\ • Digellorfacred Harmony is rhe order and rcnour of 1 be.bookes ofthe olde an'd new Tdlamenr,plaiolyde· fc<Jbed and laid forth.Tl,is ordermufl needcs be moll excellent, and of all men wofl worthy !Obe kno•·n, which the Author of all order himfclfe bath obferued in hia wririnris. . ADigell doth affmd two things:tbeorder of deecles donc,and rhe order oftlletimes. 'The order of deedes isthrcefolde, of Na· ruro,ofDignicy,ofWifdome, Theorder.of Nature is,whcn thatwhichi; formoll in nature and ex11lcnce, is propoun~ Jed in.thc fir[! place : as for example. In the book<!ofGcnefis, firfl chc: Creauon is taldC', then the r.u, afterward the promtfc ol the Me§i.u isreuealed, . Tile order ofpignity iawhen ihatwhich is moll worthy obrameththe r.place, although inNarure it bela<t>t: SoGcu.s-.•. 3•· Noah begat Sem,H•m,apd l•pherh, HereS'"' IS the fir{! in wotth,though nor the ddcfl bybitth: ForNoAbbcgan to ger children when he was soo,yczares oJdc, Bur Semwas borne z.yeares afrer,for he was an hundred yaarcsolJ in the ~eo.& fccond yere ofhis farhers:~ge, Gm. I J. The order ofW1Ccdomc is,when rhingsare pLaced 10 rhat renourand dependancewhich lerueth bcfl for the cornpoling of a llwtt, pJainc,and conunued narracion. Th•sorderdoth olten admithts h;fterofa. HJ{Im(ls is on inueruon or (as I may fay) a mifplacing of the crdct of nature for fome mO caufes: •nd ittstwofoldel Anticipation, and R»aoitulation. Anticipation is that, by ~>hieh foroething 11 toldcas 1fit wer~ done,which notwithClan· ding was nor done in that time:md ordtr as it Is tolde,bur afterward : or,it is a narration ofa larcr thing in aformer placr. The Anticipationof namcsis,when thofe names are vfL'd m former hi!lories, which 1.1.·crc giuen ro things Ot' places afterwards. Gen. 14.7• Tlunctthryretllrning,camevnlolht fon•t•ineMifP•h (whichu C•du,) Imnuvp· on this placefalll>, that it isfpoken by Anti· cipotion,being not then, buta good whileaf ter focalicd:Fotthe place attherocke in the 3 Hen~mif~ wildernes is named the a founraine o( iudge– pa. ment, bccaufethcrc God iudged the people, .f2.:!_efi,Hebr. inGen, So Ag.r isfaid to haue wandred about Betrfoeba, that is, theWell of rhe orh,which name norwtrhllanding was gi~ A -uento thcWcllafterwards,Gc~J.u: r4, A'rl!ltipititiil Of'f,htngs is, when things done "' lat~.ra're uuogletl w1ch f.orm~r ~·utlories,as lfa. '3'8~\;.l.fYh.1~·Uih~ {iJ,fl! l.batJt{?4/!f/''t1Pmtot~e Lor4! Tha faymgr,ughrco i>e!er beforethe Ceauemh ver-(e.· 'Thi1fig~ejbAit thou ht~He.. i- .._ and foir isfeu.K111g.•o.v.crfe 8.·· , f_· . RecapitUlation " that by which fonie things which belong to fotnter-tfmcs, ttc:.re- .. counted (o,as 1f they followed in order of time.By rbiuueancs theUoryofM>ch•h,and chewarreof clto Bemamires,which happened whenPhinJ:.u.was Pndt, arc annexed to the h.tllorics of.!-liand Samp{m. PhinMJbeeing B dead long afur'e, vnlelfcwee will haue him to h''aucJiucd ;ou.ycar~s,Iud. i8. •?."Zo.c. And thu• for of the orderof things in the ' holy.Bible; n'!>w fo!lowerh theorder oftimes wh•ch the Chronologie doth declare. ·. Chrono1ogie·i• a doarino of the timeof .ages. This the holy Ghol! bath reucaled in the Sct~prures'fo fa-rre forclfas it belongrrh to the Church of God ro know it: Bur rhe full knowledge thereof; God hatlnefcrU<d vmo him(elfe,;1CI,J.6, . , The pares ofChronologiearc two:Noca– rioo,and conlpofirion. C Notanon is that which dewminerh the quantity and meafurr of the parts of fccular ume, fofarre forth .. they areconfidcrcd by themfelues. · , · The pat cs oftimeare fiue;houre,day,"·rek, moneth,y( a.' e. An hourcit acerten parr oftheday deui– dC'd :and 1r 1s either (imp le orcompound. A limple houreis ell her n•turall or tem– porary. A namrall hourc it the fourc and twentieth part ofanatutall day. A temporary hourc is the twelfthpart of :m arrificialJ day. lohlln. c. J I. Are thtre fJ~I D tw~/uehourcsofrh~day? AnJMar.zo.inche Parable of the houlholder, there is mention made of the morninj(, rhc rhjrd, rhe ftxr, che nmth, and lhedtAUtmhhcJJrtA compound houre Is a quarter, or the fOurth pattof anaru6ciall day. Thereare foure quarters therefore ofeue· ry arci6ciall day, euery one of "hich quor– ws conlifleth of three hourco,and takcth his name from the lafl. 1he litf! quarter from } the morningto the third hourc, is called the third houre. The frcond from rhe thJtd I houre, to the fi~t houre, is called the fixe houre. The third, from the GxtlJOurr,vnto the ninth , is called rhe ninth hourt'. The ---·---~fo~·u~r~th~,~-----" • •