Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The Art of Propher;ying. idlie, he fpeakerhfoberly and moderately.!A , ,Theloneofrhepeople. 1.Thetf. '7· Br~t 'W~r~gentle am,ng ]OH, aJ 1 nurte·th4t Gberifluth her cbildren. And that affection may appeare, rheMmillers duty is w pray ferioufly and feruentlyfor the people of God; 1. Sam. 11. 13. G•dforbid, that I foou/d fin•• •t•in/1-.tiJ• Lord,nnd aafepraying(orJ"'· 5. The Mimller \ mull alro be(,.,,;,)venerable,that is, fuch an1 one as IS ro be rcuerenced for conilande,in-\·! regritic.grauitic and lr!Jth-fpeaking.~ho alfo· ' knowcth how to pc:rtor'mc fe1.i'cr~nce too– rbers either prlua<cly or publikely,asisbefit– ting the pcrfons csf all his hcarers.Ci.He mufl be('"'~"'') temperate, who rellrafneth in– wardly hisouer vchementaffeC!ions,& hath B. hisouttvard fa&lons ~nd gdlUres ·moderate and plaine, by :hewhi~h dignirie and aurho– ririe may be procured and preferucd. There– fore he mull be ne1thcr couctous (<?fli.<Cf"}"f;,, a louer ofliluer)nor(.,.r>n~.• follower of wine,) nor litig!ous,nora finkcr,norwrarhfuli:And let the young men cxcrcife themfelues ro godlinelfe,and Ric rheluCis ofyouth.I.Tnn. 4 7Let rherebe thatgf3uitie in the gdlureof I the bod>e,wbich may grace the Mclfengcrof God. It is fit therefore, that the trunk or ' Ualkc ofthe bodie being creel ami quiet, all theorhc-r pans, :asthearme, chchand, rhe face and eyes haue fuch morJOns, as.may cx– pretfe and (os it wero) vtterrhegodly afl<·a,. onsbfrhc hea,r, The hlting vp of the eye and the h~nd fignifierh confidcnce.z.Chron. 0.13.Stdomonm~de4brA{cn[flf.fffJid) and (et ir In the middeft oflhc court_. and vpon it htt '[f9od, a"dk..,nct'!eddowne vpon hiJ k._nas before all thcco/1gregaJionofl[r..,el, 11t1d FrttChed out hU b4ndslolv;~~rdshe.uun.l4. And(11id,OLordqod oflft-ae/,&c, ACt 7·55. AndSuu~nbeejng[Hii _ofthe hoiJ Chofl,bmdinu htJ qa vp to heauen br.. hddrhrgloriuf God. 'The caRing downe of. the eyes tignifieth iorrow and ·heauinelfe., Luk.18. 1). But thePob!ican/f.rndivg afarreojf »~ou!d nQt {6 much d4 lift vp hi1 eye; IQ htAUeH, but lufr,;ore hiJbrea/f 1 Codbe mer:cifu/1tomt afnner. · Concqning the gefiure, •orher prcccprs· cannot bcdelatcrcd; onely,.let the cn(ampie· ·o(thcgraueft l\lln1Hfeu in th1s kmdc bee in llead ofaR~tlr. CHAP. XI. Th<graceofrheMiniOcric is 1. to bee apt toreach(J'sfax'rs~'orM·'I<J.I) 1.Tim.3.1. N~.-w P~tu!J meamng is,rhat iris nor onlydcccnt!lod Jau. dable if th<S gift be had, bur al(o thit it isfo necctlarie)as rhatir maynor be wanting. For rhisconnderation Naz.iat~:t,ene refu[cd a bi- C Ofconceiuingof Pra]tr. ilJOprickc: andThtophytaa vpon this place faitll,that rhis du'J ofr-.chmg ir e!ptei•Ry of •11 H Ithcrto hath bcene fpoken corn:eroir.g ~thernrceJ1a,utb/Jtfotmdi,Bt{lnP,f. IrnhcNIPreaching o(rhe Word: lt remamcth ctne andM~lcrian·Counccll, th1swas imponow to fpeake of the conceiuingof prayers: fed in f!e<d of.a punifl>ment, to hold the which is the fecond part of Prophecying, name of a MiniRer, bur-nor ro preach the IV hereby rheMmlllcr JSthe vcice of the pcoGofpell. z. Aurhoriric,wbcreby hefpeakcth piemcallmg vpon God. Luk.11,1. O.eofhi' a! the Embalfadour of r-he grear leh!JHoth. Dl[cip!u(llidvntohim,Lord,teachvJtopraJ.III Tlt.Z.I).1he{ethingt (petl~eand exhort,~tndre. lohn tfijotaught hi11J&jf:iplu. t.S;• 6uk.!with allauthoriti~. I.PCt.4. 11. I{unym:tn Here are to bcconfidered: fP'-t',lerh;m !fc•kt .u rh• oraclesofGod. 3· 1 Themattcr:hercof, fidlthewanrsand Zealc,"h<reby ce1ng moff ddirousofGods finncs ofthe people: and rhenthegraces of glorie 1-.e dorh cndeauour to folfill and exc- ,Godand the blcllingsthey fland rnneedeof. cure rhe d~cree of cleChon concerning lhC 1. Tun.z. 1. lexhoHthtrtforeabotteallthmgt, (aluar1onofmenby h1s mimOeric. lob 3Z thar[uppbcatioHt---bem.tdcforit/Jmen. 1. 18. I ttm{td!ojmatter, andtheffJiritrtitkin me D For Kingrandtho[e tb~ttarcin ambflrit;e. Ter. compcllah"''· 16. B•hold"'l belly itnrih• win, tu/. r1pol•g· faith, Wedo,.llpral for411 Empewhichhathno vent, a»dltk$the newbottleJthat r~urr, that thrJ m111 iohllincalrmgb(e, aqMiet bra(/.z.Ttm.1.15,lnf/ruElingtbem-prooumg rmgm•,IJjtJfl'family ,coltragious11rmltt,afail hfUO if GoJ 111 an] time ws/1giuetiJtm repent~tn&e, th14l Cotmcd! ~ k;all[tlbie[J, apu1aa6/e world, 11nrl thqma]k[;orP the trlltb. Col. 1. 18,29 . .AdmaP'htJt{oe;ur rhing1 are difircd fj' a ,,.,, And of nifhinguur1 mJJr;-that wee mt~J preftmeutr} Ca:Iiu.Againe. WrpraJfor EmperoHrJ,fortheir m.1n prrfeUin ChrrPJejw. mmi(hr1andpowtrs,f~r the{lateof rhe time, {"' Gcllure is eitherin theaClion ofthevoice the quietmlf• oftheir•ffaiw,•ndforth•Jd•}lng or ofthe bod1e. ofth•ir The Lord prayerreducerh this Thevoice oughtto be fo high, that all may matterrofixe heads, which arc Gods glorrc, he,.c. I(a. s8.1.Cri•alo•a.nnd JP or• not: lift vp kingdome, and obedience, the preferuation Ioh.7.37·lnth•tl•fl ofrhelife, rhercmillionollinnes, andthe andgreat da7 ofth• F•afl lefU4 pood vp and ''J· flrengthening oftl1e fpirit. •d.AC!.z.r4.AndPmr fl••ding .,;rh thee/men 2 The forme thereof. •.Let thee< be one life vp hi1votc~ andfttid. voice 1 and rha.t rhc Miniltcrs:aJonc, rhe pt'o~ In thedoC\rinchceoughtto bet'llore mopie being in tberucane wh>lclilent,and fhel>· derate, in rhecxhorrarion more feruentand ingrheir aiTenr :at the end,by faymg, Ame•. ;..·chernenr. AC't..of..24.Whowhmrhqb~tdhumlthe(ethln,{·'• they ..