•Ciutlis au.tSJCCl, lntrodufliom. 6J9 fourth, from the ninth houre, "!theSunne A An fir(ijiciand•J is rhcf.oace of rime from fetting,iocalled rhe euenipg. Ot rhefe kinds the riling ofrheSunnc,ro rheferting.loh. 1 1. ofhoureithofe places [ceme ro bee vndcr· wherefore(li5longerinfomn>er and lhouer Rood.Muk.I$.2$. A<ditwMthttlllrti houre inwinrer. when they cruc16d h[m.Ioh.•?· •4· ltou1 Anwk;is the (paceoffeauendaies, [ometh~prepAr•tion •f th~ p,.ff~~~ur, an:l •bout the time .alfo oFlcaucn yeares. Dan.9.24,St4Hm· fixt hourr.-Then delil!~'(4 he him t6 !utrJJ&tt1e ~tt{t!~redetermin!dvpon th] people, fieJ.Luk.•1·44· A•;lit""' <bout rhe(i:tr h'~"• An Hebm• moneth is oftwo kindes: ofthe ~t,JthtriWM Ad:~rk.,.nefTe Ollt~ll!J_thd<4nd• . The Sunne,orofthe Moone. fuiJI i•, that <;:hri~ wasq~ci~edat rhotl1ird ASun-mo•erh w., in vfeabout the time of and the li<t hour~: rhe thitd ho~rebecing the llood, and it conrained 30. daico. For endoJ and gone:the ~;<! houre going,but not (as M•fnwitnelfcrh Gen.8.)fromthe feauen- ~nded. . .• · . . teenrh day ofthe fecond mone1h vnro the . Ifany o,ne fuall fay thallh!l partition ol feauenteeiuh day of the f<uenth monerh,, the day is faincd and nouell, Jet him heare there are an hundred and fifrie dai,Ci, which' Ct•(orine/16.dedieNatal. n,tq. qome, fa~ rh is 6ue whole monethes oJ thirtie daies ahe, doe deuide the day and likewife the niglu 'B peece. into four~parrs. Lot him~~ow alfo that a. MooM·mmtiJI werechiefly in vfeafr<rrhe mong the Ieweo the night was parted into ' departure out of AEgypt. Some whereof foure watci)es.M•tth.t4,1 r. A•di•rhefourrh were full monethesofrhict:e daies; [omeo· -"•tc/J ~ftbenight,ft{UI wtnttJfllQ thmJ walking ther were fcanr moncthes of:9. daics and a •• the[ea. halfe. fiereupon euery yearclor the comAnf/ebrewday is either N atilra/1 or A•· plemenrof thecourfe ofrheSunne, rhc Eti[JCiaU. palbva.sof elcaueQ daics, _and niery third At~AIHrttOdo~J, is the fpace offdnre and ycarc:,yeaindfomc:timethc(econd was Em. twenty houres,conrainingal(o both the mor. Mm<111,haumg the thirteenth ruoneth called ningand thecuening. Peadar. Them>rni•gand the••••ingatethe bounds The lfebre"'J'•" is the time ofthefurinct ofeuety da:t} and the euening is oftwoforr.. courfe thtyugh bothTropi>k,tJ, and it contal• The 6r(l,is from che ninth hourc: to the ferneth 365, daics,;.hourcs, and S?. min;Jtes. nngofrhe.S.unne. Thcfecond, is from the This Mo/ndoth plainly declare in the hH!o. Sunne fctt)ng vnt~ the flrutting in of rhe ric oftbe·flood. Gene(. night.Lcu.z ].;.tnrhe{irf/ monttb •nd thefour. C lnNo,th1Jis6oo.yoarerhe z,monerh,and uenthd~tJO(the111'J'tethbetw.eentthetwuNI-UngJ J7.day bc:gJn the flood-7.J 1. jhalbtthe P•Jf:.ouerifthe l~rJ, Thcraine 1113S4o.daics & 40. nights-].%7· A natural/ a., according !O the diuerfe The warer prouailed r;o. daies-]. •4· vfesthereof,is eiiher a•wor~ic.d•J, or ahoiJ· The •so, daies being pa(!,the Arke reUed d•J· . the r?.dayoftlle].moneth--8+ A workie.d•J is that which is appointed Thewarcrs were a decrealing ro thefidl for ourciU11lbufinctfe3 , and (as itfeemes to day ofrhc to. monerh----8. 9 • me)rhis day.among rhe !ewes lalled from After rh< 40. daieorhewindowwas ope· Sunne riling tothe Su•1ne rifing, that Is, it be. ned.--~--------8. 6. gaoarrhemorning. Exod.r8.14.whyurrcll N•ahwaited 7. daier 8. chourhyfclfea!on<, and all'chepeoplelland He waited other 1· daics 8. . aboutthee from morning to euen/ Marrh. In the yeare 6o t. the 1. day of rhe fir!! •8.J.lnrhee•do(zhe S.Wbazh ,.h,. thefirf/ day monerh rheearrhwar dry--8. '3· •ftbe wttk/hegan tod••me. le is not likely that Allthcfe bcc!ng con!idercd and laid roge. Matthewfpakerhefethioguftetthemanner D theritwill appeare that the yeare.did comoftheRomanes, feeing rhac bee wrote his prebend u.moneths, &rharcuerymoneth Gofpellefpeciallyforthe f!e6rewll. did comeine 3o.daies, whereby alfo it is ga. An h•IJ-day is chat wh•ch i; appointed for thered,that beforeMofeJ the Epact did nor holyvfea. An holy day is onely made by conlillofeleucndaies,butonelyoffiue. God to whome onely it belongeth to ble!Tc The natural! begmning of rhe yeareis in and hallow the times. the moneth A bidor Nifan, Forrhe world An h•IJ d•J beginneth at the euening. Jorh feemeto haue bin created in the fpring and endeth atrhe euening.Leuir.z3· vcrf. 31. rame,not mAutumne. For N ~tJb enrred into Fromeut• tQ ,,;,. {haOJ' ''""'•" JOUY s.b. the Arke' in the fir(! moneth; and the yeare barb. c<ing fpmt hecameourattheend of thefe. The hoiJ J"J common to all ages is the cond monerh.Butthi• firll & fecond moneth Sabbath, which according to the moralllaw cannot accord wirh Autumne, becaufe after isacerrainefcaucnrh day (et apart ft?r d10in'" r~e l.monerhN o~th couldnot prouidcvi6lu~ •·or01ip. Here isto be noted char fomerimc all enoughtoferuehimfelfeand the creatures the word Sabbath is pur forehe whole weeke. fot the whole yeare following, the fecond I f•fl twice4Sabbath, Mark. 16, andthefirf/•J harucU bceing now pall,and thewinter corn· the S~t,bath,t.Cor.J 6.1. iUing un~ To thisopinion doagreeThBodor(t, . .