T 0 THE VV 0 R SH I P FV L S0 C I E T I E 0 F C H R l S T S C 0 Lt E D G E IN C A _M BR I D G E, C H I E F L Y T 0 T H E Rcuercnd M•ller, D. Eo M v ND BAR. vv ELL, and the thirtoecnc j<Uowtsifthe fame. ' .----~·~-~~ T was a cuflomeamong theqmri!tSeuery yeare to fend ncw-ycareo; gi~tsone coanorber, wh1ch thi~lgSuc-r~r.uu dorh dc:cbre, :1. nhcre hce "InTibc. (a.tth,that .TJbtruu d1d by an ediCt forbid the cntcrcourfc of ncw-ycrcs rioc:~p.J4. g•frs. T h1Scullome the Church hath condemned of impiety, and tor thatcauf~ hath thought good ro aboll(h tr. Terwt.'iAnb liurb,tr is awic~ bJ..ib d . ked rhmgamong brethren, rhatthe fe:.!ls of Sliturnt,of lanw, of Bac- do!.l.r,; 3 1 ;. ' chu4,andGojfipmgs 010uld be frcqucnred,rharpre(tr.tstl1culd runnf',tbat 14. tuw-}taresgifis lhouJd goc and l:omc, and 6ank_tts fhould rmgof lpcr– ting.Afrcr him Afcuimu' called them diHclli(h new-Jeartsgifis.To bcrh 'lib. deof– thdeagrect_h a Canon o~ a~crtaineolde d Councell,which fa1th,rbat it isnot Jat.L·fu!l roobfcruc fir.dium. thecanying about of duul!l{hnm•-Jrarugt{i~ vpon rhdirll day of laf.llJaric: buclct allgiftsbe ~ap.4 •. giucn on th:u day Col as they arc on other dl\1es. Nornarucll1f thde new-yeares gifts bee con· Ac~;r~· dcmned, fyththey wercconfccrated m the names of 14"H4 and Satutnc,afrera corted rnantr. c'a~1: 1:v · Therefore(excellcnt S~rs) I doe not fend vntp you ancw-yeares g1ft after theoldecuUomc; yet 1fend. For thar veryday,which ended the lafl ycare,hatched thumy young brood t which now I dedicate to you to bcecherifhcd and nuur~thcd, and I pawnclt to you as apledge of my thankful! mindc,foryour manifoldc benefits. It rcmaines then, thatye alfo vouchfafeme your new-ycarcs gifts; what may they be,willyc fay! truly thatyerub~eoucr this my httle workcwith rhefile of • criticke iudgemenr, that yec frame it anc.w where neede is,that ye defend it with a Chrdlianconfcnr fo farre as it is meete, and that yee accept of thisfm~ll tcflnnonyof my good will. Thefe things if ycc n,.u pcrforme, I will make accountthat I haue rcceiued backeagaincnota flngle new-yeareo gift, buta double onc,yca a e 'Tybtri•n,thatis,one foure-fofde; nayan hundred-(olde. Fareye well, mofi rcuerend Prc!idenr,and yee th~rreencworthy fellowe•, fare ye well. God granuhar ye may alwaict haue your Col!cdgewellkmtle together. TbiSJafiof Decem~cr,the 97.of the o!dc llyle. Your vVorfhips mofi deuoted, William PerkJ.ns. ----------------------- ., " . An 'Sueton.in Tybcric>, cap.J4•