CJbe Art ofProphecie. 671 Greekeand Latlne~phrafe..ndqu~rkes muft A) the minificric,but the perfon oftheMmiller, beintermingledintheferrnon. 1, Theyd1Hrrodheard lohn.B{!,rifl willingly,not becaufe llutbethe mindoftheauditours·, that they hewasago"AMms tr, butbecaufe he was a cannotfitthofe things which wentaFore with goodman, Mark. 6, :o. Well lauh Naz.ian• thofe thar.follow.z.A Clrangeword bindrcth ~ene, Hethott ltAr:hethjollndtJq£/ri.,e, tt~Sd liHU the vnderllanding ofthole things that are 'R1kft.!dly,reacheth that wilhoneb~tnd,vvhich bee fpoken. 3,1! drawes the minde away from the cl.el(ph arra; 'R'ith the oth.r, Chr;[ojlome vpan purpofero fome other macrer, thc.tweorie ofM·mhe" faith: TheJ,flor ofthe Hcrealfo.rhctelllllgoftales, and all proChurchUJ t•aching"""and by li11ing"'"injlrll• fane and ridiculous fpeeches mull bee omit· [/erbthepeople howtbey o#ght toliueweH: hutbJ red. liHing ;g hu doth in/lrua qod how to condttJJnt Thefpecch is gracious,wherein the grace him. And in his 3o.Hom.inAd. Ititane4ie ofrhe heart is exprelfed. Luk.4.u. findall ma.tter tofoew wsftdome in word1, U~:tch metoliue /Jau witnej[=D{him, 11nd '1¥!ondred id th( gr•,iotll hy rh;life, .thi.i4the bdf teachi•t· Forwards ...ordrtwh•ch proceededoutofhi6 momh. loh.7. makcnotfucban imprellion in thdoule as 46. TheOfficm•nfwmd, neuemun[paf<!/Ji(,e workesdoe, s. A Mini!ler,tbatis"icked ei. thUm:m. B rhcr openly or fecrerly, is nut worthy ro Grace is either of the Perfon, or of rbe Cland before<he face of the moCI holy, and I Mmi llerie. the olmighrie God. Ier,J5.19. Thmforethus Graceofthe perfon is the holinclfe of the (aidJ the J..rJ, /ftbou retHrnr, then t"U} bring heart,and an vnblameable life: Wh1ch bowtheeag4in(, andthDujlJAit ffand h~fort m~. l(a. foeucr it makes not aMinifler, yet as it very 6.6.ThenfowoneoftheScr~1phims vntome with necelfaric. 1. B:caufe the dodrine of tht .anh't co;:h~nhis blind, "rPhich behadr~k.en fr(lm word is hard botb.ro be vnder!lood and to be the Altar with thetong~«I. 7· Audhetouchedm] praCtlfed, rherefore the Mmiller ought r<J m7uth411d(4i:i, IAe, thUhR•htoJI(;b(dth] l•p1, exprelfe that by his eumplc , which beetea· ""dthineiniq titit /hall he t•ken aW4J, a'ld rh] cheth,asir were by atype 1. Pet. 5·3· Not"' UJ/1~ /hallbepurged, 8. A!{ul he~rd tiJevoice tJf thoughye were Lords cuer Gods heritage~ but the Lr,rd,{aJing, Whome fo<,n Ifet~d~ Atul wbO thAt JU may bet exaf'l)plel (""" 0 1 types) to the foal/goeforvs I Thrn I(4id,fim•m I,(tna me. jl.ck,e. 1.Tim.4. u. Be<nex4mpl:torhrf•ith. Leo1t,10.3. ThtnM6(eJ(ttidto daron', ThUU (uO,hoshin word ••d co•uer[auon.Pnil.4.8. Fur· tl14t wbich tbe L"d(•id, /will bee fanU•fi,Jm thum:JYt, 6nthrm, what(~euerthlngsArltrue, themtharcome1ftert vnrom~,4nd1"WiU6eglfrifi. 'l'llhAt/omer thi,lgt are honefl-!hink.! on thrj~ edvif•rc thr(ight•f•ilshe feop/e, And hence it things.9. WhichJeb~tuboth/earned, ,mdrecttts, rhatt~eiudgementsof Godremaine fOr ued 1 '!lYJdheard; and{eeneinmt, th,[ethtf/ dot, wicked Miniflers to trembie at. J,Sam. :. 11· and the God ojpeacefo•ilbtwirh rou,:. C that Thd"rfore the finnt ofthe )Dflng men wtU very is not godly, huwfocuer bee may vnde.rCiand greAt bifore the Lord! for mmaMJorred the offea the Scriptures, yet doth be nor perccmc the ring •ftheLord,&c.verf.: s. The7 •b']ednol the inward fen(e and experience of the word 10 voyceoftheirFa!htr, bee••!• the Lord mr•nllo ' his beart.Pfal.zs.8.Thr Lordi.go•d ••dtigbt, flay them, therifore het teAcheth (in,eu his W4). 9· He The parrs offanClitie ar< e(pcci•ll.v, 1. A mak,tth themeek..e IQ wAlk,! in the [A.,.,, And tettgoo~ confcic~ce,~.Cor. r.rz._For oHr reio]cing cheth thernetk_e.hi4,.•J· AmoS.3·7· SurtiJtht 14thu,the tejlrmonuof8Hrconftunce, that infimlArd Godwsfl dot nothU.Jg. but hereueAieth hi4{epltcitie & godly fincerit],& r.ot inF•fhiT t>•i[dome, ~ettohU(eru~nts the Prophet!, Gen. 18. 17. but 61 rhegrlfceofq_od, ~ehaue hnd our conuer.. A•dthe urdf••d, Shan I hid•from Ab,.bam (atiiiinthe,.orld. I.Tim.l. l9.Kerpi•gf•ith& thtthi~gwbi&b I am aboultod~r!tS.Seeingthill aj.ood.con(cienc~,wbi&hfo~ne hAuingput d!W4),1U Abr.ham /hall b.eindeedetlu Fatheroft~grw D cocernmg the[<~~•th hAUt mtedt Ship.wr~tr'<!.Act. 11nd mightieH~tion,R-r• .19. For lltnow himth&ll 1416. Andhereinlet~deAuiurmJ {elfetohAHt bewifi e~mmanJ hu[onntJAndhishoujhold ~fur alwaJ If cleere confl:imtttiWArds G11d& tow11rds hm•, that they k!ept the WJ} •f the L"d to doe rnm.lfthis bewaoting,the mouth ofthefpearighteoufneff'eand iudgement,3.lt isathing CXC· keris!hut. lfa.s6.ro. Theirff'...tchmmtlrt((l/ crablein tbeugbt of God, that godlyfpeech blind:they hAue nok.._nowledue, the]~tre 4 0dum6t' fhot~ld bee conioyned with an vngodly hfe. doggt's,the]cannot bark.J, they li~ AndJieepe, and Pf•l.so.16. 11. T'•totbewick!dGodfaith,wh•• 'delighllnjlttping. 2. An inward feeling of the ba(l thvu to doe todtcl4re mine ordinllm:tt: ~tnd ID dodrine to be dcliuered. Wood 1hat is capatAkf my coHtntmt;Htathy mouth, (eeinf,. thoH h11ble of fire,dotb not burne, vnlelfc fir• beput teffr.bere(orm:d I It is a !lrangehghttofee to it:and he muCifirfl be godly alfeded himhim,thatisrbeguideoftheway ro others, to felfc,who would !hrre vpgodly alfcttwns ia waoderoutofrheway hlmfcll<, and to fee a other men. Therefore what mouons aferPhyGtian ofothers to be ful of botches him· mon dorb require, fuch the Preach« thaiJ fclfe in rho mcane wbile,as N .ttdan~ene{pl:aClirrevp priuatclyin his owne minde,that he kerh.4.It·i• an ccclefiaOic~ll fecret: Tbcttbt may kmdlevp the fame in his hearcrs.J.The M1ni[ler oug/,t to couer his i»ft~'mstits1 that th~J feare ofGod, wbeeeby, bcciog rhroughly br•Oifeene,For the Gmple people bellold not Or"cken with a reuerent regard ofGod• Ma idlu·;.