Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\ \ \ :&Memori'" tcr. The Art of Prophecying. ~------------------ CHAP, IX. Of Mrmori( in Prear:hing.. BE.aufc it is the receiued cuUame for prea– chers to fpeake' 6! heort before the peo– pla, fomc: rhingmu(l be her~: ;annexed con– cerning memorie; Arllfictall memorie, which Uanderhvpon places and imagcs,willvety ealily without la– bour teach how to commit fermons to the mcmoric: but it is not to bee approoued. J. Thea!limation of the image, whrch is the key at memorie,is impious 3 becaufe itrequi · rcth abfurd, infolenr and prodigious coglta– riops,and.thofcefpccially, whiCh fetanedge v~onand kindle the mofl corrupt alfeClions of rhe dulleth the wit and memorie, bccaufe it requireth a threefold memoriefor one,the fir(! ofrhe places: the.fecond of the images: the thirrJ of the thing that is to bee declared, Jr isnotthcr<fore an vnpro6rable aduice, ifbe that is to preach doe dtligcnrly imprinr in hiS minde by the helpeof difpolirion ei– ther axioma.ticall,qr fyllogi!licall,or !DQtho– dicall,the fcucrall proofes and applicariono ofthe Jodrin<!, theillu!lrarions of rhe ap– plications, and rhcorderof them all: in rhe meanc time nothing care(oil for the words, Whtcb (as Horoct fpeaketh) will 1101 vn,.iOingl; foU~wthn'lMtltr that il premedit4tt"d. ]/erbaq; prttui(4mrnn nqn imJit4ftqruntur• Their Uudie hath many difcommodirics, who doe con rhcir written fcrmons word fOr asketh great labour. :. He which th1ough feare dorh f.!umbl• or une word, dorh horh trouble the conglcgation' ana confound his rncmoriC'. 3. Pronunciation, adron, and the holy motions of alfeC!rons arehindrcd; bccaufe the mind rswholly bent on this,to \~<itJthar the memorie(ainting now vnder her burchen may nor faile. CHAP. X. H . Ithcrtoharh beenefpokcn of the pre– par~ti<in or prouillon of the fermon: thePromttlgationDr vtteringofit foHowcrb. In the Promu{'!,tttion rwo things :t.!C requi~ .rc:d;che hiding of humancwifedome,and the demonllration(ot fhewing)ofthe fprrit. Humant wi{edomc mufl beconcealed, whe– thcrirbcinthemarrer of rhcfermon, or in rh~ fcwngforrh of the words, becaufc the preachingof theword is the Tt,1imon;ofG.d, a~dth~profr.Jlionofthek._now/(dge ofChrifl, and not ofhumaneskill:and againe, becaufethc hearers aughtnot to afcribetheir faith to rhe gifts ofmcn,but ro the power of Gods word. 1. Cor. 1. 1. IVhrn I C4mt vnto}ouhrtthren, 1 camtnot with tl:u:~minen~Jofrlftptrnceor ofrri/t· dome,declaringvntoyoutht trffimoni~of God. 1. ·F(/r Jdidnotdurerto k'low an) thin~ t~mon'(ytJu I . . A h11tle{m Cbriff,andhimcruc,fied. s. TIJ4tJ9ur (tmhfoou/dnrJtcgnfiP inlh(wi[edonuof mtn, but sn rhepoll'trof {j9d, . Ifan; manthinkethat by thi• means bar– banfme firould be brought mro pulptu; bee mu(! vnderUaod rhar theMrnHlcr may, yea and mu(! priuately vfcar lm lihertie rheam, Phrlofophy,and vancty ofrcadino, whrlcU he framing bisfcrmon: but h~ought in pubhkc ro conccale all thefc from rhe peo– ple, and nor to make the le•(i o!lentarion. Arti4etzame(l ctldreArltm; it i4 t~~l{o a poiwl ()j Art to cona11le Art, TheDm>Dnf/r•ti•nofthe fpirit is, when as theMiniUcrofrheworddorhmrhe rime of B prcachingfobehauehimfc!fe that all, euen 1gno~a.nt perfons & vnbc:lec:uers may iudge, that Jtrs norfa much herharfpeaketh,ao the SpirirofGodin htmand by him.r.Cor,1.4. N citlur w,u mJ fPtech 4nd "'7 pretfchmf1 in the ptr(i.,.afir•eword! ofm4tJJwif~d8mc ,lmt,:zlude~ monflrationofthe fPirit dfltdof polPtr. And J 4· Z4. lf allprophtcie,n'~d tbcruntcr inanvnlulu _ Ut:r,or 0:4t that u sgnorant,hc i& reprooHtd of aft~ he z~· iHa'gd of~rll. z$• ..A'1d(o thef~crnJo/hi.J h6'~rt Aredt[clo(td,&fo[<lli~~ vpii hi1fae<,ht u-i/ "'or. fb'P GDd, WDrd th11t God indeed is amOg JOH, And 4· 19. I IPi/1comt vntD pm j:Jortl)"– andiwi/1 lz.non' not tluir"'words rh~t artpuffrd vp,6Ht thtirpQrt>er. Z.Gl,FQrtbckfngdomc o( GDd U 11otin wordsbm in power. Mich. 3· 8. I4mjilled withpower61 th8(}iritofthr Lrml,and'tl'itb t.t~d,gC mutt andm1ght to'/htJ, to hu:o6 hiJdrfrllitm,t~nd to l[r4tlhis (imu. This makes rhemimllrriero beliuely and powerfull. Luk. 11, '7- .Andit came f.1 paffe,wbtnhehadfpo~tn theft tbi11gJ,tblft acer:tt;newomanDJ the mr1/Wude bfring vph(r VO]Ct {a1dvnro him, Blr/fod i,· the "Wom/Je that bAre thee,a~d thr6rM{lstbt~tgAHtther(uc~e. ThisdcmonGrationi• etthcr injpuchor inge.f1Hrt", Thejpuch mu!l bc(piritu•llandgr.cioUI. That fpeed1 is{pi>itHall, whteh the holy Spirit doth reach. I. Cor,z. 1 3. Whichthingul– (ow~fpellk.!,nr;tmthcrrords, which mans n'i[r– domtUMhtthjlmt lvhichthethrdj GhPj/ uacheth, comparing /pirmur/1 things r4·irhfpiritHtJII things. And it " • fpccch borh Dmple anJ pcrfpicuD uus,f< both for the peoples vnder!landing, and to exprclfe the Ma1cUIC of the Spim. Ad. l]. z. Pauldifpul<d1>ith thtmthm [Ab– bathda]tJout ofrbrScripltJre.j .Opening ( J',e~l~t· )'t.tP j ami (hewi11g tbat Chrrj} nmP fuffir ami ;rifeagMne. Gal. 3· 1. 0 JU jOGftjh Gafatittm: -towhomc lef;u Chriff 6ifore w,u dr{crthd ;,yotJrfi.ght,andamong]oU crucified• .z. Cor 4.Z. 8Ht wrht~IUcaflfromvs tbec/Qlz~sof{lhtmr, and walkenot in crAflintf{e, tuirlur h~tndf~ wurhe word ofGoddtcriiftiiiT: 6Ht indalarAtoDn 6[thr truth rPe approoudour(dHa to mrry mam con· fcimct in thtfight ofGod. 3· l{our Cj•{ptf!bnhtn hid,it il hidto thrm thtt!pert/b. 4· btwbomet~e CjodojrbiJ n-oddharhblindtdth' m:.du, th•t t!, ofrbetnjidrlr,cf·c. Wherefore neither theworJs ofarts, nor Grccke "Nonver. l>a fed vir~ tUtCIDo