Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

and vnrighteou• dc~iiog, H::,: ~:~~:!?~~~~ecying ,' 6 6 9 1 aJm·onition. This mufl be done, fie(! gene- •R•dargmion,I.Thofedoe errc,wbothinkc '""'~:<"; rally thedrcun 1 (lancesofohe porfons becing it to be fuc!icicnr,ifin heart they do embrace · ornir'ccd. z.Sam.t :. N 4rhtt'1 brings D .:tr~id to the faith and a n&_h.r opinion concc:rnlng re~· rbeknowlcdgc of his fin ne by the belpc ofa ligion' and rhatJt Jsara mans choifc in the generall parable. ACl.19.:6. Te(eea~d l~:ar( meane fc:a(on to graunt or affirmc any rhino nxonfiJA& Ephefm, b;~t 4/nn/t throt~ghout before men, as rhe,ondition of the plac~ all A'i•, tb!. Pa•lbatbpcr(wad•dand turncd a. time,and perfo"' rcquireth; efpccially when ''"l ;,•eh f"P'' (h«a•f• h•(aith that tbof'ar< the life fcemcrb tobdn imminent danger to not qodt which ore mad"vith handt.) 3 s. Thm be lo(l. •- The Epicurescrrc,in that they detfuTj)rcn: Ci:rk:,whmh: ludftay:d tlupfop!e, ny the diuine prouidence: becaufcrhey tbink (aid,Teme•of Ephc(m,&c.J]. Yehau:broHght irroo bale for the Ma~cllie of God to take hitherthefo'mm, which htult neithtrcommitted care~humane affilires.3. The Stoickcs doe lfacriledg•, n•ith<r(d"bl.•fPh:m']yourgoddeff•- erre, who imaginctharallthings arc gouerAftetwatds, if the former teproofe preua1le ned by rhe fate, (or an vnrefillablc and vianot, it mull bee vrged after a more (paciall B lent n:ceilitic.) 'I· They doe crrewho make mann~r. r,Tlm. s.zo. Them thAt (innt,re6¥J/.o..e chanceand fortune,withour any wifeordina· oprni 1 ,that therc{l m.<J al(o feare. Buralwaies, tion ofthe diuine prouidcnce. s. The p,la10 thevery hatred oflinne, (erthe loue ofrhe gians doe errein giuing mote rhen is due to perfonappeare in the fpeeches: and lctthe mans llrcngth, astfit were put in menspower Mini(lertnduclc himfclli:(Ifhem•y) in his to embrace rhe fairhattheir plca(ure, roconreprchenfion,that it may be more milde and tinue confiar.t in tbc:(ame, and ro confelfe ic genrlo. Dan. '1·16, ThmDa•icl-(aid,MJ to rheend ~rirhout fearc, 6. They doerrrc, Lurd,th~dreame heetothlmthlfthate thee. and who doeieanc more:: vpon outwards th1ngs th 1 interpretarion thereofr~ thine .en.emiu. 17. :md inconfiant riches, rhen vpon thepower Thc tr", which thou (aw•f/-11 u thou, 19. and goodoelfc of God, Ga1.'l.15.Weth4tArclewnbJ n4ture, and Hot ~Injlru[fion. t. Thou mull to thcvtmofi ·~1 .. (imursofthe Gentiles. 1 :Cor.4-6. The(e things, ofrhy powu labour to hauc the true fcare of 1 v~~, Brcthrm, I h•••61• ~"tdcoffigurc tranfi•"d 10 God before thine eyes: becaufe thou now mJ(df•, andtoApollotforT'"· thAIJumight hcarc(lthatone Godistobce feared abooc l~arnd>J vtnot to b" wif' ab••• th., which u C all men. wri11m. • Thoumu!l le>rne fucb a contempt of Now thefefoure kinds of •pplication doe humane thmg<, >sth>tthou mayell •hvaieo olferthemfelues in euery fentence of rhe defirc,hauing forfakcn the, ro,deparr hence, Scripture.I willalfo{et downe that example, and to be royned together withChrill in the which 11/yricmhath propounded. hcauens.J.Thc conlideration of(Gods)fpeJ/Iyricm inhidbookcofthe"'"l to vnderfland ciall proui\lencc dorb caufe thee to rhinkt of th•Scriptum,T raCl.r. ; he prefetlCc of·God that Beholder, to craue Marth.Jo.z8. F'"''l""otth•m whichk,!ll ,,ishclpe, and alfoto belccue rh~r rhouarr th, bodi•,butare'"'' ab/"' k.!O th•{oule: butra· helped in all things, and finally rhattbere is ' therfc.rehim,,.hichu ab!• to deflroJ both foule no danger fo rerrible,but beborh can and wil andbodidn h•H. 29, Arc not two f}arrowu(old deliuer thee from,when it is fir, for af 4 rthing, And6nt! ofthem foAUnot (all on the ~ Correflirm. J. Thefc words ofChrifi cor~ • E',.«Jef.. groundwithouryourFather? 3o. Yett,And llfithe rea rhcir negligence' who in their praycu s~m. h4iresojyourhead 4renumbrtd.3 1. Feart7e not doe nor crauC ofGod finccrc loue, that bee~ thertfrJre ,ye 11reo[ m"evAlne rhen m4nJ !par. inginflamed with it they may not rcfu(e to rorm. D lay do\vno their life for his name, 2. The It wm ,.p, to draw from hmc< man} donegligence ofrhofcmenisolfo taxed, which £1rinu: partiJ o(thecun['Jlimo(thefaith: doe not acknowledge and behold rhe proandp•rtl;coamning(qodt)preHidene<. utdence ofGod fl1ewmg" felfe in all rhinos •.t•'•<>•w•. • Dollrinei, That it isneedfull for vs pub3- Tho{e are reprooued, who giue n"o; likely to profelfe the doClrinc which wee God thankcs for vouchfafing to gosernc know,foofrenasrhcreisneed. •- That wee and defcndvsinallthings char belong vmo mull makeconfcilion alfo with the hazzard vs by his prouidcnce. 4· Thofe are reproo. ofgoods andl1fe. 3· ThatourlifeflJOuld be ued, thatabufcthegood crearuresofGod contemned in comparifon of Chrill and his fceing charit is manifcll that God harh car~ truth+That eternal! punilhmentsto be fufofall things. fered both in foule and bodic are prepared Thus any place of Scriptureought to bee forrhofethar are not alfraid ro denie Chr~(l, handled: yctfo asthar allrhe doC!rines bee and his truth, s. That God is intent and reanot propounded to the people, but rbofe die to gouernevs, char wee might make our onely, which may bee fitly applied ro our confeilion >right. 6. That the prouidencc umes and to the prefent condition of rhe ofGod is not onely general!, but alfo fpcciChutch.And t~ey mull nuronely be choice all,ivhich isdtligenrly occupied about all our ones,bur alfo few, lelithe heorcrs b<eoucrfmalleO matters, yeaeuen the haires of our charged with theirruultirude. CHAP· . .