Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Lib Je BJp[jf. C.lp. 'Seethe: proem.Col. '·'· An adJn®nition-to th~- Reader. f ) 1 1, ... i H ·A<~'""' A \' :1'1i.-.. ~ ... J • r [1. ENI IS T I AN Read.r, ~(ttbyfqrt tlue 4 Tahttt .r•lttr/e Bm(eofrheho6 andhe;urnf; H1ffo'1'·' ,[ c~O11d D1get foilowmg.Tertulhan,andthe examplt ~f1he. Ro111ttltelo~w;b'lcau[tsit rhe trnf"idmg•t·rcbnv{nhtheorders oftimes and deedu Jrm:. ln 11 1h~tse mJieatloNrtdRccDfdmg to m1 fmaU powtr,ro{athef~ flu< t.h,.g•bifmthmet]<t, • 1 • ,i o:. .r.. Anh~r'nP1tJ~rCbr~nicleiftht'timu. z. An h11rmon; ofthe d1lHCI,Hf Htflor;,;c~tdofJ'.hcProfh't!. ·,, 3· AnharmOnJiftbeG•fiHII. . , .· · 'h ")!11 I ~~" ..AII'tf6rsdgCrm~tr;Jthewho/c facrcd.HIPflrit. -, 1' :Tbtnctablt •hyOerofe"f '""'J cbapttr, / wou/Jthat thou foouldefl (u·and iudg< r>h,i l hau<performed. . · '· Thi&11/fo /t:~~tU'nt theeof, th•t fomu{ tht(ethingr which Iwritt tircc4l!tdintodou/Jtf,U qu~flion; hc– CIIH{t I Amdtflitutt9jtef/im,res~Htof hoiJScripture,onn-hich I m~htrdir. A1forcxamplr: l A/Ji[,lft the HiflorJof lob, tothetimesoflofeph tmd lacob, #1UI]vpon pro611bieco,irflure; fu~aufechirebu readJrr;~fomtoproouethAI} luforethelarPWMgium, 11ndafterAbraham. The lik.!iNdgtmtnt tbmu fortherrft. · Ifan] wh~rethQu ferfl medifi!Ttftom tht rt,(eiued Andcomm-mopinion of Chronic!et,k...n~., th~tt tbe..e iJgr&at difagr,t_cing ~tfl1ut thAt p/ttu: ~"IWibilt there are{fmJto(tbemoff /earm·J,rchiGh ;~re otltn) (sde: and~ow tb~t it Um~tmJmi,dc toUmit, fQ detraU, ttr IO(ICcufe any m~n. in allthingt M nnrt .ulcan, [aym~ at the truth, 41 leaP at that which is next t9thrtruth. Thtre i4 jlrifetoomuchal · r<Adf,Andtht(t ar,.ottim<r for.j/ri•ing,bur for pra]ing. • · If thu mr D;g,tf/ doe (tt bef.retbtt••1 thing vndigefttd,p•rdo•it: for lfmditfortlrinto the ligh"tfor tbHc.-st(e Q11e/J, that 1mAJ trie theiudgnnentoftho(e tlull iloth can Afui wingt,lfiJ and trui] cmfuu, and thAt J"'] (</ftmight btJirefltd,.,Amtd, comfJu/, . , . • ! 1_. 1 The •