.<lii•rhat,,vhich refpeClcrh the mind: a1~d it is either doClrinc or .. Redargution. z. TJ~·3·.J6. Th~whole Scripture iJgium6yGods m(pn·lftlrm,Jind14profltah!ej~r d1f1mu( ~; .ftfM. ~«>.h, )/orR.ed"rg11110nor imprDoHing, ( oeuiA~r;.}' J for coru{hon(h·•vOfSurtJ) Andfo.r ilfflruUion ("lf'rtt· li.<t•)inr(thteof4{iJtf[e. 17. That the m.mofGod lnaJ /;r:pnJeEf, becmgperfe£!1; inj!r~tUed VtJIO tlltr} good workf. DolhintiHhat, whereby dodrine(orreaching)i•vfed for rho information ofrhcmind c w aright iudgcmcnr concerning things tobe beleeued. · Red..g•twn is that, whereby reaching is v(ed forthe reformation ofrhe rnindcfrou> error. In confutations, which are made publikcly before thcolfembly, rhefecaurionsmull beevfed, J. The thing that is determined (•l•t"'-"'"') or rhdlateof the quellion that is ro be c!tfculfed mull bee rhrougbly vnder- !lood.z.Letrhofe errors onely bereprooucd, which trouble rhe Church, Inwhich we liue: all orber becing alcogcrherlctalone, which doe either lie Mad, or are exrcrnall : vnlelf• Come ~anger be rcadie to enfue ofrhem.Mat. 16. BtwllreojtheltAmnofthe Pharifes~tndSa. D dum, Mark. 9. Tak_;h,de, and bewareo(tbe lean<nrifHerod, R.eucl.z. The men ofPorgamus are warned to beware ofthe Nico!aJtans, towhomefomeofrhcm didallenr. 3. Ifthe error beeout of the foundationoffaJth, the confuration mull nor onely be Chriflianlike,a• ir lhould be cucr: bur alfo afriendly, a gentleand brotherly dilfention. Praf/ico~ll appliwi'" is that which refpeClerh th<lifeand behauiour. And it isin!lru· ction{?ra/f•l:~~)and corrcClion>tm:~•pfk»:r1r. ln/lr•rlioHis that, whereby dodiinc is •r.· plied to frameaman to Jiue well in rhe b amily,common-wealth,and Church. Tothts place belong oonfolation and exhortatton, Rom.J5•4· .. Corre[/io• is that, whereby the dodr10e1s applied to reformc rhc life from vngodlinelle and I • A.,.-,fl:~~. ' 'lo.(:tlfo ~,., .... .,,d'rfd. •_rmproo. oing,con. futing, bOrgo: ucrnmt'tlt ofrhe'fa. mily,oico-- nomia.