Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'[he .llrt of Prophecie. 6 73 ~e7-~~~~,-v-p-,h~e-"_v_o~ic_•_w~Ul~, -on-e-a-cc~o~rd~v~n~to~G~o~d~.~A~it~i:s:o:rd;e:r~ly~p:r:on:o=u~n~c:cd~in_p_u~b~l,~k~e~to~t~h~e~e- ·and {aid, &c.Nehem. 8. 6. A•dEc;.ra praifed ddym~ofthe people. tht L?rdlht gre41 God, 1111d ;~I/ thtptapltAn(wr· red..Amrn,.Amm,J.Cor.l4-l6, El(t,wh~ntbaH blef[eft with the_{jmit, ho"' /baffheth4t j11ppli:tb theplt!ceoftbetm!Mrn~d,{lq .Amen,at rh]giNing of thAn,~eJ! lrl}'iiru in his z.Apol. to AntoninHJ, faith: Whm the (<><J«o<J Prefdent b.rh jinif"ed hi1 prtt;erst~ndtbt¥nk,J-giuings,all the peop!OhAt R.Ttprifcnt,tr} OHI witha fauourah!e apprc6tmon, {•Jing, Amen. Atbaulfjhu Apo/Dg. ad Co»f/ant. Imp. Eufo~. li6ro7. capite 8./erorne Procem. 1. in Gal. z Let thevoice bee Ynderllood. 1. Cor. 14. 15. I ,.,;fl pray "'ith the JPirir, /.,ill pr.y al(o with rbe vndcrf/anding : I "''" fing 'R'ith tbe fP~rit, I wiO (ing "'ith the vnderjlanding alfo. 3 Let rbe voice be conrinaed, notiagged and abrupr,rhatidlc repetitionsmay beauoi– dcd, (1'"'1'">'')Mat.G.7. 4 The parrs,which are three: Confidcu– tion,Ordering,and Vttericgof it. Confidcrarion is rhar, whereby 6rmatrer for rhe framing ofpuyers is diligentlyfear– ched for. · Ordering is that, wherebythe marterbe– ingfound our, is d1fpofedin rhe mindeina ccrtaioe order. Pro!acion or vcccringofic is that,whereby Trin vni Deogloria. -T-H-::-E-O_R_D_E_R_A_N_D_S_V_M_M_:E of the facrcd and onely methode if Prea~:hing. 1, ToreadetbeText Ji.f/in[/'Jour ofthtCa– nfmica/1 Scripruus. z. 7o giruthe(enje andvndrrf/andingif it ~e. 1ng read,!l) the Scripture it (dp. 3• To eo/le[/a few and profita6ie points ifdo– Elrine~ut ofthenatNrAIIfonfe. B 4· Toapp!J (ifhehaue the gift) rhedo[/rines rjghtfJco/ldJcd, tothe lifeandr111mntrs ofm<n,inafimpleAnd piAine fPeech. TheSummeoftheSumme. Pmch "" {bri/1 bf Chri/1 11 theprAifo of Chri[l. TheWriters which lentcheir helpcro the framing ofthis ArtofProphe– cying,are: .A*gu~ine.Hemingiut,Hyperitu,Er•(mur, 1/. IJricus,ll"igtmdur,la~oiJIUMatthiM,Tbto• dorHJB:~II,Franci[cHsJunins. Soli Veo gloria~ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- L 11 ~----------------------------1 ----------------------------~----~ . .